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Wei Wuxian was purring from satisfaction and Lan Wangji chuckled as he traced Wei Wuxian's sweaty back with his finger.

"I have a gift for you, to celebrate your win today." He took out a folder from his briefcase and gave it to Wei Wuxian. "Open it." He told Wei Wuxian when the latter looked at the folder suspiciously.

Wei Wuxian sat on the bed as he opened the folder and read the content carefully. Then he frowned.

"What's this?" He asked Lan Wangji with a cold, icy tone that made Lan Wangji frown. He thought that Wei Wuxian would be happy with his gift.

"It's everything that you have lost to your ex fiance and some more, including your house." Lan Wangji tilted his head to observe the man in front of him. "I thought you'd be happy to get back your savings and everything."

"How did you know?" Wei Wuxian closed the folder in front of him with a shaky hand. "How did you find out about my problem with the loan shark? No scratch that, why did you pay my lawyer? Have you known everything about me ever since before I worked for you? I never once told you about my personal problem, and I don't want you to know it, lest of all, help me with it. I can take care of myself, you know." There were tears in his beautiful silver eyes, and it pained Lan Wangji to see it.

"Baby, I know you can take care of yourself, I just want to help you, that's all. I know that your ex fiance swindled you out of everything and I–" Lan Wangji hugged Wei Wuxian but the latter escaped from his embrace.

"How? How did you find out? It was just the day before I worked for you, and I didn't report it to the police because I wanted to find proof first." Wei Wuxian pushed him away. 

Lan Wangji sighed as if contemplating something. Then he looked at Wei Wuxian softly.

"Did you know that I've been looking for you ever since five years ago?" Lan Wangji touched Wei Wuxian's face with such a tenderness that almost melted his heart. Almost. Then he realized the implication of Lan Wangji's words.

"Five years ago? But why…" then the realization dawned on him. "You're the man I slept with five years ago?"

Lan Wangji nodded as he pulled Wei Wuxian into his arms.

"I went crazy when I woke up and found out that you've gone, without leaving your name or number. Well, more like I'm pissed, and I told Hua Cheng to find you but to no avail until his lawyer friend contacted him to help him with your case. By the way, Hua Cheng is your lawyer's lowly P.I, he just didn't want to reveal himself since he was trying to get into your lawyer's pants." He chuckled and Wei Wuxian pushed him away with an angry look on his face.

"So, is that what we are worth in your eyes? A quick and easy fuck for the day? The week? The month? And throw us away when you get bored of us and go back to the arm of where you belong? Like your fiance?" 

Wei Wuxian was so angry when he heard that the P.I that Xie Lian used was Hua Cheng, the most dangerous person in the country, not the lowly P.I as Xie Lian thought he was.

What's the matter with these rich people? Why did they fuck around with us–mere ordinary mortals–like their own personal toy?

"Wait wait, slow down there. Fiance? Who has a fiance? Hua Cheng?" Lan Wangji frowned when he heard the word fiance since neither of them was single and did not have any betrothed. As far as he knew. "Hua Cheng is single as fuck, since he's always pining for your lawyer."

"I'm talking about you!" Wei Wuxian yelled and pushed Lan Wangji away in frustration.

"Me? I don't have any fiance–" then he remembered something, "Fuck, did you meet Alice Renaud?" Lan Wangji suddenly swore out loud. "When we were in Paris, right?" He sighed heavily as he threw himself back to the bed.

"Yes. She sought me up and told me that she's your fiance, and that you fucked a lot of people, and she didn't care since at the end you belong to her. Well, something along those lines." Wei Wuxian was not supposed to feel jealous. He had started to accept his fate, but that goddamn folder really threw his game. But Lan Wangji's reaction was not as he expected, as he started to laugh cynically.

"Why are you laughing?" Wei Wuxian smacked Lan Wangji's thigh, and the latter caught his hand then pulled him into his embrace.

"Are you maybe… jealous?" He kissed Wei Wuxian softly, who pushed him away.

"No! I'm angry! I mean, I know that you just use me like your fuck toy for the duration that I'll be working for you, but…" he couldn't help but cried. He realized it was stupid since his feelings were only one sided and Lan Wangji must thought that he was stupid for falling in love with him.

"But…? Please continue, I want to hear you say it."

"Fuck you, Lan Wangji! Fuck you and your stupid money, your stupid face and your stupid body! Fuck you for making me fall for you while all this time you have a fiance who is so beautiful, and a female, fuck you for…" Wei Wuxian's words were cut by a hot and searing kiss from Lan Wangji, but he struggled and bit his lips before he pushed the latter away.

"Wow, I thought you were a domesticated cat, turns out I'm wrong." Lan Wangji smirked while he wiped the blood off his lips. "You're as wild as you are in bed, baby." He reached for Wei Wuxian who slapped his hands away with anger. But Lan Wangji only chuckled. "Do you mind hearing me out before you judge me?"

"What else should I hear about?" Fat tears were rolling down his blushing cheeks from all the yelling, and Lan Wangji couldn't help but wipe those tears with his fingers. "You know, I was thinking that I will spend the rest of my contract quietly, while sleeping with you, then after that I will go away to another country since I couldn't bear to see you marry someone else." He sniffed and wiped his snot on Lan Wangji's discarded shirt.

"Will you listen to me, Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji's voice was soft, and his eyes were even softer when he pulled Wei Wuxian into his embrace and hugged him tight. "I don't have a fiance. True, I slept with Alice Renaud a few years ago, but she had this… delusion that I was in love with her, and she started to spread the news everywhere that I was her fiance. My parents and brother already knew about this, and my father even warned her father to stop his daughter and get her into therapy since she stalked me nonstop. I even got a restraining order against her. Since she could not approach me directly, she changed her tactics and investigated every person that I came into contact with. But her efforts were futile since after the incident with her, I only used professionals. Please bear in mind that this was all before I met you." Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian softly. "And you know what? After I found you again, I never once looked at another person, or even thought about sleeping with anyone. I just want you. And if somehow you still don't fall in love with me after your contract is up, I'm going to find another way to keep you by my side. That's how much I want you, hell, I think I'm in love with you."

Just when he spoke those words, Lan Wangji realized that it's all true. He fell in love with this beautiful man, maybe ever since five years ago. If he didn't, why did he bother to search high and low for him?

"You're such a player you even prepared this… beautiful speech to lure me back into your arms…" Wei Wuxian sobbed his heart out. Maybe it's because he hadn't cried yet ever since he found out that his fiance betrayed him, but right now he just couldn't stop crying until he hiccuped and all the while, Lan Wangji gathered him in his embrace and murmured soft words in his ear. 

Wei Wuxian hugged Lan Wangji tight as he squeezed the last of his tears away, and when he finally calmed down, he was fast asleep.

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