Entry No. 65

74 3 12

Monday, 11th May 2015 - 6:45pm

Today was shit. I mean, there were a few good parts, but the bad out-weighs the good.

I think I've lost my best friend. Just because I was being an over-sensitive little bitch. Now he probably wants nothing to do with me. And that's hurting my heart more than anything ever has.

I feel so sick. Not just because I was forced to eat dinner. But, this anxiety is making me physically sick.

I wish he would talk to me... But I don't want to seem clingy or annoying. I don't want to make it seem like I rely on him.

But the truth is that I do. I rely on him for more than I probably should. And no matter how hard I try to become dependant again, I just can't. It's like he's taken part of me and is now carrying it around with him everywhere, leaving me feeling empty and vulnerable.

And I'm scared.

He could destroy me with one single action or word and that thought absolutely terrifies me. He can single-handedly ruin my life.

He could end my life without even realising he was doing so.

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