Chapter Three

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The two men were currently in Naoto's apartment, the younger gave Takemichi all the files he needed to read through. On his walls were pictures of people, who the older suspected were important to save the two girls.
'How am I even going to save them? Maybe it wasn't even someone from middle school but someone they met after we graduated...'
''I have observed something about your power. You jumped from the present time,July 4th 2017 to July 4th 2005, which means you can go back to the same date 12 years ago. I believe that is your power.'' Naoto explained and returned to his phone where a framed picture was, taking it in his hands and smiling sadly.
''Huh? Who is that?'' Takemichi asked in curiosity.
'Maybe his girlfriend... He probably gave up on (Y/n),after all it might have been a silly crush.' He thought as Naoto showed the picture into his hands.
''Guess.'' Takemichi inspected the picture for a few seconds before his eyes widened in recognition.
'That (h/c) hair...the smile...her mannerism...and those (e/c) eyes...'
''(Y/n)?!'' He asked Naoto while pointing at the picture, the police officer nodded his head and took the picture back.
''Nee-san took it when she just started working at the flower shop in Ikebukuro, she is as beautiful as ever.'' Naoto commented while staring at her picture more intensely.
''So you still have a crush?'' Takemichi asked in surprise, he honestly believed Naoto grew out of it, but he was wrong.
''I love her. With all my heart,that never changed in the past 12 years. I tried my hardest to save her and I honestly believed I did when the 3rd of March passed but I was wrong...'' Naoto's hands clenched around the frame and he glared at Takemichi.
''Listen Hanagaki,save her however you can and know. Understood?'' The man gulped and nodded, scared from the blood lust look he was sending him.
''Wait! You said you prevented her death on the 3rd?! What went wrong then?''
''I don't know. After that day I relaxed when it came to (Y/n)-san and focused on my sister, but... on July 1st they both died while visiting the festival. A truck slammed into a stall they were next to...''
''Now let's work, I need to explain to you a lot...''
With that they started their task, for the next two days Takemichi spent his time locked in Naoto's apartment reading all the information he had on the incident and the possible suspects involved.
'I haven't slept at tired...' The man thought, nearly falling asleep in front of the laptop if it wasn't for Naoto slapping him over the head.
''Focus. You need to pack as much information about the Tokyo Manji Gang into your head.''
'He is insane... Does he want me to get killed?!' Takemichi sighed and looked around the room,noticing a vase full of pink camellias.
'Maybe (Y/n)-chan left them here...She always liked to gift them out of nowhere to us...I miss it...'
Moving his attention from the flowers, he looked at the two picture frames of (Y/n) and Hinata, they looked so happy and care-free, narrowing his eyes Takemichi returned his attention on the files in front of him.
'Alright so far... Five days ago Tachibana-chan and (Y/n)-chan were involved in an accident with a truck during a festival in Tokyo. They were one of the many victims who were caught in a dispute between the members of the Tokyo Manji Gang...both of them died at the age of 26...'
''In those files you will find out what the Tokyo Manji Gang has been up to lately,these are informations not even media knows. The predecessor gathered,he risked his life for them...''
Takemichi gasped as he looked at the picture of a man's corpse,all bloody and bruised.
''The person you are looking at is him.'' Naoto informed him.
''He was a undercover investigator during the time he was found and killed.'' The young investigator let a tear escape his eye and continued ''In one of his eye sockets, they discovered the media device that recorded his killing. I kept requesting transfers, until they finally assigned me on my predecessor's investigation around 6 months ago.They closed the case on the murder, since nobody wanted to cause panic, thought that was only one of the reasons.'' Naoto put his mug down and moved to where (Y/n)'s picture was, looking at it for a few moments before continuing.
''The Tokyo Manji Gang was already under Tetta Kisaki's rule before it happened. Also...It is suspected that on the night (Y/n)-san was supposed to die the gang was involved in it too, but the police is confused as to what they would want in Ikebukuro, in a flower shop of all places. The owner had no realtions or connections to other gangs and for them it would be too risky to start trouble in a territory that isn't theirs.''
'Naoto is trying to fill my head with so many informations in at once.'
''But is all of this necessary to save them?'' Takemichi asked while rubbing his neck in pain.
''If there is a problem with your power,is that you can only go back to this date 12 years ago.'' Naoto told him as he yawned.
''But that is just your observation. You are apparently alive right now,so what happened back then must be real, but I don't know if I can go back aga-''
''If we can go back to the day my sister and (Y/n)-san died, and keep them away from making the same moves as in the original time line, it might be possible to save them!'' Naoto yelled while glaring up at the ceilling, clearly frustrated with the current situation.
''But... because we can't go back to the exact dates we want to,we have to do everything we can right now.'' Naoto turned away from the whiteboard and looked at the stunned older man.
''You need to go back in time right now. To when you were in middle school 12 years ago and meet someone.''
''Who?'' Takemichi asked.
''Toman for now has two leaders,Sano Manjiro and Kisaki Tetta.'' Naoto answered,  pointing at the picture of a man with longer blond hair that was geled back, the name under it saying 'Sano Manjiro' and then at a different of a man with blond short hair and glasses, under it was 'Kisaki Tetta' written.
''Yikes...'' The older stuttered, they looked intimidating.
''If these two never met, the current Toman wouldn't exist.'' Takemichi jumped in his seat a little, understanding what Naoto wanted to tell him, ''That also means, (Y/n)-san and my sister wouldn't have died either.''
''If I go back to school and prevent them from ever meeting...I-I get what you mean Naoto...'' Takemichi got up to face him, ''But how am I supposed to go back in time again?''
''Takemichi-kun,you said when you came back,you shook hands with me.''
''Oh yeah.''
''That might be the trigger. You saved me back then and I might have become a part of your power that way.''
'I see...I thought he was a bit crazy but he actually believes I can travel in time. That is probably why he is so serious...'
''Takemichi-kun, are you ready?'' Takemichi looked down at his hands, he was afraid of the possible outcomes,but he wanted to save his best friend and ex-girlfriend.
''Yeah I am.''
''So Sano and Kisaki met in August exactly 12 years ago. Find one of them,stay by his side and prevent them from ever meeting.''
''I will give it a shot.'' Takemichi sighed, knowing there is no backing down anymore.
''You are the only one who can save them now.'' Naoto told him as he offered him his hand. They both shook hands and Takemichi felt his world turn black.

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