Chapter Eighty-Five

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                             friend told me she wants to be Takeomi's cancer stick💀💀🙏🏻

Side note, the clothes Y/n will wear near the end are fully taken from Yor Forger. Love this woman sm

 Love this woman sm

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Shinjuku ward, Tokyo...
"(Y/n), are you done unpacking?" Himari asked as she entered the girl's new room, which was still pretty much unorganized but it looked better than it was in the morning.
The (h/c) girl looked up from the books she was sorting and shrugged her shoulders.
"Well I still have something left to store, but I am mostly done. Do you need me for something?"
Himari nodded her head and showed a somewhat lengthy grocery list.
"I need you to buy me some of these things at the store down the road. Do you think you can spare some time and do that for me?"
"Of course, I will be ready in minutes!" (Y/n) answered as she got up to look for her jacket.
"Alright, the money is in the living room, if you need something I will be in the kitchen." Himari said cheerfully and walked out, leaving the girl to her own world.
'This is so strange... having your own apartment to live in, no people walking in and out, just complete quiet.'
The girl thought, excited about the whole change, feeling like she was in one of those shows she watched.
'But, I like this.' She giggled as she walked out of her new bedroom.

'Just how many brands of salt are there?!'
(Y/n) thought as she looked through the different packages, wondering which one she will buy.
'The cheaper one it is...'
With that, she grabbed the salt and put it in her cart, then looked at her list again. With a hum, she swiftly walked to another isle, her mind slowly drifting to what had happened in the past few weeks.
'It's so weird after everything... Most of Tenjiku is now in juvie, and I can only see Kakucho now on certain days... Then all those shenanigans from Chifuyu, and not to mention Mikey disbanding Toman... I just hope that everything will be relatively normal after all of this.'
Sighing, (Y/n) smiled softly at the thought.
'And besides, Kakucho will be out in a year or so...and I know where he is now at least.'

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) (L/n), is that you?"
The (h/c) girl stopped in her tracks as she heard a unfamiliar feminine voice, and slowly turned around to find a white haired girl, around her age looking in shock at her.
'She looks...familiar? But from where?' (Y/n) thought as she rose her eyebrow.
She stayed quiet as the girl's eyes widened, and a small grin made it on her face.
"It is you... you are back."
"Senju, don't run off like that. I will be blamed if you get lost!"
(Y/n) woke up from her thoughts and looked over at Sanzu's figure, who stopped as well to look at (Y/n).
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"
"Shopping... uh who are you?" (Y/n) quickly answered and then looked back at Senju, who was sending Sanzu some side glares.
"You found her and didn't tell me?"
"First of all, shut up. Second, she doesn't even remember you." Sanzu rolled his eyes at the younger girl's behavior.
The two started arguing, earning some weird looks from the other people, all the while (Y/n) kept quiet wondering what she should even do.

Takemichi panted as he looked at himself in the mirror, wondering how he got himself dressed in a tuxedo, and more importantly where he even was.
'A restroom? But...where am I even?'
Takemichi looked around the place and slowly got out of the restroom.
The black haired man wondered to himself as he heard loud singing from close by, but it still wasn't clear to him where he was.
"Aha! There you are!" Takemichi jumped as he felt someone grab his shoulder.
"We were all wondering where you are. Inui talked my ear off thanks to you."
His eyes widening, the man looked in shock at (Y/n)'s older self, all unharmed and dressed in a beautiful (f/c) dress. Takemichi gulped as he looked at the woman, she looked even more beautiful than in the past timelines he was in.
"Cat got your tongue?" She teased as he quickly shook his head.
"N-no...where are we even?"
"At Pah's wedding of course. Takemichi, your face is all pale, do you need something?" (Y/n) asked, a little concerned with the state the man was in.
"Pah... Pah is getting married?!"
"Don't yell, everyone will hear you." (Y/n) scolded, sending her friend a warning glare, which caused him to shut up.
"And yeah, we have been here since this morning, now hurry up. They will be cutting the cake soon."
"Ah... Yeah, sorry-"
"Are you alright?"
Takemichi got interrupted by another man entering the scene, and his appearance alone intimidated him a lot. Pink mullet hair, pierced ears and two diamond shaped scars on the corners of his mouth.
'Who is this now?!'
"Yeah, I will join you in a minute Haruchiyo, just trying to figure out what's up with Takemichi." (Y/n) said nonchalantly as the man looked up at Takemichi.
"Ek!" He exclaimed, the glare from him being too much for Takemichi. Haruchiyo smirked at the reaction, but soon after flinched as (Y/n) hit him in the stomach.
"Behave. We are at a wedding and Takemichi, are you sure you will be ok?" (Y/n) asked, looking at the man again.
"Yeah... don't worry about me."
Nodding her head, (Y/n) sent him a huge grin.
"Great, otherwise I'd kick your ass. Today is all about Pah-san!"
She cheered as Haruchiyo pulled her towards the ballroom.
"Wha- that's supposed to help me?!"
Takemichi asked, running after the duo.

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