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The days flew by so fast it was already the weekend and Wei Wuxian was being swept away by Lan Wangji to France for a short holiday. 

Well, at least that was what Lan Wangji told Wei Wuxian. What he had in mind though, was entirely different. He planned a thorough seduction to get the lovely chef to surrender fully to him, and then…

Then what?

What would he do when the man he had been searching for for five years surrendered to him? 

Lan Wangji suddenly paused to think.

He didn't want to get married. He was not the type to be tied down by unnecessary weight like a spouse.

True that he unexpectedly enjoyed living together with someone, who did not irk him. In fact, he really liked living together with Wei Wuxian. For now.

Their contract was for one year, it did give him enough time to think about what the next step could be, whether he should rehire the chef, or let him go. Although the thought of not having Wei Wuxian in his life suddenly shot a dagger through his stomach. It's strange how he could be that attached to the beautiful man in a short time, he wondered why.

Lan Wangji looked at the so-called man who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, with his long hair spread all over him and he took a bunch of the said hair and inhaled the familiar sweet scent. Then he kissed his naked shoulder tenderly.

"Wake up, sleepyhead, you said that you wanted to get some triple chocolate croissant for breakfast." He tickled the slim waist in front of him, and was replied by a soft moan that went straight to his cock.

When they first arrived at this place, he swiftly pushed Wei Wuxian to the wall and undressed him–before fucking him within an inch of his life, in front if the Eiffel Tower. Then he had the most intense orgasm in his whole life, even more than the professional could give him.

True, they were very compatible in bed. Just like now, when he slid inside his warm hole and thrust rhythmically until he heard the soft moan turned to loud gasps. And when finally they reached the climax together, they grunted just like animals as Lan Wangji released himself inside.

They were still soaping and kissing each other's body when Lan Wangji's phone rang. He connected the phone via intercom and there was a man who spoke urgently to him in French. He listened to the man quietly and after a while, he ended the phone call.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I'm urgently needed by my incompetent subordinate for a crisis in French headquarters. I should be going for no more than a few hours, would you mind entertaining yourself until then? I'll be back for dinner." Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian softly and washed all the suds from their bodies.

"It's fine, I'll take a walk around here, probably do some shopping." Wei Wuxian knew how busy Lan Wangji was since he was with him twenty four hours a day.

"Please do." Lan Wangji got out of the shower, naked, and walked to his desk to take out his wallet. "Here, use my card and buy anything you want." He gave Wei Wuxian a black visa card and gave him a kiss. "I'll be back before you know it." Then he walked inside his walk-in closet to get dressed.

Wei Wuxian looked at the black card in his hand with an uneasy feeling in his heart. True, he didn't have a lot of money, and it was thoughtful for Lan Wangji to give him a card to spend with. 

But why did he feel like he was some kind of a kept man?

Anyway, he shrugged off the feelings and started to unpack his luggage. He wore jeans, black shirt, a hoodie jacket and a pair of well-worn sneakers. Then he turned around to look at Lan Wangji, who dressed casually in khakis and beige v-neck cashmere cable knit sweater. He looked like a movie star, and he knew it. Then Lan Wangji glanced at Wei Wuxian and smiled.

"Have fun, but not too much fun since I'm not with you." He kissed Wei Wuxian's long hair and left the apartment.

Wei Wuxian suddenly felt alone. He didn't want to admit it, but he got used to being with Lan Wangji all the time, and it's kinda quiet without him. Not exactly quiet quiet, since Lan Wangji was not a talkative person, but the stillness of being the only person in the room that bothered him.

Since when did he become like this?

But when he traced back to his college days, he never once was alone in his life. He was always surrounded by people. His foster parents, his friends, his dorm mate, his girlfriends, his employees, Mianmian, and now Lan Wangji. It was like he was afraid of being alone with his thoughts.

Then again he shook his head and went out to buy some croissants and cafe latte, and probably bought some souvenirs for Shen Qingqiu, Luo Binghe, Xie Lian, and Jiang Yanli. He grew quite fond of Jiang Yanli, with her gentle and quiet nature, just like a mother.

Wei Wuxian was walking alongside Canal Saint-Martin enjoying the view when he saw that woman. She was tall, very beautiful with long brunette wavy hair like some kind of shampoo model. She wore high heels, a trench coat, huge sunglasses and a branded bag, and she looked straight at Wei Wuxian. 

He suddenly remembered where he saw this woman. On TV. She was a famous actress with a French diplomat father and a heiress Chinese mother. So, she's famous and filthy rich. And she walked toward him with a smile on her face.

"You have very beautiful hair." She pointed at his hair and Wei Wuxian's senses were attacked by how close this woman was. Her faint perfume flooded his sensory perception, and her closeness made him feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"My name is Alice Renaud, and you must be Wei Wuxian, right?"

What in the hell…?

"Uhm, how did you know my name?"

"First, I'm a huge fan of your work, your tuna poke was fabuleux, I could eat the whole bowl of it and it's on my recommendation list to all my friends." She kissed her fingers loudly to emphasize the word fabuleux. "Secondly, I'm Lan Wangji's fiance. Didn't he mention that to you?"

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