Chapter Eighty-eight

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I am soo much meaner when my period hits me... on that note, take the pen and paper away from Stephen King

I made (Y/n) taller in this timeskip, around 5'7, around 170 cm or so.

Takemichi stood in front of (Y/n) as she spoke about something, the boy observing her every move and the new look she had. It was no big major change. Even though 2 years had passed since the Tenjiku incident (Y/n), for the most part, stayed the same. Except her now taller form and longer hair. Takemichi blinked a few times as (Y/n) said something, but the boy was too lost in his thoughts to understand what it was.

'I can't believe she is really here... and she got so much prettier.' Takemichi blushed a bright red as he observed the girl a little more. (Y/n) raised her eyebrow at his sudden nervous state and stopped talking and waved her hand in front of his face, catching him off guard.
"Huh? Uh..." The boy mumbled as (Y/n) looked at Takemichi skeptically.
"You didn't hear one thing I said, right?"
"I..." Takemichi gulped, looking even more embarrassed as he hung his head.

"Sorry... I am still in shock from seeing you again... It's been years." Takemichi admitted, trying to ignore the glares of Sanzu and the unknown girl. (Y/n) sighed and slowly patted Takemichi's back, surprising him in the process.
"Same old Takemichi. Nothing changed."
"(Y/n)..." The boy muttered as he looked up at (Y/n). The girl's soft look slowly turned into a grin as she snickered.

"Even your height didn't change~"
"Hey! It's not my fault you have some crazy growth genes!"
"Short stuff said what now?!"
Sanzu rolled his eyes as he saw the two bicker, jealousy growing in him as he cleared his throat.
"Hanagaki, what do you want here? (Y/n) doesn't have all day." The duo looked at Sanzu for a moment, then back at each other.
"Oh... yeah... I..." Takemichi stuttered, growing nervous from Sanzu and Senju's icy looks.
'What am I supposed to even say?! Hey, I just came back from the future to tell you Kakucho will get killed?' Takemichi gulped.

"Haruchiyo, don't be so mean to him-"
"I need to talk with you. It's really serious, (Y/n). I need to speak with you privately for this one."
The girl blinked at Takemichi in surprise.
"Hey, now. You can't just come here and monopolize (Y/n)'s time. Who are you even?" The pink haired girl raised an eyebrow, staring at Takemichi in distaste.

"Hey, now. Haruchiyo, Senju, Takemichi is an old friend of mine. Cut him some slack!" (Y/n) said, standing in front of the boy to shield him from their glares.
"I... I will see you two later. Tell big bro I will be taking the bike for a few hours."
The duo looked at her for a moment before Sanzu sighed and nodded his head.

"Fine. But don't be too late. I don't need your mom or Wakasa to worry over you again." Senju sighed as the duo said their goodbyes and walked off.
"So, let's get out of here. I will drive us to a more peaceful part of the city to talk." (Y/n) said while walking away. Takemichi blinked a few times but quickly ran after her.
"Wait, bike? You have a bike now?" Takemichi asked as (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders.
"I share it with my big bro, it's not really mine... yet!" (Y/n) added in.
"Big bro?"

"That's what I call Wakasa. He is fine with it, so why not." She smiled over at Takemichi.
"Let's hurry up now. The bike isn't too far away and we should hurry up before the traffic jam starts."

'I will die! She drives faster than Mikey!!' Takemichi cried internally as (Y/n) zoomed down the street. The faux blonde boy held tightly onto her, all the color draining from his face.
'At this point, she is the one who will kill me and not some gang member!'
Takemichi sighed as (Y/n) kept concentrating on driving between the cars to get out of the jam.

'She changed a lot... she seems a lot happier than back then.' Takemichi noted again, glancing a few times at one of the side-mirrors. And sure enough, there was a certain glimmer in her eyes that Takemichi didn't see in years.
'I need to figure out how and why South killed Kakucho and Izana... I can't let her go down that criminal path again.'

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