Chapter Seven

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The next morning (Y/n) was woken up by Hinata for breakfast. The taller girl quickly got up and went to the bathroom to get ready.
"(Y/n)-chan I will wash these clothes and leave them here, in case you need them when you come over." Hinata told her while carrying the clothes from yesterday to the bathroom.
"Alright,thank you!" She called out while walking to the kitchen where her mother was.
"Good morning Tachibana-san!" The older woman turned around to greet her.
"Good morning (Y/n), did you sleep well?"
"I did,thank you. How have you been?"
"Good, you know the usual work and home duties. It can get quite stressful, but I manage."
"Do you need any help with the breakfast?" (Y/n) asked, feelinga little awkward from just sitting around.
"No don't worry." The older woman smiled, but her expression quickly changed as she realised something.
"Although, now that I remember I don't have much milk left, can you go and buy it? The convenience store isn't far from here." (Y/n) nodded her head quickly and the older woman handed her the money.
"(Y/n)-chan where are you going?" Hinata asked as she and brother made their way into the kitchen.
"I have to go and buy something for your mom, I will be back in a bit."
The other nodded and went into the kitchen, while Naoto ran after (Y/n).
"(Y/n)-san, can I come with you?" The boy asked with a red face and the older girl nodded.
"Sure,I don't mind."
At the answer, he quickly put his shoes on and ran out the apartment,,(Y/n) following after him.
"Bye! Naoto-chan is with me by the way!"
"Alright,stay safe you two!" The older woman's voice was heard as (Y/n) closed the door and smiled down at him.
With that the two walked off, both lost in their own thoughts.
'Today seems peaceful...'
'(Y/n)-san looks really pretty today... Also she smells nice!'

"Ah there it is!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she finally found the milk.
'The store is really big... Took me 20 minutes to find it.'
Naoto was the whole time silent, face getting redder by the minute as he watched her.
'So pretty... (Y/n)-san really looks pretty today, as usual. I wish I was older than her, maybe I could confess to her...but I have to wait for now.' Naoto sighed and looked down on the floor, 'Add to that, I need to protect her and nee-san from whoever is trying to kill them-'
"Naoto-chan! Hurry up we need to go home." She called out to him and he followed soon after.
Once they paid for everything, they made their way home in silence, that is until a familiar voice broke it.
"(Y/n),you are here too?" Turning around, she came face to face with Kazutora.
"Kazutora-san, you live here?" She asked in surprise, Naoto hid behind the girl, a little intimidated.
"No, I was on my way to meet up with Baji and Chifuyu and bought some food. What about you?" The boy asked with a smile, ignoring the glares Naoto sent him from time to time.
"I was having a sleepover with my friend and I went to buy us something for breakfast." Kazutora nodded and gave a tight smile to Naoto, not wanting to make a bad impression.
"And who might you be?"
Naoto said nothing as he glared harder at the bi colored boy.
"Ah this is the little brother of my friend! He can get shy at times." (Y/n) answered nervously, confused by his unusual reaction.
"Alright then, I won't push it. By the way, did you like the hangout last night? Sorry for Baji again."
"Nothing to apologize for! I guess it's just the way he is... And it was nice, I really expected gang members to be more scarier."
Kazutora chuckled at her answer and nodded his head.
"We hear that a lot. Anyways, I have to go now. Hope to see you soon (Y/n)." He waved at the two while walking away to his motorbike.
"See you Kazutora-san!"
Once he was gone, (Y/n) turned her attention to Naoto who kept glaring at the spot Kazutora was last at.
"Are you alright? You usually aren't this shy."
"I'm fine, I just don't like him." The shorter answered as he moved away from her.
"Kazutora-san doesn't seem that bad... Maybe a little rough around the edges but that's it. Either way let's go back home!"

"Thank you for the breakfast again! It was very delicious!" (Y/n) told the older woman as she and Hinata were cleaning the dishes.
"You are welcome. Happy to hear that you enjoyed it." She answered while looking at the two girls.
"After we are done let's go to the park, I have to talk to you about something (Y/n)-chan..." Hinata whispered nervously to (Y/n).
Raising her eyebrow, the girl nodded her head.
When they finished cleaning, (Y/n) went into Hinata's room to pack her things when Naoto interrupted her.
"(Y/n)-san...can I ask you something?" The boy asked, standing a little bit further from her and avoiding eye contact.
"Sure Naoto-chan. What is it?" She asked, worried about his behaviour.
'Strange... He is usually never this shy...'
The boy sighed and sat on Hinata's bed, looking down at his hands.
"Soo... I need some advice..."
"Is someone messing with you? I can deal with them if you want."
"No no...uhm there is this girl I like and..." The boy shut up, not knowing what to say, but (Y/n) grinned knowing where this was going.
"So you need help confessing to her?!" She asked excitedly.
"Well yes, but I want her to notice me first! You know,we are not that close yet."
Nodding in understanding, (Y/n) thought for a moment, she already helped Takemichi with Hinata, this can't be harder than that.
"Well, did you try talking to her? Casually, getting to know her, you know?"
Naoto thought over her words for a moment,before nodding his head.
"Well I started talking to her more now than I usually did,but not that much."
"Alright, that's a good start! Start talking to her more often, casually and you will see where it goes. If you feel like she likes you back, make a move. Oh and drop a compliment from time to time, alright?" Naoto listened carefully and nodded his head.
"I will...the thank you (Y/n)-same!" The girl smiled and ruffled his hair.
"Nothing to thank me-"
"(Y/n)-chan, you ready?" Hinata asked as she walked inside to take her bag.
Nodding her head, she picked up her backpack and said goodbye to the younger boy, who was trying to figure out how to talk to her more often.
'Hmm maybe I can pretend to need help with school?!'

