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"That was my boss. He wanted to interview Xianxian this afternoon at his place." Luo Binghe put down his phone and faced Shen Qingqiu, who worked on a complicated bouquet. Wei Wuxian was out, helping him on an errand.

"That was fast. Is he really in that bad of a shape?"

"Well, if we're talking about his body shape, then no, he's a perfect example of a perfectly chiseled human body."

"Like the David statue."

"Like the David statue. But he's under a lot of stress since he was appointed as the youngest CEO of his family's company, thus, the ulcer."

"Wait a minute." Shen Qingqiu put down the bouquet with a gasp. "Are you saying that your exclusive client is none other than Lan Wangji? The youngest CEO of Gusu Enterprise?" Luo Binghe never told Shen Qingqiu about the name of his client before, since he signed a NDA, but if his lover found it out himself, it surely was not his fault. Right?

"I can neither confirm nor deny, you know that." But he grinned widely and kissed Shen Qingqiu's nose, and it was all his lover needed to know.

"Hot damn, Xianxian is so lucky to be able to stay with that perfection of a man for twenty four hours in a day."

"Uhm, I guess lucky is just one word to describe it." Luo Binghe shrugged, since he knew the real man behind all of those aesthetic fronts. "That man is tougher than a nail, more driven than anyone else I've ever known. And he's cunning and ruthless too. The content of the book is definitely very different from the cover."

"Well, that could be said for our Xianxian too, sans the cunning and ruthless stuff. Our Xianxian is literally a cute and fluffy pup, who puts his loyalty to someone undeserving for it." Shen Qingqiu cut the hard flower stem with his shears passionately, making Luo Binghe shiver from the intensity. 

"Who's a fluffy pup?" 

Both of them turned to the door to see Wei Wuxian enter it, and in his hands he brought a huge box.

"You are a fluffy pup." Shen Qingqiu smiled as he saw his best friend, all sweaty from hauling boxes, but looked radiant and he got this smile on his face that Shen Qingqiu rarely saw since around two years ago. "What's in it? I thought you're supposed to be delivering them, not taking them back home?"

"Well, one of your clients recognized me, and she gave me this box full of ingredients from her own garden. She said that I have inspired her to move on with her life after her ex ditched her and so on and so on." Wei Wuxian put the box on the table and walked to the fridge to take a cold bottle of water and drink it.

"Mm, and I bet she gave you her number too." Shen Qingqiu knew that Wei Wuxian was very attractive and he had many admirers from both sides. It's just that he insisted that he was straight, and not interested in the same sex, although Shen Qingqiu knew better. He knew everything about Wei Wuxian including that one unforgettable night where he spent a night with a very handsome stranger, and how he ran out on him the morning after. Wei Wuxian even showed him the marks that the stranger left on his body, and boy, that man was a beast.

"Well, you're not wrong… but I'm not really interested in starting anything right now, before I fix my existing problems, you know?" Wei Wuxian smiled softly, while his eyes turned sad. "Anyway, I'll cook dinner tonight. Any requests?"

"Actually, I've sent your resume to my boss, and he would like to interview you this afternoon. What do you think?" Luo Binghe saw the pain and he couldn't help but wanting to hug him. He was like a little brother to him and he cursed that woman for inflicting pain to this angel.

"That fast? Does his ulcer really bother him?" Wei Wuxian was surprised by the request for an interview today since he was just being told about it yesterday. He thought that maybe there would be more applicants for this job. But this would only help him to get back on his feet faster if he nailed this interview.

"Well, it bothers his activities more than himself, since he has a high pain tolerance and all, he just doesn't want the ulcer to get in the way in his daily life. Which I might say, is very hectic." Luo Binghe chuckled. He remembered that one day, a crazy stalker stabbed his waist an hour before an important event, and he went on as if nothing's going on until after the press conference to have his wound tended. Just by pouring a half bottle of fifty years single malt scotch on his wound, and drank the rest. Thankfully nothing was permanently damaged. That's been said, he's a hardcore man.

"Sure, I have nothing to do anyway." Wei Wuxian put away the vegetables and he went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed into something decent for the interview. God, he hadn't had any interviews for the last two-three years, ever since he established his own healthy catering service. And every interview for the new employees was being taken care of by Mianmian.

He just now realized how far Mianmian's reach into his life, his work, his everything. He trusted her with every password, every client's details and every secret recipe he had ever made. It didn't matter since he could always create them from scratch again, but the betrayal was hurting him more than the loss of his financial security or his name. He still didn't know what she had done to make him lose his job for the rest of the year. Maybe it's time to tell Xie Lian, to let him tell the P.I to find out about what happened to his clients and recipes.

He emerged from the bathroom looking fresh and feeling better. He combed his long hair and tied it back in a high ponytail then he chose black t-shirt, dark jeans, and dark blazer to wear, and red sneakers to complete his look. Well, almost all of his clothes were dark in color, so he didn't have to think hard about combining it, although Mianmian sometimes bought him light colored clothes, he never wore it, and now he just left them back at the house.

"Hey, looking good there, Xianxian." Shen Qingqiu gave him a bear hug and he was teary. "All the best for you, baby, daddy loves you." 

"Aw geez, Qiuqiu, I'm just going to an interview for chrissake!" But he blushed too and clutching Shen Qingqiu hard. "Thank you, for everything."

"Guys, we're only going for an interview, not sending Xianxian to his wedding or something…" Luo Binghe couldn't help but laugh at his lover and his friend. "We promise to make it back before dinner. Chicken and beer?"

"Chicken and beer." Shen Qingqiu sniffled. "With extra garlic and extra spicy tteokbokki."

"What? Extra garlic? You want Binghe to camp in the living room or what?" Wei Wuxian chuckled at Shen Qingqiu's order. 

"Don't worry, garlic breath won't keep Binghe away from railing me everyday." Shen Qingqiu grinned and smacked Luo Binghe's bottom.

"My treat then." Wei Wuxian patted Shen Qingqiu's back and waved at him. "Wish me luck."

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