Chapter Ten

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Yawning and still half asleep, (Y/n) arrived to her classroom where she found another bouquet of pink camellias on her desk,she heard the same girl whisper and giggle behind her as she walked to her desk.
'I'm so close to kick people...' she sighed as she took the flowers to look at them a little more.
To her confusion it wasn't the same flower shop, this one wasn't even near Roppongi.
'DanDan Batake*...'
''That's in Yokohama...who would order flowers all the way from Yokohama?'' (Y/n) muttered to herself as she felt an arm circle around her neck.
''You got flowers again?'' Makoto asked her as the rest walked over to her desk, Akkun looking more uneasy about the flowers than the rest.
''Yes...but this is strange?''
''What exactly?'' Yamagishi asked, adjusting his glasses as Takuya sat on her seat, watching the flowers in interest.
''This time the flowers are from Yokohama...not Roppongi like last time...''
''Yokohama?! Do you know anyone from there?'' Takuya asked in worry.
''No,'' (Y/n) shook her head, trying to remember if anyone from her old school moved there.
''Although I did have some deliveries there a month ago, although they weren't eventful and I didn't meet anyone.''
''All the way to Yokohama? Why would your boss send you there?''
''Ahh one of her old friends was in the hospital and at the time Yoshida-san was sick, so she sent me there to deliver the woman some flowers and gifts."
The other three guys nodded and walked off to their seats, leaving her alone with Akkun who was unually silent.
''Hmm? Where is Takemichi? Wasn't he with you guys?'' (Y/n) asked in curiosity as the taller nodded and pointed at the boy's seat,
''He fell asleep I think?'' The two sweat dropped as they watched the sleeping blond.
''Typical...''she giggled,but stopped, noticing Akkun's serious face expression.
''Is everything alright? You have been off since Saturday...''
''I want to talk with you...let's have lunch later.''
She nodded her head and put the flowers away to wake Takemichi up.
''Alright, I will just tell Hina I won't be with her today.'' Akkun smiled and walked off to his seat.
''Takemichi for the love-Wake up!'' She yelled and hit the boy over the head.
''Oww! What the hell?! What was that for?!'' The blond yelled, grabbing his head in pain.
''What do you mean?! How many times did I tell you to go to sleep early?!''
''I am sorry!'' He yelled as she was about to hit him again.
''Were they always like this?'' Yamagishi asked Takuya,who watched the scene in amusement as the rest of the class looked at them in confusion.
''Yeah,they were always this way. Takemichi was always the more reckless one who would jump into situations without thinking and (Y/n) was the more collected and responsible one.'' He smiled, as the other three nodded in understanding.

Lunch time
''What was it you wanted to talk to me about?''
The duo were walking down the hallways to a more secluded part near the stairs. Once there, Akkun sighed and looked over at (Y/n), his heart speeding up.
''(Y/n) should really throw away these flowers, for all you know some creep could be behind this.'' Akkun glared and continued, ''Who knows. Maybe it's more than one person, after all why would the same person be sending you flowers from different parts of Tokyo.''
''I already planned to do that.'' She sighed, causing Akkun to look at her with a small smile.
''Yes, I don't know who it is and I doubt it's anyone from school either, who would go all the way to Yokohama for a bunch of flowers you can get here anyways.'' Looking out the window, she sighed and frowned a little, the whole situation leaving her unnerved, if only she knew who this person or people were. Akkun kept looking at her the whole time, feeling his face heat up more and more the more time passed.
''Say (Y/n) if the person who is sending you these things confessed one day...would you accept them? Their feelings I mean!'' Akkun asked, gulping as he watched (Y/n) think over the question.
''I would give them the chance to say what they have to say, but I don't know... Maybe if they have the patience for me to get to know them maybe. I really can't give a definite answer.'' She sighed before walking off.
''Huh? Where are you going?'' The plum boy asked, following after the (h/c) girl.
''Oh Michi-kun needs me to explain a biology assignment. He can be an air head at times.'' She giggled, but stopped as she noticed Akkun stop, face blank.
''Are you not coming?''
''I...I need to go to the restroom...'' He walked off into the opposite direction, (Y/n) watching him in confusion and concerne,but shrugged, thinking that school and that recent fight just have him on edge.
'I won't bother him, if he wants to tell me he will.'

(Continued)Yandere!Tokyo Revengers x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now