Chapter Thirty-Four

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''Takemichi is acting unusual again...'' (Y/n) muttered as her, Hinata, Akkun and the blonde were hanging out in a local bowling alley. The plum head turned his attention to the girl sitting next to him, confused with what she meant. ''Really? He seems the usual to me...'' Akkun commented, leaning over his seat as he observed the (h/c) girl more.
'She looks very gorgeous under the lights.' He sighed dreamily as (Y/n) kept looking at Hinata and Takemichi, bothered that neither of them tried to make a move.
'How can their feelings for each other change so fast?! Come on Takemichi, at least you do something- Oh! Maybe if we left them alone?!'
Smiling brightly, (Y/n) got up from her seat and turned her attention to Akkun. She took his hand and pulled him out of his seat, which caught Hinata off guard and caused Akkun to turn a tomato red.
''I'm hungry a little, can you come with me to get some snacks?'' (Y/n) asked the plum head, who nodded with a bright smile.
''Sure! I think I know where the food court is.'' Akkun said as he started pulling the girl along with him, excited to finally spend some time alone with her.
(Y/n) nodded along, but felt herself stop as another hand grabbed her arm.
''Hinata? Is everything alright?'' The girl asked when she noticed the shorter ones tight grip.
The glare Hinata was sending Akkun disappeared and she gave a small smile to (Y/n), acting the best she could while Akkun observed her with a cold stare.
''W-wouldn't you rather stay and play? I think it's your turn now.'' She told the taller, her grip only growing tighter. (Y/n) smiled softly and leaned forward to whisper something into Hinata's ear, which caused Akkun to grow jealous now. 'Can she do the same to me too?' He sighed while blushing.
''Hina try to talk it out with Takemichi, please. He has been a mess and out of it since you two broke up. Please.''
Hinata's eyes widened as she finally understood why the four were here, she was trying to get them back together.
Hinata nodded and let go of the girl, silently watching as the duo walked away, and the girl couldn't help the guilt that was eating her up.
'I should have been up front with my feelings but...' The short haired girl felt tears in her eyes as her hand balled up into fists.
'I know she doesn't feel the same...There is no way-' Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a loud sound from behind her, turning around, she saw it was Takemichi who just hit a strike.
''Oh? Good job Takemichi.'' Hinata commented as she walked over to the boy, who jumped up at the sound of her voice and then looked around the area.
'Huh? Bowling? Wasn't I just with Naoto?' Takemichi wondered as he watched Hinata's figure in front of him.
'And didn't we break up? Why are we on a date?'
''It's my turn now...Oh! By the way, Akkun and (Y/n)-chan will be back soon, they just went to get something to eat.''
Hinata said coldly as she went to play her round, Takemichi only nodding his head and sitting down quietly.
'(Y/n)-chan... I can't wait to see her again. After such a horrible future, and the fact that I killed her there...' He started shaking in rage as he stared at his hands.
'I will protect you (Y/n), I swear. I won't mess up, anything to see that smile of yours.' Takemichi thought as he pictured the girl in his head, completely unaware that he was supposed to make up with Hinata right now.

With Akkun and (Y/n)...
''So that was your plan. Doesn't seem to be working at all.'' Akkun commented as both him and (Y/n) observed the duo from behind the wall. He watched as the girl sighed and leaned against the wall, clearly frustrated with the whole situation. ''This is just... I have no words... I don't know what to do at all.'' ''Why do you even want them to get back together?''
Akkun wondered as he walked up closer to the girl.
''I don't even know...I guess their break up was so sudden and...I really did think they'd be good for each other. Just last month Takemichi was all happy while talking about it.'' (Y/n) admitted, looking down at her feet.
The plum haired boy thought for a moment and nodded his head, understanding her point in a way, but then an idea popped into his head.
'Now is my only chance!' Akkun took a deep breath and took (Y/n)'s hands into his, causing the girl to jump up and look at the boy in confusion.
''Is everything alright?'' The girl said softly in concern.
''Y-yeah, but...I have to get something off o-of my chest.'' Akkun said as (Y/n) nodded which gave him a green light to continue.
''I...I have something I wanted to tell you for a while...I like you a lot (Y/n), more than a friend actually.'' Her eyes widened at the confession, and she felt her cheeks heat up.
Akkun by now was all read in the face and felt like his heart was about to jump out, but he had to get these words off of his chest.
''I liked you ever since we started middle school, but I didn't want to say anything since you didn't... s-seem interested in dating right now. I don't ask for you to give me a chance now, but please consider my confession.'' Akkun ended the sentence while staring into (Y/n)'s eyes more intensely, the girl growing nervous from the stare.
''Akkun... I don't know if I could accept your feelings now...'' (Y/n) started speaking as she watched the boy's eyes lose their previous shine and he looked down a little.
''J-just give me some time to think about it...Maybe we could start it off slowly, just give me time.'' She finished speaking, her whole face heating up more and more as time passed.
Feeling happy with the answer, Akkun pulled her closer and hugged her figure.
''Take as much time as you need.'' The plum haired boy told (Y/n) and he felt himself grin as the girl hugged him back.
''Thank you.''
She smiled beautifully, happy he understood what she meant and the both let each other go, deciding it was time to return to their friends. 'Today was truly interesting...'
(Y/n) thought as she tried to calm herself down, meanwhile Akkun felt like jumping up the walls.
'Finally I did it! I hope she says yes at the (Y/n)...she looks so adorable when she's flustered.' The boy thought as he threw a few shy glances at the girl.

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