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"There are people here!" Wei Wuxian hissed as he quickly opened the fridge, took out the kombucha, and shoved it onto Lan Wangji's chest. "Here's your drink, now if you excuse me…"

"So, if there is no one here, you would take me to the corner and seduce me?" Lan Wangji smirked as he drank the kombucha. "Mm, this is good."

"No, I don't want to seduce you, people or no people, you're my boss for chrissake!" Wei Wuxian tried to push Lan Wangji away but he didn't budge.

"Mm, fine, I'll do all the seduction then." He lowered his head down as if to kiss Wei Wuxian, who was shaking like a leaf and closed his eyes. God have mercy! But before Lan Wangji could do anything more, Shi Qingxuan called him.

"Wangji-gege, don't scold Xianxian-gege please! He looks like he's about to faint!" She appeared behind them and pulled Lan Wangji away from Wei Wuxian, and she touched the latter's face. "Don't worry, Xianxian-gege, if my cousin scolds you, just let me know, I'll whisk you away from him."

Lan Wangji frowned when he saw Shi Qingxuan acted so intimate toward his prey, so he turned around and found Jun Wu and He Xuan observed him with interest, and he sighed.

"Jun Wu, take her back to the shoot location and don't let her wander around before she finishes her schedule."

Jun Wu grinned, as he was a sharp man and fast at catching up to the whole situation, so he stood up and dragged Shi Qingxuan away from Wei Wuxian, who looked like he was about to collapse.

"Sure boss, just take it easy on Mr. Wei, he didn't look too good. As for you, Mr. Wei, you're welcome to call me anytime you want." He gave Wei Wuxian a wave and left there while dragging the kicking and screaming Shi Qingxuan.

Lan Wangji then turned to look at smirking He Xuan and shook his head in disbelief.

"Are you sure you really like her? Not just her aesthetic?"

He Xuan's smirk was turning into a soft smile, as he stood up and gathered his bowl to put it in the sink.

"Well, it was a part of her charm, but yeah, she's cute and fun."

"Suit yourself then." Lan Wangji turned to look for Wei Wuxian, but the chef had gone missing.

"He ran away just now." Hua Cheng told him with a grin on his face. "You should hold yourself back, he was about to pass out when you grind your crotch at his perky ass. I mean, since when you're this impatient? I admit that he's very pretty, but knock yourself down a peg or two, you're too intense man! Even I get secondhand embarrassment from whatever you're whispering to him."

"So that's Wei Wuxian." He Xuan took a bottle of kombucha from the fridge. "I thought he looked familiar." He drank the kombucha before continuing talking. "His ex was a horrible being, a slut too. I found out she was sleeping around in the five years she was with him, and using his money to pay for her lovers."

"When you get all of the evidence, make sure that it's airtight. I don't want her to get out of jail over any inconclusive proof. And after you get her, put her in the dungeon together with the loan shark."

He Xuan stole a glance at Hua Cheng, who gave him a slight nod.

"If that's what you wish, boss." 

The rest of the day went on quite smoothly, with Wei Wuxian busy in the kitchen, showing Jiang Yanli how to make various marinades and sauces. He made them in batches too because Lan Wangji wanted him to tag along everywhere he went. He wasn't sure if his heart–or his cock could take it, since every second he was near him, he got a hard on, and his mind went into the gutter. 

But back again to the root of all his problems, he needed the paycheck.

He thought that he should go visit Shen Qingqiu and ask for his advice, so after dinner–which he served in Lan Wangji's office and ate together with Ling Wen because they were busy with nonstop phone calls–he went to Shen Qingqiu's house. Lan Wangji told him to use his car and driver, but he declined, since he wanted to walk to clear his head. 

He walked in the cold, dark night to Shen Qingqiu's house, and bought fried chicken and beer with extra spicy tteokbokki, his best friend's favorite. He rang the doorbell and Luo Binghe opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Xianxian! Come, Qiuqiu has been waiting for you." He dragged Wei Wuxian in and took the chicken and beer, then he went to the kitchen where Shen Qingqiu was waiting for them with a huge grin on his face.

"So, how's your first day working and living with the Most Wanted Bachelor for three years straight?" He patted the chair next to him. "Is he as hot as the photos? I asked Binghe here but he refused to talk, you know, NDA and all."

"Well, if you say it like that… I signed the NDA too, you know?" Wei Wuxian chuckled as he sat and took out the chicken and tteokbokki while Luo Binghe prepared the plates for them to eat. He sighed, because ever since Shen Qingqiu found out that his employer was Lan Wangji, he did not stop pestering him about his boss.

"Bitch, please, I know you're here to talk about him. I can smell it from a mile away. Now spill."

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