Chapter Thirty-Three

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U all can stop gaslighting urselves into believing Hanma is handsome. I believe in u.

"The food was really good! You were right about the restaurant being nice." (Y/n) cheered as they walked out of the place and towards the west exit.
Kisaki nodded his head and kept silent while messaging Hanma, who seemed to not answer judging by the frown on the boy's face.
"Is everything alright?" (Y/n) asked in worry, hoping nothing bad happened.
"I think so? But Hanma isn't answering and it's already 5 'till 11." Kisaki grumbled, not really caring if the black/blonde haired boy came at all, he just wouldn't be able to stand Rindou's complaining on how they are late.
'Sometimes I wonder how they are even related...' Kisaki thought as he thought of the Haitani brothers. "Maybe the traffic? It is pretty busy today." (Y/n) spoke up as Kisaki looked over at her and nodded his head.
"I hope it's that, and not him forgetting about it." The blonde boy said as he took (Y/n) by her wrist and walked her towards a more secluded area of the place.
"Why are we here now?" She asked. "It is better to stay here than in the crowd, I will text him where we are." Kisaki answered, turning his attention back to his phone, leaving (Y/n) in her own thoughts.
'It's really pretty here... when was the last time I was even here?' She wondered as she watched the people walk by, a distant memory flooding her brain.
'Oh yeah... that was when I met those two boys...'

5 years ago...
"Mom? Mom? Mom where are you?" A 9 years old (Y/n) looked around, trying to find the older woman's figure, but she was only met with faces and figures of strangers. Hugging her teddy bear closer to herself, (Y/n) felt the familiar scene play out again, which caused the girl to start crying and shaking.
It was getting darker and darker which caused the fear in the girl's heart to grow even more.
'Mom...she didn't grow annoyed with me and leave? Mom come back.'
Her thoughts got interrupted when someone tapped her shoulder. Jumping up a little, the girl slowly turned around, only to find a boy looking down at her in concern.
"Are you alright? My friend and I saw you crying." The tanned boy explained, pointing at a figure behind him.
Looking over his shoulder, (Y/n) saw a boy with black hair and a scar on his face looking intensely at her. But what really caught her attention were his eyes, one being white and the other red, they were unique, but very beautiful.

"So? Why are you alone here?" The boy white haired boy asked again and (Y/n) looked at him and then at the ground, a little embarrassed by the situation.
"I...I lost my mom here, and I can't find her..." she pouted as the boy looked at her the whole time, the intensity of his stare caused (Y/n) to fidget in her spot.
"I see... well you can spend your time with me and my servant till she comes here to pick you up." "Servant?" (Y/n) wondered as she followed the bleach blonde boy. "Mhmm Kakucho, I found another servant!" The tanned boy told the scarred boy.
"Introduce yourself."
"Kakucho Hitto." He said, sounding disinterested.
"(Y-Y/n) (L/n)..." The (h/c) girl said, clutching the bear closer.
"Alright! And my name is Kurokawa Izana, the king." The purple eyed boy announced, causing (Y/n) to look at him in confusion.
"King? Are you related to the royal family?" (Y/n) asked in amazement as she walked closer to the boy, excited to meet someone from the Japanese royalty.
Izana looked at her expression in amusement and patted her head. "Much better than them!" Izana grinned as (Y/n) looked at him in confusion.
"You are looking at the future leader of Japan's most notorious gang! Even the royal family will be nothing against us." The purple eyed boy announced proudly as he pointed at himself and Kakucho.
(Y/n) said nothing in return as she stared in awe at Izana and then at the black haired boy, but as she turned to look at him, she saw Kakucho glaring at her, so (Y/n) backed away a little.
Izana noticed the uneasiness and sent a warning look towards Kakucho, who huffed and looked away.
"(Y/n)?! Honey, where were you?! You had me worried!" Grinning, (Y/n) ran towards Himari, leaving the two boys dumbfounded.
"Mom!" She cheered as she ran into the crying woman's arms. Himari picked the girl up and kissed her cheek.
"Don't scare me like that again! Come on now, you didn't eat anything the whole day." Himari said as she put the girl down.
"Can I just say goodbye to my friends?" (Y/n) asked while pointing at the two boys, who were staring at the scene with emotionless eyes. "Sure... but please be quick."
Himari said, watching carefully as the girl made her way towards them. 'Something is off about them... they certainly don't give me a good gut feeling, unlike Takemichi and Takuya when I first met them...' the older woman thought as she walked a little closer, waiting for the girl to come back.
"Thank you for keeping me company!" (Y/n) grinned at Izana, who just nodded his head.
"Bye-bye!" She waved at them as she ran to he rather, who took her hand immediately into hers and walked off, not wanting (Y/n) to stay around them any longer than needed.
Izana watched in disappointment as the (h/c) girl disappeared from his sight. But the pout soon turned into a grin, a plan forming in his head.
'I will become stronger and find you again... after all, I can't let a servant of mine go.'
On the other hand, Kakucho was far from disappointed, in fact he was overjoyed the girl was gone, as she won't be able to outshine or outdo him anymore.
He didn't like sharing, his king included in this.
'Finally that piggy is gone...'

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