Chapter Twenty

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''A lot of deliveries today... Well I did miss four days of work, I can't complain much...'' (Y/n) sighed as she put her apron away and took her jacket, all the while one thought was haunting her.
'Michi... He was really brave that night, it's been a while since I saw him like that. The way his eyes lit up in determination!' (Y/n) blushed a little, remembering his facial expression.
'The last time I saw him like that was... Back when he confessed to Hina-chan...' Smiling sadly, the (h/c) girl looked out the window and leaned against the wall a little.
'I shouldn't be thinking of him like that. Hinata is the one he likes, not me...'
"(Y/n)-chan! There is a guy waiting for you!"
"A guy?" (Y/n) muttered, walking out of the employee room to the entrance.
"Peyan-san?! What are you doing here?" She asked, her confused expression turning into a smile as she recognised the taller boy.
"I came here to help you out. Mikey-san said you would start working today, so here I am!" Peh smiles as he looks around the shop a little before looking back at her.
"Huh? You really don't have to, it's just some deliveries-"
"I insist! I still want to make it up to you...for what happened." The brown haired boy looked at the girl apologetically while pointing at his head.
"And doing deliveries with my motorbike will be faster than by foot or the subway anyways."
"I really don't mind it. Peyan-san just got and rest, I will be fine-" (Y/n) stopped herself from talking as she noticed his dejected expression.
'Does this really mean that much to him? Well,if it will make him feel better...also it's a free ride so why not!'
"Ummm now that I think of it, maybe a motorbike would be a better idea! I really appreciate the help Peyan-san!"
Said boy smiled back at her and nodded his head.
"Alright! Where are the packages you are supposed to deliver?"
"Uhm they are not really packages, but it's over there next to the door." (Y/n) said, pointing at the items and Peh nodded.
"Alright, I will put them on the bike and we are ready to go."
"Alright, I will get my jacket and the addresses! I will be out in a minute!"
"Take your time." Peh smiled over at her and took the deliveries with him outside.
Once he was gone, the coworker from before walked over to (Y/n).
"Soo he is your boyfriend or something?"
"Huh?! Peyan-san? No we are just friends, he is just being helpful." (Y/n) said quickly and ran to take her jacket.
"Really? He seems to be very fond of you..." The woman commented, watching Peh through the window.
"Ahh I doubt it..."
'He probably still holds a small grudge dor what happened to Pah-san...' (Y/n) thought, walking out of the room and to the counter.
"What about that black haired boy that was here a few times? Did you go out?"
"Kazutora-san? No no!" (Y/n) said and walked off to the door.
"Besides, I don't think anyone thinks of me in such a way for now. The most I am is a friend. That's enough for me." She added with a smile and left the confused woman behind.
'That's strange... Then why did he ask me so much about (Y/n)-chan? Maybe he chickened out.'

"Here is a list of where I have to deliver these things!" (Y/n) said, giving Peh the list.
Quickly skimming through it, he nodded and handed her his helmet.
"Alright! We will ve done fast. I know a few shortcuts!"
(Y/n) smiled at that and nodded her head, excited about the idea to be over with the deliveries as soon as possible.
"You are a life saver!" She commented as she got on Peh's bike.
"Don't mention it." He said, starting the vehicle and driving off.
A figure watching the interaction from behind the wall watched them disappear.
'I need to teach Mikey and his gang to leave her alone it seems. God I want to kill him so bad!' The figure grinned and disappeared, trying to come up with a plan to introduce himself to the (h/c) girl.

A few hours later...
"Already done? I really can't believe that the deliveries are already finished..." (Y/n) commented as she walked towards Peh, who was standing next to his bike.
"Told you! Now let's go back to the shop." The brown haired boy grinned as (Y/n) nodded at him.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" She heard a male voice behind her and turned o face him, Peh just watching the scene in front of him.
"Makoto-kun? What are you doing here?" (Y/n) smiled and walked up to the black haired boy.
"I was buying some magazines and going home now, you?"
She nodded her head as she noticed the stack in his hands.
"I was doing some deliveries with Peyan-san."
Makoto looked over at the boy and they exchanged a nod before he turned his attention back on (Y/n).
"Are you sure it's safe for you to start working now? You were released from the hospital only a few days ago." Makoto asked, worried for his friend, but (Y/n) shook her head.
"I will be fine! You got other things to worry about anyways!" She chuckled and punched his arm.
"L-like what?!" Makoto asked in confusion.
"Our math teacher told me yesterday that you are failing the subject right now."
"Anyways, I will tutor you from now on, should we start from tomorrow? The sooner we do, the sooner you will be done with it."
Makoto stopped for a moment and then nodded his head.
"(Y/n) come on, we should go now!" Peh called out while getting on his bike, annoyed with the closeness between the two.
"Huh? Oh, sure!" (Y/n) answered back.
"See you tomorrow then! Have a safe trip home!" She waved at the boy with a smile before returning to Peh's side.
Makoto watched with a dejected look as the duo drove off, feeling his heart clench a little.
Shaking his head, the boy sighed and shook his head, continuing his walk home.
"Whatever... Akkun already likes her and it's not like she will go with someone like me..."

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