Entry No. 26

88 7 3

Saturday, 28th March 2015 - 5:40pm

A lovely new bruise to add to my collection. Thank you so much to the goat that decided it hated me breathing the same as it did. Fucking little shit head-butted me in the gut. Full-on winded me, the little prick.

So, you know, it's not just people out to get me, it's animals too. Brilliant. Do you have any idea how great that makes me feel?

-insert sarcasm here-

This is why I prefer to stay in the safety of my room. There's no one to bother me with their stupid questions. There's no one to judge me, except my teddy bears, but they would never judge me. There's no one to hurt me.

It's just me.

Just the way I like it.

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