Chapter Seventy-One

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Oh I want this man to do unholy things to me... one day I will get therapy, but today is not the day...

Naoto and Takemichi arrived at Taiju's restaurant, both amazed by the interior, but a little unnerved by the sharks, but neither said anything about it

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Naoto and Takemichi arrived at Taiju's restaurant, both amazed by the interior, but a little unnerved by the sharks, but neither said anything about it.
The waitress served them their drinks and left, a awkward silence taking over the table.
''So, where do you two want to start off?'' Taiju asked as he lit uo his cigarette.
''The Black Dragons, what happened to them?'' Naoto questioned first, although Takemichi was more curious as to what happened with (Y/n).
''Where should I start? Hanagaki, you know that I was the 10th generation leader, you remember that much?''
Taiju asked as the said man nodded his head.
''Do you know who created the Black Dragons?''
''No, who?'' Takemichi wondered as Naoto prepeared to take some notes. ''The founder and first captain of the Black Dragons, was nobody other than Sano Shinchiro. The person who created one of the most notorious gangs was the older brother of Mikey.''
Takemichi's esyes widened, remembering the way Mikey talked about his brother in the past, the same one who was killed by Kazutora long before they met.
''So that's the connection they have with Toman?''
''In a way...the 1st generation of the Black Dragons was legendary. After them came the 2nd, 3rd and so on. Eventually, the baton was passed down to Kurokawa Izana, who was the leader of the 8th generation.'' ''8th generation? So he was there before you.''
''Yes.'' Taiju said, taking a sip from the coffee he got, Naoto silently writing down all the names he got. 'Toman was created around the time the 9th generation was defeated.'
''So Izana Kurokawa is older than you are?'' Naoto wondered, receiving a nod from the man.
''Yep, by two years. Izana Kurokawa is part of the feared S62 Generation. 3 years after he retired from the Black Dragons, he created Tenjiku. He fucked Toman over and then the famous 'Kantou incident' happened.'' Taiju continued explaining, which made Takemichi finally connect some of the dots.
'Wait everyone important in Tenjiku is part of that S62 Generation! So that's where the connection comes from. And the Kantou incident, that's happening rigth now in the past!'
''So who won? Toman or Tenjiku?'' Taiju stopped drinking for a moment and looked over at Takemichi in confusion.
''You should know that, you were there at the time.''
''Uhm...actually...'' Takemichi trailed off as Naoto kicked him under the table.
''Whatever I won't explain much or say who won that prolonged conflict. I will tell you now how Toman and Tenjiku ended up merging.
The hierarchy goes like this: on top you have Sano Manjiro, the 2nd most importatnt person is Kisaki Tetta, Toman's number 3 is Kurokawa Izana. With them coming together, a group of Japan's worst gangsters was born.
With Sano being dead, Kisaki overseas, Kurokawa is the top dog. I still don't understand how Sano trusted Kurokawa more than Ryuguji Ken, but that is where we are.''
'What?! Why him?! Why would Mikey trust a former rival more than his friend.'
Takemichi thought as he inspected the picture of the white haired man.

''What do you know about (Y/n) (L/n)?'' Naoto asked, catching Takemichi's attention.
Taiju stopped for a moment, trying to pick up good words to explain her situation.
''Well, she is the one person who only confuses me. She never gave off to be the type to end up in Japan's most brutal gang, but here we are. It's unknow to me as to why she left Toman all those years ago, only the top members in Tenjiku are aware of her true intentions at the time. Though most are convinced that she did it for the sake of staying with Kakucho, who is Izana's most loyal man. One thing the gangs in Tokyo and beyond are well aware of, is that without (Y/n) Tenjiku would have not gotten as far as they did.'' ''What do you mean?''
''During the Kantou Incident,she ratted every single higher up in Toman out to Tenjiku. Giving away their weak spots, fighting style, possible attack plans, you name it. Thanks to her, Tenjiku had a big adventage here. Other gang members dislike her for the betrayal, former gang or not, you don't rat anyone out, but gang leaders on the other hand are throwing good money her way to get her to join them. Although a rat, she does get her job done. Give her anyone to kill, a small gangster or a big figure in the political scene, she will get rid of them for you with 0 evidence left. It's impressive to a sick degree how well she does the job.'' ''(Y/n)...she is that brutal?''
Takemichi asked, to which Taiju nodded his head.
''Oh yeah, Tachibana you probably remember the death of that one prime minister from Norway. It happened in 2014.''
''Yeah, the man who embezzled millions and millions? As far as I remember, there was nothing suspicious about his death, a simple heart attack.''
Naoto answered, confused as to why Taiju was aughing at his answer.
''He didn't. (Y/n) was the one behind it, I guess she was smart enough to use medications and chemicals, instead of weapons. Till this day it's a popular belief he just died from heart failure, which nobody bothers questioning since the people were more than happy to see him gone.'' ''How...are you so sure she did it?'' Takemichi asked.
''I talked to her before she left for Norway.''
''WHAT?!'' The younger men asked as Taiju nodded his head, looking over at the sharks for a moment and then back at the two.
''2014 was the same year she killed off Hakkai, so I searched for her to get some answers. Hakkai was her 2nd last victim, Nahoya Kawata was the last one, when we talk about the Toman higher-ups. She told me where she was off to, at the time I had no idea that her intentions were to kill a politician of all people.'' ''And...did she ever say why she killed Hakkai and the rest?'' Takemichi asked.
''No, she just said if I want to know more, to search for you Hanagkai.''
''Do you know anything Takemichi?'' Naoto asked, looking over at the man, who quickly shook his head. ''No! For the love of God she never told me anything that could indicate the reasons to this whole mess!''
''Are you sure? Because 3 years after meeting up with Taiju, she told me the same thing. You have to know SOMETHING!''
While the two men were bickering, Taiju finished the rest of his coffee, the memories of 4 years ago playing off inside his head.

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