Chapter Sixty

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For the readers whose mother tongue isn't English: what phrase would sound weird to a English native when translated from ur language?
For me,in Bosnian, instead of 'He is sound asleep' we use 'He is sleeping like he was beheaded'💀💀(Spava kao zaklan)

The atmosphere at the hall was gloomy, nobody uttered a word as the sobs from Himari, Hinata and Mitsuya's sisters echoed through the room.
Nobody knew what to do or to say, they just burried Mitsuya, and just a few days after, it was (Y/n)'s turn. Takemichi felt like screaming at the top of his lungs, frustration, anger, grief and desperation all boiling up inside of him.
He clenched his fists as the tears blurred his vision.
''Please stop shaking so much..I am not in the mood to stop you from lashing out...'' Naoto said, sitting next to him, not even bothering to wipe his tears away.
'Where did it go wrong? At what point of my time travel did I mess up...and who even killed (Y/n)? Kisaki is gone, he was the only suspect we had...Could Naoto have been right? Was it maybe someone else who killed her? But who?' Takemichi groaned, feeling helpless as the ceremony kept on going.
'How many times do I have to see this?What is even the right way to stop this disaster?'
''Takemichi, we are going to your place later. We need to talk about your trip to Manila.'' Naoto whispered, the older man nodding his head.

''How is Ren doing?'' Takemichi asked Luna as they walked out of the hall, the younger woman shaking her head, trying to stop herself from sobbing yet again.
''He hasn't come out of (Y/n) and nii-san's room the whole time. All he keeps saying he wants them back and...and he doesn't want to eat anything. Last night he barely ate anything, if it wasn't for mom breaking down, I doubt he would have even that little...''
Takemichi sighed,having expected something like that to happen. Losing one parent was bad enough, but a matter of a week? Just heartbreaking.
''I wish I could have done something.''
''There was nothing you could do Takemichi,none of us expected this to happen. Don't beat yourself up over it.'' Mana added, feeling like a broken shell, as she walked past the two.
''Yeah, it's not like you could see this coming.'' Takemichi gulped at those words, feeling awkward and guilty.
There was a way to stop it, he knew there was, but he had to figure it out first.

Naoto took a deep breath as he closed the door of Takemichi's apartment and followed the older into the living room, neither uttered a single word during the whole car ride home. Takemichi sat down and took the letter Mikey sent him, reading it over and over, trying to get his mind off of the funeral. 'Draken, Chifuyu, Baji, Hakkai, Mitsuya... (Y/n)...even the other captains and vice captains are gone... What is going on? Why would Mikey kill of people who meant so much to him-'
Takemichi jumped up in his seat as he heard a loud bang. Looking over, the older saw that it was Naoto punching the wall, so much so that his knuckles started bleeding. Getting up from his seat, Takemichi ran over to the man, grabbing his hand to prevent him from punching the wall again.
''Naoto stop that! You fist is bleeding!''
''SO WHAT?!'' The man snapped, turning around to glare at the older as he plled his hand out of his grip. ''It's bleeding, and?! (Y/n) is dead! The only person I loved to the moon and back is gone! Killed and left to suffer in a public restroom of all places! I am tired! We are just running in circles! Nothing that is done in the past can prevent this! I should have lock-''
Naoto stopped taliking and took a deep breath as Takemichi stared at him.
''Listen, Takemichi. You are going to question Mikey on everything he knows, and why (Y/n) ended up being his target.
She left Toman back in 2006, there was no reason to kill her off like the rest, who did hold admin positions.'' ''So you really think...Mikey killed her too?''
Takemichi questioned, wondering what the gang leader's motive could have even been.
'Even if she left Toman...was that such a big deal to kill her?'
''There is nobody else who could have done it! Look around! Everyone with the slightest history with Mikey is dead! Killed by him! Wake up and get it together!'' Naoto finally stopped yelling panting as tears started streaming down his face.
''Just...don't let (Y/n) down...please...'' Naoto begged as he sunk to the ground.
'It's my fault too...right after she broke up with him...I should have locked her away somewhere...this is too dangerous for her...' The police officer thought.
Takemichi sighed and nodded to himself, he needed to find out what made Mikey do all of this, and use that information in the past.
'I can't mess up anymore...I don't know for how much longer I can do this.'

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