"Soo how is it going with you and Michi-kun? You didn't tell me anything!" (Y/n) grinned while the two sat on the bench in the nearby park.
"It-it's going good actually!" Hinata blushed while smiling.
"Yesterday was great! I have to admit Takemichi-kun really changed, for the good I mean."
"You think?"
"Yes, he seems more mature, like an adult actually."
"Huh..." (Y/n) muttered, looking back at the week, she did notice a change in him.
"Now that you say it, he does seem more mature. It is a good look on him actually." Hinata nodded in agreement, smiling dreamily.
'These two are really good for each other!' (Y/n) thought while observing the shorter haired girl's behaviour.
"We actually are having a study date."
Hinata added.
"Aren't you two adorable?" She teased and laughed as she was lightly shoved.
"S-shut up! And what about you?!"
"Yes! You and Akkun!"
"We are just friends and you know that!"
"For now."
"Please stop!"
While the two bickered among each other, they didn't notice a boy behind a tree near the bench, taking pictures of the (h/c) girl.
'Cute! I love all her expressions! She is so adorable! And soom she will be mine! I think I will make a move on her tomorrow...'

A few hours later, (Y/n) said her goodbyes to Hinata and started walking home,when her phone rang. Taking out her phone, she saw it was her boss.
"Hello, Yoshida-san?"
"Ahh (Y/n)-chan! Thank God you answered. Listen, this might be sudden, but will you be free to come to work tomorrow? We finished with the renovations sooner than expected." The older woman asked, sounding a little nervous.
"Sure I can! I will be there as soon as school finishes!" (Y/n) answered quickly, she had no choice anyways.
"Thank you! See you tomorrow then, (Y/n)-chan!"
"Goodbye Yoshida-san." With that they ended the call and (Y/n) sighed.
'Time to go back to my old routine.' She started walking again, but jumped as she heard a voice behind her.
"Oi (Y/n), why are you out late? Alone too?" Turning around, she saw it was Draken.
"Draken-san, I'm going home actually. Just left my friend's place."
"Hop on, I will drive you there." Draken said while throwing his helmet at her.
"I... You really don't have to Draken-san, I can manage on my own." She tried to convince him while returning the helmet.
"It's already late, listen I know you can manage yourself but there are too many creeps out here. It's better not to risk it, come on now."
Sighing, she put the helmet on and got onto the motorbike.
She told him the street she lived on and he nodded, starting the vehicle.
"Hold on tight, alright?"
With it, they drove off and (Y/n) sighed a little.
'I hope this ends well. Nobody other than Takemichi ever was at my place...'

"You live here?" Draken commented as he looked at the brothel and then at (Y/n) who looked away.
'This is so awkward...'
" adoptive mother took me in when I was 5 and since then I have been living here." She explained while getting off the vehicle.
"Can I ask what happened? If it helps you, I live in one too." She looked up in surprise and Draken smiled softly at her.
"Umm I don't remember much, the only thing I remember was my mom talking to my dad about some trip to Germany, and the next day my mom went with me to the park nearby. I mever saw her after that..." She answered, looking down at the floor. That day was blurry to her, but she still felt a strong sting in her heart.
Draken noticed the sad expression on her face and felt like punching the wall,but decided to cheer her up for now.
"I know how you feel, my mother left me like that too...but know you have people now who care for you and love you. Alright?"
The soft tone in his voice was what left (Y/n) surprised as she nodded her head with a small smile.
"Thank you Draken-san... The words help more than you can imagine!"
The older nodded and they parted ways.
'And if I ever see those pieces of shit their blood will serve as a nice decoration on the walls. Making an angel like her upset and abandon her...' Draken glared as he drove off, deciding to share this new piece of information with the rest of the group.
'Maybe we can track them down one day.'

The same night,(Y/n) was in her room thinking about Draken's words over and over again.
'Know that you have people who care for you and love you.'
"I never thought about it till today... I am lucky to have people like Takemichi, Hinata, Akkun, Yamagishi, Takuya and Makoto in my life. And of course my mom..." Suddenly she remembered Mikey, who was very persistent on her joining his gang.
"Would it be a smart decision to join? On one hand it is dangerous,but I could make new friends too... And Takemichi is already part of it in a way..."
Sighing, she pulled her blanket over her head and closed her eyes.
"I will think about it tomorrow..."

💗Hope u liked this chapter! Thank u all for reading! It really makes me happy when I see people enjoy the stuff I write!
Take care everyone :]💗

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