Chapter Fifty-Four

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''Don't pull a stunt like that again, got it? The other nurses were worried sick where you went

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''Don't pull a stunt like that again, got it? The other nurses were worried sick where you went.''
(Y/n) smiled apologetically as this was the 3rd nurse that scolded her since this morning, and by the looks of it, there will be more as the day passed.
''Nevermind, your fever went down rather quicky, thank God. You will have a check up tomorrow and the doctor will decide if you are ready to go or not. Till then, just stay here and rest.''
''Alright, I will.''
The nurse sent her a small smile as she walked out of the room.
''I will be back around 13 o'clock to bring you your lunch.''
''Thank you!'' (Y/n) called out as she plopped herself on her bed, sighing from boredom.
'Soo annoying, I really want to be anywhere but here right now. I wonder how the rest are doing.'
She wondered as her eyes were closing slowly, but the loud sound of the door opening caused (Y/n) to jump up and look at the door, only to find Yuzuha and Hakkai standing there, both out of breath as if they ran a marathon.
''Anyways Hakkai, I won. I get to talk to (Y/n) first.'' Yuzuha argued as the said boy sent her a glare.
''You won because you tricked me!'' ''Hakkai? Yuzuha-san? What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be recovering at home?''
The duo turned a bright red shade and turned to look at (Y/n), both clearly embarrassed by what just happened.
''Well we weren't as seriously injured as you and Takemichi were, so I think we will be fine. Besides, I wanted to talk to you about something. Just the two of us.'' Yuzuha stated, discretely pointing at Hakkai. (Y/n) nodded, understanding what she meant and asked from Hakkai to wait outside, which he reluctantly agreed to.

Once he was gone. There was an awkward silence between the two girls, and (Y/n) watched as Yuzuha gulped nervously and sat on the chair next to her.
''How have you been?'' The older girl asked, trying not to flinch when she got a better look at all those bruises she got.
''Fine, the pain killers I was given helped a lot! Though they are a little too strong for my taste.''
She laughed nervously for a moment, but continued speaking. ''What about you and Hakkai?''
''We are doing better. Mikey kicking Taiju unconscious seemed to really affect him a lot. He hasn't left the room or spoken to anyone.''
Yuzuha said, sounding releaved to finally have a normal day after so many years.
''As long as you two are alright and safe again, it's all that matters!''
(Y/n) smiled softly, causing Yuzuha to blush a little. There was a silence that fell over the duo again, the two girls only looking around the room. 'Should I bring up the dream? Will she be weirded out?'
Yuzuha looked at for a moment, fists clenching as she finally blurted the question out that was on her mind for a while.
''Do you remember me? I know it has been a long time since we met, but...the girl in the park you once helped was me.''
''Yeah, I remembered some parts of our meeting last night. So that was really you?''
Yuzuha felt her heartbeat speed up for a moment, and nodded her head quickly.
''Yeah! At the time, you don't know how much you helped me, and how much those kind gestures meant. I know for you they were nothing, something anyone would do,but at the were the first and only person to stand up for me.''
(Y/n) was stunned for a moment, not believing there were people who would have allowed all of that to happen.
Slowly nodding her head, Yuzuha got up and walked closer to (Y/n). ''After I had to stop going to the park, I felt a part of me leaving. And when I saw you again, I felt hope to find you again, since you didn't change much from 6 years ago. Tho, that you were actually a girl shocked me.''
''I...this is a lot at once...'' (Y/n) muttered, looking around the room nervously. Yuzuha smiled gently at her reaction and took the younger's hands into hers, surprising the girl by the contact.
''Can...I try something? Please.'' ''Uhm...sure?'' (Y/n) answered, unsure what the girl wa talking about, but she guessed she could trust Yuzuha.
Then suddenly, without warning, the brown haired girl pulled (Y/n) closer and kissed her on the lips.
The kiss wasn't long, maybe lasted a whole 20 seconds, but the (h/c) girl felt like it lasted longer, and looked at Yuzuha in shock as the girl pulled away, her own face sporting a bright blush.
''Before you say anthing... I...I love you. For the past 6 years I couldn't get over you and felt like if I don't make a move now, I will lose this opportunity again. I am sorry if I weirded you out.''
''Uhm i-it's alright! I am not weirded out, just confused by everything.'' 'More confused as to why girls like me all of a sudden.' She thought to herself, before speaking up again. ''Uhh...I can't say I feel the same tho, sorry. I just met you again a few weeks ago, and I just got out of a silly crush phase myself, and don't know what I actually want. But...I appreciate your honesty.''
''You don't have to return my feelings now, give yourself some time. But, I hope you consider my confession once you feel ready to jump into a relationship.''
Yuzuha answered quickly, sighing in relief as (Y/n) nodded her head.
''I sure will. How about for now, we try to get to know each other?'' (Y/n) suggested.
''Sure! But...we can do that another day, maybe after New Years. I was given a limited time with you, and Hakkai needs to talk with you as well.''
''Alright! Sounds like a plan!'' 'Geez...first Hinata, then Hakkai and now Yuzuha...'

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