Chapter Sixty-Five

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Daily Tenjiku ideas:
Y/n walking into the living room: Who took the last piece of cake?! That was mine!
Hanma: Silently gulping down the said cake as Kisaki rolls his eyes.
Y/n: Fess up! Whoever did it I will give and nice ki-
Hanma: It was Kakucho! I saw him around the fridge a few minutes ago.
Kakucho:Me?! I was with Izana the whole time, right?
Izana: Nope! :3
Y/n: Ki...KISS! And cuddles and affection all u want! Do you want more cake? I can go and buy u! How many flavors?! *hugs Kakucho*
Muto,not looking up from his book: Shion, let go of that flame thrower. Mochi, stop pouting, Ran put the baton down, Rindou stay away from the window, Koko peave ur wallet alone... Izana put the knife down.
Kisaki: Tries not to chocke Hanma

"I think we should go..." (Y/n) nudged the boy next to her, who was equally unnerved by the cold stares from the three boys.
Nudging him, he turned to look at her and nodded his head quickly, then bowed to the three.
"S...sorry sirs...but miss and I need to go now."
"You can just call me (Y/n)..." She argued, but the boy shook his head. "No, you are dating Kakucho-san, I need to put respect on your name." 'Or else Kakucho-san might beat my ass.'
The boy thought to himself as he led the girl away from this mess.
But just as they were about to pass by the trio, Ran blocked their way along with Mochi, meanwhile Rindou grabbed the flowers out of the boy's grip.
"We will do that! I bet traveling to Shibuya was exhausting as it is, and now to Shinjuku too. Go and rest, we will tell Kakucho what is going on." Ran offered with a lazy smile, but his eyes alone weren't reflecting any kind on calmness, which unnerved the two.
"Ahh no need, it will be like he made all the way from Yokohama for nothing... I am sure you guys have other things to worry about..." (Y/n) spoke up as she looked around the place, it was a pure mess and a real miracle the police didn't arrive by now.
'I hope Kakucho is fine...' Rindou looked over at her and shook his head, pulling her along with him from the crowd.
"Don't be stupid, also don't try to tell nii-san what to do, he doesn't take those things well."
The blonde argued, looking back at the older two and back at (Y/n).
"By the way, where did you get our gang jacket from?"
"Kakucho gave it to me, it's really warm, it also smelled of him for a few days. It was nice." (Y/n) commented as she burried her nose into the collar of the item, blushing a little in the process. Rindou felt his left eye twitch and annoyance with the youngest grow.
'Just how long did they know each other prior to all of this?!'
"Well that's cute~ but a black one looks way better, maybe we should switch them out."
Ran spoke up as he wrapped an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders, trying his best not to go off and curse Kakucho out, but he knew that wouldn't do him well.
"No, unless Kakucho isn't wearing a black one I see no point in switching them. Now please let me go, not only is it hard to walk like this, but it's really inappropriate too."
(Y/n) said as she shrugged his arm off of her, causing the older to pout, but he decided not to say anything for now.

The real issue was Kakucho, not her. Mochi and Rindou were having equal struggles to not lash out right then and there, so they decided to distract themselves by talking. "Where are you supposed to deliver these?" The tallest one asked as (Y/n), causing her to look over at him.
'He seems scary but...maybe he is nice? I don't even know, I just want this to be over with and see Kakucho again.'
"Right around the corner should be the all can leave if you want to, I don't mind walking to the subway station alone."
The trio looked at each other and then shook their heads.
"And leave you alone in this mess?" Ran questioned.
"And there are no rides back to Shibuya in another 3 hours. Where do you plan on going, anyways?" Kanji wondered.
"Oh! Kakucho promised to pick me up, he always takes me around Shibuya on his bike. Bet he planned something similar tonight." (Y/n) smiled gleefully, not noticing the way the way the three clenched their jaws.
"By the way, I never caught your name? These two I know from earlier." (Y/n) to look at Kanji again, who cleared his throat, trying his best not to let his anger show.
"Kanji Mochizuki. But everyone here calls me Mochi."
"(L/n) (Y/n)."
'I know...'
He thought to himself as the arrived in front of the apartment complex. "Come on, where is the apartment?" Rindou asked as he led the way through the entrance, the other two Tenjiku members opting to stay behind.
"Please give me those flowers, I am supposed to deliver that."
Ran sighed and took out his phone, dialing Izana's number.
"I need to call Izana and tell him we need a urgent meeting. (Y/n) is coming with us to Yokohama, I need 1st hand confirmation that they are a couple. Go call Shion and tell him to keep Kakucho in his place in Yokohama, he should be back there by now."
Kanji nodded his head and both called the said people, dreading to see if what they were told was true.

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