Chapter Thirty-Seven

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In hindsight, (Y/n) should have expected that sooner or later her mom will start this conversation, but not this soon.
''You are worrying too much mom. I am fine.'' (Y/n) said as the older woman raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms, eyeing the girl suspiciously.
Sighing, the girl took her dinner out of the microwave and sat down to eat, her mother following suit and sitting down as well.
''(Y/n), I can understand that they are your friends, but they aren't good ones. You have been coming home injured more and more lately. Just, please rethink about your friend group. I know they might be good friends at times, but are those hospital visits worth it?'' Himari said as she observed the girl, thinking for a moment before eventually sighing and nodding her head.
''Alright, just let me handle it!'' (Y/n) said quickly, smiling in relief as she saw her mother nod her head. ''Alright, also I am always here to talk to if you have problems, okay?'' ''Yeah. Thanks mom!'' (Y/n) nodded quickly and continued eating while the older woman kept observing the bandages on her face.
'I should probably be stricter on her, but... It's not like I am her real mother who has a right to cross some lines...'

Meanwhile in a different part of Tokyo,Chifuyu and Takemichi were sitting on a bench in a local park. Takemichi had just finished explaining to Chifuyu how he is a time leaper, and what kind of future awaits him and the rest of Toman if they don't stop Kisaki on time.
The boy watched as Chifuyu ate his ramen peacefully for a moment before he was handed the cup of food.
''Hmm so Kisaki is going to kill me off, huh? That future sure pisses me off.'' Chifuyu said while glaring at the scenery in front of him.
All the while Takemichi kept quiet and eating the rest of the ramen, unsure if he should revealed the whole timeline to the boy or not.
''Baji-san was right about Kisaki being our enemy, at first I thought he was just imagining it, but now I own him an apology for doubting at first.''
''Yeah, there is no doubt that he was the one behind the incident during the Valhalla fight.''
''Say told me the future for myself and the rest, but what about (Y/n)? Is she still in Toman in that timeline?''
Chifuyu asked, his bitter tone turning into one of excitement.
'I hope (Y/n) and I became closer.' Takemichi started coughing harshly as the question left Chifuyu's mouth, not sure what to answer the boy.
On one hand he should be honest and say what happened to her and that he murdered her.
But the more he watched the green eyed boy's excited face, the more he knew his plans would be screwed if he was to be honest.
'Shit! I can't just say I killed her... But what if I...' Takemichi smirked as he thought of the idea, and put on a sad face, trying to play off the role of the sad friend.
''She actually was killed by someone. Kisaki killed her.''
Chifuyu's eyes widened and his fists clenched. Eyes slowly narrowing, the boy looked away, his head spinning with all sort of scenarios.
''Huh?'' Takemichi yelped as Chifuyu got up and started shaking him rapidly by the collar of his shirt. ''When did he kill her? What time? Year? Takemichi you better start talking. Now!''
The dark look Chifuyu kept sending him caused the boy to shiver a little, but in all honesty he felt happy overall.
His plan was working. Chifuyu blindly trusted whatever he told him and that will make him a great puppet to manipulate.
Once Kisaki was out of the way, he can use him to break the rest of Toman and get them far away from (Y/N).
'That's what you get for trying to take her away from me.'
''As far as I know in...2012? He shot (Y/n) during her and Baji-san's wedding.'' Takemichi said casually, watching as Chifuyu's form froze when he revealed that detail.
He knew how much the vice-captain respected his captain, he would never try to backstab him, so he needed to come up with a way on how to destroy their dynamic. ''Baji-san and (Y/n)...they were going to marry each other in the...future?'' Chifuyu muttered in shock as he let go of Takemichi and walked away a little, his whole form shaking in rage from all the information he got. 'Kisaki...he killed (Y/n)...and Baji-san, one of the few people I to have her in the end. But, they don't look good together at all. He is so loud, rowdy and downright stupid. And (Y/n) is... so kindhearted, smart and angelic. Why would she go for someone like him? And not me? Was I not good enough for her?! Should I be more expressive about my feelings!?'
Chifuyu gritted his teeth, the mere thought of Baji and (Y/n) together caused him emotions of anger, betrayal and despair.
He couldn't let Baji have her. As much as he respected the older boy, (Y/n) was someone he was not ready to give up on ever.
''I will kill him. I will fucking kill Kisaki!'' Chifuyu yelled and turned to look at Takemichi, anger only visible in his green eyes as he continued speaking.
''But we can't do that right now. As the 3rd division captain, Kisaki has a hundred men under his command, you and I are both nobodies compared to him. You are a new member, and I am just the vice captain of the 1st division. We can't let Baji-san into our plan either.'' ''Why? Wouldn't his help be of good use?''
''For all you know, Baji-san will think we are crazy if we tell him you can leap into the future and back. As much as he distrusts and hates Kisaki, he won't fall easily for this story.'' Chifuyu explained and Takemichi slowly nodded his head, understanding what the boy meant. 'And I don't want him to be (Y/n)'s hero...I want to be that.'
The green eyed boy thought, looking up at the sky.
''I trust you and promise to have your back till the very end. Let's save (Y/N) and Toman.Let's curb stomp The Black Dragons, Kisaki, I don't care who!''
Chifuyu smiled as he offered him to shake his hand. Takemichi's eyes widened for a moment before he got up and shook the boy's hand, happy to see his plan slowly working. ''Thank you...partner!''

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