epilogue 2

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The suit that Jingyi prepared was very… unusual to say the least.

It looked like a normal black suit, with red stripes, but when a bright light hit it–just like what it did right now on the stage with many people watching and bidding for the bachelors–the suit was fucking see-through.

Wei Wuxian realized it after he saw himself on the huge screen where they showed the bachelors. When they panned the camera on him, he saw that the fucking suit was fucking transparent. That's why Jingyi insisted that he wore the garter, no socks, black thong and the X nipple covers. Wei Wuxian cursed inwardly. He tried hard not to cover his body with his hands but he realized that it was futile, so he acted like there was nothing wrong while the ladies placed a bid on him.

As soon as they realized about the suit though, the polite bid became more and more unhinged–not unlike the ones in strip clubs–where the upper crust of the society, the socialites, all bid in a hurry and the amounts were getting insane. He saw a few men bid for him too. But since this was also a masquerade party, he had no idea about who his bidders were.

After a while, someone bid for a million dollars and everyone became silent.

Wei Wuxian looked at the bidder–a young woman with short, curly hair styled like back in the 20s–and he was in dread because he did not recognize her.

"Bachelor number 5 sold to the lady in red with a million dollars bid!" The auctioneer hit his gavel and everyone cheered for the lady, who walked up to the stage and hooked her arm into the crook of Wei Wuxian's.

"Now, we should start with the next bachelor, ladies and gentleman!"

The woman led Wei Wuxian to a separate wing from where the auction was held. To be precise, to a balcony where there was already a table set with candlelight dinner and a string quartet played soft song under the moonlight. Rose petals and candles everywhere made it very romantic.

Wei Wuxian was feeling very guilty because he never thought of doing this stuff with Lan Wangji, and the first chance he had, he did it with a stranger.

Well, if it only took dinner to get through the night…

"Sit here, Xian-gege." The woman put him in one of the chairs, surprising him with her misplaced gallantry. "So, my job here is done, and I'll be going now, but I will see you really soon!" The woman spoke in a familiar cheery voice that Wei Wuxian remembered that she was the actress slash Lan Wangji's cousin, Shi Qingxuan. And now he was confused.

Why would she pay a million dollars for him to be dumped alone like this?

But before he could complain too much, he heard a rustle of clothes behind him and he turned around to see Lan Wangji standing with all his glory–and his all white tuxedo.

"Lan Zhan? But–"

The string quartet started to play 'A Thousand Years' and Wei Wuxian couldn't believe his ears.

Lan Wangji walked closer and he kneeled down in front of Wei Wuxian while showing him a small box with a simple platinum band inside.

"Wei Ying, I know that I'm not worthy enough to earn your love, but I promise you that I will always love you, I will always cherish you, and I will always respect you. I will always be there for you and our children, in good or bad, in sickness and health, in rich and poor, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you give this poor man a chance?"

Wei Wuxian couldn't believe it, this was the most romantic thing that anyone had ever done for him. Well, Lan Wangji was the single, most romantic person he ever knew, and before he knew it, his eyes were blurred from the tears.

"Daddy, don't cry!!!" Suddenly a pair of small hands hugged his left arm and another pair hugged his right arm. Both of the kids were crying and calling his name and it was kinda hilarious because he was crying from happiness.

"Well, if you're not saying yes, I'm gonna bawl my eyes out and hug your legs too…" Lan Wangji chuckled at the kids' antics but Wei Wuxian could detect nervousness in his voice.

"Did you just splurge a million dollars just to lure me here and propose to me?" Wei Wuxian took the babies and hugged them while they sniffled.

"Uhm… will you say yes if I said I did?"

Wei Wuxian chuckled as he pulled Lan Wangji into his embrace.

"I will still say yes even if you did not." He kissed Lan Wangji and took the ring from its box. "Come, put it on my finger, babies." He gave the ring to the babies and they struggled to put the ring onto his finger, but when they finally did, they exclaimed in excitement, tears forgotten.

"I love you, Wei Ying." Lan Wangji pulled Wei Wuxian and the kids close and gave them kisses.

"I love you too, and as a matter of fact I planned to propose to you too." Wei Wuxian took out a small, almost identical box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a similar simple platinum ring and he slipped it on Lan Wangji's ring finger. "It's not fair if it's only me who wears a ring, you know, since you meet beautiful women every day, and they all lust for your sexy body…"

"Mm, true, but all I ever wanted is only you. And the kids." Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian with a look full of love that left no doubt in Wei Wuxian's mind that he would only love him. Forever.

"I know. Because all I ever wanted is you, too."

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