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I grabbed my weapon and held it in front of me. I'm in a pretty bad position, between the Shogun herself (Ei's puppet) and Thoma. I guess I lost my shit and came on over here.

"There are no exceptions in eternity" She spoke with such a soothing tone, as she looked straight down at me

"Yeah no shit. But you think doing this is any better?" I responded, holding my hand out towards Thoma as if to suggest that Thoma's situation was a great example. This is absolute hell, and I will stand up for this foolish decree if no one else will.

"I am fond of you; your vision was not confiscated?" She looked confused as if to miss a giant part of a bigger puzzle. Something wasn't adding up.

"None of your business, though I appreciate your curiosity. This decree is against rights of vision holders, and I'm done just tolerating it." I knew I was in deep, and whatever I said could mean life or death to me.

"You are the enemy of eternity." She began to walk down from where she stood, as her gaze never left mine.

This is the moment when I realized I was probably screwed.

She began taking a sword out of her chest and raising it.

"You will be inlaid upon this statue" She swung her sword downward, and all of my surroundings disappeared. I was covered with blackness; I couldn't see a thing. But soon enough everything began to fade into view, the floor, broken pillars, stone, and... Ei? I began to see the form of a figure in a meditative state, levitating. As more of the features of the person became more defined, I could fully recognize it was Ei.

I trembled backward a few feet, before regaining my balance.

"Y/N... what are you doing here?" The question seemed to have echoed through my head, but it wasn't telepathy. I was probably in some sort of domain or something? Where Ei's God-like abilities might be elevated.

Ei stood up from her meditative position, getting onto her feet.

"I suppose she sent you here, what a waste of action" She raised her polearm and it almost seemed as if I never went to that place. I was back in the Tenshukaku like nothing happened, my head felt funny. Ei wasn't currently present, but I wasn't sure.

I decided to bathe myself, and so I did. I sunk myself down into the bath, it felt like a hot spring. I looked out from beneath the water, as I zoned out. What was that place? What was Ei doing there? Is something even bigger going on? I lifted my head above the clear water, staring at my reflection. I slicked my hair back and looked at my face, what was going on with me? I splashed the water in order to distort my reflection.

I got out of the bath and put on some basic sleep attire, I'm incredibly tired. I flopped onto my bed, staring at the ceiling like it was equivalent to the stars. Until I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said, sitting up. The presence of Ei felt slightly different this time, I couldn't put my finger on it.

"How are you feeling?" Ei asked, closing the door behind her and accompanying me by sitting on the side of my bed.

"Fine, but I have a few questions." I sat up and made eye contact with her.

"Ask away," she said, giving me supposed permission to ask my questions.

"What was the place I was in earlier, a domain of sorts?"

"It's called the Plane of Euthymia, it's created through my consciousness." She responded, finally raising her head to look at me.

"Hmmm, I have another question. I can't help but wonder, why did you return my vision to me?"

It got silent; I didn't think she was prepared for this question. She looked at her own fingertips, then back at me.

"I'm not sure... it seemed I did it without thinking." She said, she seemed confused.

"I don't know what answer I was expecting, but I thought maybe you would have an explanation." I sat up and looked at my own fingertips.

"Maybe we'll get that answer soon" She smiled, she looked so hopeful.

"You must be awfully tired, you've had a busy day and I'm probably not helping" She began to get up, but I suddenly felt the urge to not let her go. I grabbed her wrist, as she began to walk away.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, before facing me again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that" I began to pull away my hand from her wrist, but instead she did something I wasn't exactly expecting. I felt a soft warm touch on my forehead, her lips had touched my skin. I looked up at her, I hope I didn't look too shocked.

She straightened herself up again before leaving. I felt my fingers touch where she kissed my forehead and looked at my fingertips once more. Why was my heart beating? Why did it feel nostalgic?

I laid my head down on my pillow and drifted into a deep slumber, except it wasn't all slumber.

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