Entry No. 48

71 5 8

Thursday, 16th April 2015 - 4:45pm

You know, I kinda thought my dad cared. I thought he would at least stand up for me when it came to it. I thought he'd take my side for once...

But I was wrong. So fucking wrong.

He called me out to do some drying up from lunch time so I was putting plates and stuff in the cupboard and Karen walks in and starts going off at me for "not being social" and "disgracing the family with my scowling face" and my dad just stood there. He watched as I started crying and he didn't do a fucking thing!

And you know what? I'm not even upset or angry that he didn't do anything. I'm used to it.

But, I'm disgusted with myself for actually believing he gave a fuck.

Because seriously, he's proved he doesn't. But I cant stop hoping that maybe I'm wrong.

That maybe he'll come back...

I know he won't.

But there's nothing wrong with hoping, right?

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