Saturday, 2nd May 2015 - 11:23pm
I hate love. (Oh, the irony!)
I hate it because it's all people talk about. It's what I wish I had. I hate hearing him talk about how much he loves her. It's the most painful thing to put my heart through.
Because the one I love doesn't love me back.
I have no chance with him. And that saddens me. Because it feels like I've loved him forever.. And maybe I have, but never noticed. Maybe I've loved him since I first met him, but I pushed it away, like I do all the time...
Maybe... Maybe he knows I love him... Maybe...
I just wish I knew if he did. I just want to stop my heart's suffering.
And if I'm right in presuming he doesn't love me, maybe I'll be able to leave forever. Maybe I'll be able to let go of it all.
Maybe I'll be happy...
The Diary of a "Happy" Girl
CasualeThis is the diary of your average fifteen year old girl. But there's a bit of a twist: she's not the happy, bubbly girl everyone thinks she is. Take a step inside her mind and look around. What you're about to read is the diary of a "happy"...