Chapter Fifty

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Honestly...we were robbed Icb💀💀

''What do we do now, Takemitchy?! Taka-chan isn't moving!''
Hakkai cried out as he tried to wake the said boy up, but his words went unheard by the boy as he and Chifuyu ran to attack the BD trio, neither noticing Mitsuya slowly getting up until he spoke.
''Black Dragons! You assholes will pay for this!''
''Wait guys!'' The two stopped and looked over at the barely standing Mitsuya, both them and Hakkai bewildered.
''I am alright you three. So cool it down,will ya?'' Mitsuya said as he wipped the blood from his forehead away.
''Taka-chan, don't overdo it!'' Hakkai warned, the older ignored his words while he went to sit down next to a unconcious Yuzuha.
''Now calm down and listen carefully. The whole situation looks hopeless, Taiju is a beast. The other two who are with him look strong too, compared to them...Chifuyu you are beat up. And I can't move much to be honest. Takemitchy, you are the only one still in fighting shape. If we lose now, Yuzuha might get killed...and (Y/n)...I don't know what her history with Taiju is, but he looks ready to kill her on the spot.''
''I am fighting, that burned boy is mine to kick his ass. He is the reason (Y/n) ended up in this mess to begin with.'' Chifuyu spoke up as he sent a side glare at Inui.
''What are you talking about?'' Mitsuya asked.
''He told us he was the one to ambush (Y/n) and knock her out. Hakkai confirmed it, the whole story of her picking a fight was a lie. She didn't even have a chance to fight back.'' Takemichi explained. Mitsuya's hands balled into fists, struggling to stay put down at those words, but he managed. The sooner they are finished with this, the sooner he will be able to see (Y/n) again.
''We don't have to worry much though, Mikey-kun will help us. He can take Taiju down easily.'' Takemichi spoke up as Mitsuya looked up at him.
''So you called Mikey then?'' There was a short silence while Chifuyu and Takemichi looked at each other and then at Mitsuya.
''You didn't call him?'' The lavender haired boy sighed and shook his head, disappointing all three of them.
''No, I didn't come here as a Toman member, neither did Baji. We wanted to help Hakkai and (Y/n) here.''
Mitsuya admitted as Talemichi sunk to the ground, already prepeared for defeat.
''We are dead...we won't win or survive this. There is no way out...'' He chanted as Chifuyu approached him, hitting his head.
''Get up. I am as disappointed as you are, but I will be damned to let them critically injuring (Y/n) with no consequences. Besides, he basically held her hostage the whole time. Get up and fight this.''
Chifuyu barked out as he pulled Takemichi up from the ground. The words seemed to do it's work, having enough effect to give Takemichi some confidence boost.
''Huh? Oh yeah!''
'How could I forget that? Taiju really fucked her up...all those bruises and blood. I am doing all of this to make sure (Y/n) survives in the future, yet for all I know, this could be her final moments.' Takemichi glared at the trio in front of him,who ignored it in return. Mitsuya looked in boredom at the two blondes, turning his attention back on Hakkai.
''You are a Black Dragons member right now, and you don't have to fight but...Lend me your hand to save Yuzuha. Hakkai, I know he is scary and that you have a hard time standing up to him, but you used all your strenght and bravery to protect Yuzuha up to this point. And besides...'' Mitsuya got up and approached the stunned Hakkai, patting his arm.
''Wouldn't you want to crush him, after all what he did to (Y/N)? Didn't it hurt to see her beat down and punched? Kicked and insulted? You always told me you wanted to defend (Y/n)'s honour, what better time than now? Show your own brother what happens when you fuck up?'' Mitsuya taunted, smirking as he saw Hakkai's face twitch, anger slowly unmasking itself.
'Not like it matters if you will do it or not, (Y/n) will be mine at the end.'
The lavender haired boy though, relieved to see his words had some affect.
Hakkai slowly nodded his head, he will enjoy any punch he could land on Taiju. He needed to stop him before he gets his hands on (Y/n) or his sister.
'She didn't deserve that treatment...I will make sure you won't touch a strand on her head anymore.'
The four boys turned to face the three others, determined to finish this fight as soon as possible. ''Alright, Takemichi you take down that black haired guy. He was the one to sell us that information about Taiju.''
''Yes, you said you will take down the blonde. We need to stall them just enough for Hakkai and Mitsuya-kun to take Taiju down. Can you do that?''
Chifuyu nodded his head at Takemichi's question and both ran to fight the two.
''Are you really going to stand up to me now, Hakkai?'' Taiju warned his younger brother, who sent him a glare, slowly nodding his head.
''You got this Hakkai. You are stronger than Taiju.'' Mitsuya said as he patted him on the back.

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