Chapter Fifty-Two

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What's one thing u all will go to gell for?
For me,it's probably that one time when I was reading a Bonten!Koko NSFW fanfic while a woman talked abt Jesus to me💀

"Taiju." Takemichi started talking, the said male looking at the faux blonde in annoyance.
"If I win, the Black Dragons are mine." For a while nobody spoke, Chifuyu held his breath as did Hakkai, awaiting for one of them to throw the first punch.
'I need to make it... I promised that I will save the future. No matter-' Takemichi's thoughts were interrupted as Taiju's fist collided with his face. The boy quickly recovered from the blow and ran at the taller, trying to hit him in return. "Stop it, Takemitchy! You can't change anything!" Hakkai yelled, but it went ignored by the blonde. Taiju hit Takemichi again, this time the boy was sent a few meters away.
'In that future...I had nobody. The one friend I swore to protect...ended up getting killed because I abandoned her. I need to fix this.' The faux blonde slowly got up and glanced at Hakkai, who was standing behind him, and shook his head.
"You are wrong, Hakkai. You are the one who won't change."
'And besides, I want to land at least one punch on that fuckers face. After what he put (Y/n) through... it's the least I can do.' Takemichi ran at Taiju again, trying his hardest to hit him at least once, but each time failing and being the one to be hit instead.
'(Y/n) always stood up for me and the one time I should have done it,her best friend, I failed. Instead, Mitsuya was the one to do that work for me.'

"Piss off now!" (Y/n) yelled as the crying boys ran off, each sporting either a bloody nose or black eye. Takemichi watched in surprise and amazement at their retreating figures, before turning to look at (Y/n).
"You are a reckless idiot! Do you know how worried I was?!" Takemichi flinched away from the glare she was sending him.
"W-what did I do?!"
"I told you not to pick a fight with older guys! You said you won't, so why did you do it?"
(Y/n) asked while sitting down on the ground in front of him, her glare slowly softened.
"They called you names behind your back! They even said you are a bastard child! What was I supposed to do?!"
"I don't know, tell me maybe to deal with it?! Takemichi, I can handle stuff like this, by now I am used to it. Don't put your own well being on the line for this. It's a problem I have to deal with."
Takemichi went silent for a moment and (Y/n) took it as a sign that he understood what she meant. "Alright, let's go now. It's getting late-"
"You are my friend, so no I won't stand by and let someone bad mouth you. You will have to deal with that." Takemichi said as he got up to face the girl, who was stunned by his words.
"You can be mad at me for going back in my words, but that won't change anything." The boy smiled widely as the girl kept on looking at him, a small blush forming on her face.

Present time...
"You have done enough, Takemitchy! You will fucking die!" Chifuyu yelled while trying to get up. A teardrop slid down Takemichi's face as the memories kept repeating themselves, his determination growing more and more.
'I need to make this right!' Both boys swung their fists at each other's faces, and hit each other at the same time. Takemichi flew away again as Taiju stared at the ground in disbelief for a moment.
"Tch! That didn't even hurt." He mumbled as he fell to his knees. Takemichi slowly got up and turned to fully face Hakkai.
"Even if there is the smallest chance that I can change something, I will risk it. It's worth it. Fighting on is hard and painful, but the loneliness and feeling that you had let someone far worse..."
Takemichi said as the taller sunk to his knees and tears started streaming down his face.

With (Y/n)...
By now she was alone in her room again. The three boys were sent out by the nurses, but they promised to visit her tomorrow. The whole time she felt uneasy though, knowing that her friends were stuck with that monster and she was here, laying in bed and safe.
"This sucks! If only I can walk out, but the moment I try to leave the bed one of the nurses comes in..." She muttered, never feeling more useless than she felt now.
'I promised myself to protect my friends and anyone dear to me, and yet... I keep breaking my promise over and over again.' Then her thoughts started shifting to Yuzuha and the dream she had.
'Yuzuha really grew into a great and strong big sister... I'm happy Hakkai has her, at least someone who loves and takes care of him.' She smiled to herself, thinking about the the Shiba duo, but she also felt jealous.
'I wonder...If I had a chance with my brother, would we be close like they are? I wish I was given a chance for it.' (Y/n) sighed and covered her face with her pillow. She wanted to scream, all of this causing more stress to her than it should. But the more time passed, she kept remembering her time with her biological family. Wondering if somethings would have been different if she was not the way she is.
'Was it the way I looked or acted that made them abandon me? Or was it both? Maybe I didn't act properly enough? Or was it me constantly failing basic tasks in my piano classes?' Shaking her head, she turned to look outside of the window, watching as the snow kept falling.
'Please make it out alive... Mikey please protect them...' She was about to fall asleep again, when the sound of the door opening startled her. Turning to face the door, she was surprised to see Mikey standing next to her bed, holding her Toman jacket.
"Come on, I found a way to get you out of here. We need to hurry up!" Smiling at his words, she quickly got up and put the jacket on.

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