Chapter Seventy-Nine

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My imam @ me: God keeps sending u these challenges, bcs he loves to test his strongest soldiers.

Me, who was abt to unalive herself on a few occasions: Who lied to u??? 💀💀💀💀💀🔪
(Joking is my coping mechanism before I see smn comment anything)

The same night, Inui laid in his bed restlessly, unable to fall asleep as the scene from the cemetery kept replaying in his head.
The blonde boy looked outside his window, groaning and glaring at the moon, trying to find something, anything to distract himself with, but nothing worked.
Giving up on trying to think of something else, Inui went over the words (Y/n) said today, not believing that she was the gitl from the bike shop, that he thought about it, the more he looked at her face and those (e/c) eyes... the more it was believable for him.
'So this is where she was the whole time...I don't knoe how to feel at all happy, sad, jealous, angry? All of these things at once?'
Inui frowned and covered up his face with his pillow, letting out a soft sigh right after.

''Shinchiro-san, do we need to clean up anything else? Or repair?'' Inui asked, looking up at the black haired man, who was sitting in the break room. He stopped drinking for a moment, trying to remember if there was more job waiting for them, but nothing came to his mind.
''Nope, that's about it for the day, it was quit busy too so rest up a little before going home.''
Inui nodded his head and sar across the older man, when suddenly the bell to the shop rang, causing both males to look at each other in confusion.
''Are we expecting a client?''
''I don't think so, we are closing in 5 minutes or so, they usually never come here on short notice or when we are about to close-''
''Oi Shinchiro! I came here to give you the dinner you ordered, (Y/n) tagged along too.''
The black haired man chuckled and got up from his seat, going out to great the two.
Inui on the other hand rose an eyebrow, recognizing Wakasa's voice, but the name the man said was very much unfamiliar to him. The boy got up from his seat and peaked out from the room, his eyes first falling on the two men speaking to each other.

''And you (Y/n), how was school?'' Shinchiro asked, looking over at the girl standing behind Wakasa.
''Good! I beat the crap out of a boy, so now I have detention.'' The girl answered moving away from Wakasa, so that Inui could see her figure.
The blonde's eyes widened as he looked at her, cheeks reddening in the process.
'She looks...cute.' The boy thought, pretty much lost in the girl's (e/c) eyes, which were focused on looking up at Shinchiro as he scolded her. ''You can't beat up kids on the school ground!''
''I told her that too! You always do it somewhere deserted and with no witnesess.''
Shinchiro lightly punched Wakasa, sending him a warning glare, then looking at (Y/n) again.
''Wakasa, shut up! And why did you even beat him up?''
The girl pouted and rolled her eyes, not seeing what the huge deal was.
''Not my fault he is a jerk! Should have kept his mouth shut and minded his own business.''
''What did he even say?'' Shinchiro wondered as Inui leaned in a little, trying to hear the girl's voice a little better.
'Is this what nee-san used to call 'like honey to my ears'? Because it sure feels like it.' The blonde sighed.
''He made fun of a girl's weight, so now I can make fun of his broken nose.'' (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders, Shinchiro sighing as he heard that as Wakasa patted her head.
''See? I do teach her useful things!'' ''Can't you teach her to talk something out? And not use violence first.'' Shinchiro wondered, to which Wakasa just shook his head. ''Violence is sometimes the only answer, Shin-san!''
(Y/n) argued back, which caused the said man to pinch her cheek, playfully glaring down at her.
''You sometimes make me worry, but at times I need you to do your own mistakes, even if they can be justified at times.''

Inui watched as the girl grinned up at Shinchiro, his heart speed up as he watched the sudden change in expression.
He quickly moved away from the door, breathing heavily as he tried to calm his racing heart down.The boy grabbed onto his red cheeks as the grin was kept showing up in his head, liking the look on her.
''(Y/n)...she is so cute...'' He mumbled to himself. Inui gulped and for the rest of their visit stayed inside the room, hoping the girl won't walk in, and to his relief she didn't.

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