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Lan Wangji looked at his phone with a strange expression on his face, then he turned to face Hua Cheng, who had the biggest grin on his face.

"Who the hell taught him that cheesy code? You?" He looked at Hua Cheng, who looked like he almost burst his appendix from laughing too much.

They were inside Lan Wangji's office, which happened to be in the same building with Hua Cheng's office. Not coincidentally of course since they bought the building and renovated it to their specs.

"You're having too much fun in this, aren't you Huahua?" Lan Wangji sighed as he put down his phone. "You even invited my cousin to be your accomplice."

"He's a willing victim, you know." Hua Cheng wheezed while Lan Wangji shook his head. "And don't worry, he won't blab. I told him that I will send someone to cut his dick in his sleep if he dares to even squeak about what happened today."

"And yet, he still agreed to do it?"

"You know him, always looking for something new and exciting to do instead of staying at home and being scrutinized by your uncle."

"You do know that he was told to stay at home because his experiment caused the school lab to go up in a huge explosion?"

"Hmm, maybe I should recruit him to be my tech expert, you know, since he is so interested in strange stuff."

"Hold that thought until he's of age." Lan Wangji kneaded his head in frustration. Hua Cheng and Jingyi were always tight, and they really enjoyed pranking people with their elaborate schemes and petty tricks. But this was a whole new level.

"Well at least operation 'Bringing the cat into the bag' is a success! You should be prepared, if that man is as good looking as his grainy pixelated security feed video, then you're in for a ride baby!" Hua Cheng whooped and smacked Lan Wangji's back. They could only act like this in front of each other, since their public persona was out of reach, Icy Prince look, which drove all the women crazy.

"Right. Just wait for my revenge, you demon."

"I can't wait. So, should we proceed to the next part? I already found out about the bitch's hideout. Always follow the money. I can take all of the money back if you want to. And you're not gonna believe whom she shacked up with."


"The loan shark, Su Minshan. I mean, they're not even bother to hide anything. Maybe they thought your little boyfriend is a pushover? Anyway, they concocted this elaborate scheme to steal everything from the pretty boy, including double mortgaging his house, then they're going to buy it cheap from the bank's auction later this month. They took his client slowly to their own newly opened catering service, which also employed almost every person from their old job. So, basically they just changed the owner and the name of the company, the recipes are also copying his original to the T. And Su Minshan owned more than half of the shares." Hua Cheng was reading from the tablet. 

"He Xuan works fast this time." Lan Wangji nodded in approval. "Remind me to give him a bonus later."

"Sure, although I think he would prefer it if you introduced him to your pretty cousin. He has set his eyes on her for quite some time now."

"Qingxuan? I'll see what I can do." Lan Wangji chuckled. "So, are you going to tell your Dianxia about all of this?"

"Maybe later. I don't want to appear… eager. Just let it cool down for a few days then I'll get back to him."

"Good. Let me know if you're going to tell him." 

Wei Wuxian walked to the coffee shop near the apartment building where Luo Binghe was waiting for him, and as he sat in front of him, Luo Binghe couldn't help but ask since he looked like he was in a daze.

"So, how's it going?" He asked Wei Wuxian when he appeared in front of him with a glass of ice vanilla latte with extra rum syrup. 

"I think I need to sit down for this." Wei Wuxian took a seat in front of Luo Binghe and drank half of his sweet drink before he started to speak. "I think I got the job."

"Good for you!" Luo Binghe smiled at him, he knew that he would ace the interview, since he was a great chef and even a greater person.

"Well, it's like I got accepted right away, and they didn't even interview me. This young man, Jingyi, appeared and asked me to sign an NDA and it turned out it was also a work contract." Wei Wuxian shivered when he remembered the content. It was like a dream came true.

"So? Is there anything bothering you in it?"

"Well, no. It was really great. Really. I got a one year exclusive contract, and the payment is ridiculously good. The only thing that I have some concern about is that I have to live in the boss' loft." He slurped the rest of his drink in one gulp.

"But I think it's not an unusual request, you know, since you will need to cook three times daily, and the boss is pretty anal about the ingredients he consumed. His body is his temple, that's his motto." Luo Binghe chuckled. "Anyway, you don't need to worry because our boss is a great person. He's very strict to his employees, but he rewards them according to their achievement. He's a straight arrow through and through. He didn't even have any scandal or negative news out there."

"You paint him like he was some kind of a saint." And it amused him how Luo Binghe gushed about their mutual boss.

"Wait until you meet him in person. You will be willing to do anything he asks you to. He has this… presence about him that no one could ever come close to. Except maybe his best friend. I guess you'll meet them soon since they're practically joined at the hips." Luo Binghe chuckled remembering the antics his boss and his best friend often did.

"Sure, I won't be judging anyone before I know them well from now on. Their front cover could be deceptive, you know, the white lily could turn out to be a white lotus after all."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You never knew, maybe your soulmate is just around the corner, that's why you're supposed to end your relationship with the insignificant one." Luo Binghe tried to cheer Wei Wuxian up since he knew that that bitch was not worth even a hair on his friend's head. "Come, let's go and pick up the chicken and beer, then we'll celebrate your new job by drinking until the morning comes."

"Sure, I might as well not sleep today since I have to wake up at three tomorrow to shop for the freshest ingredients."

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