Chapter Sixty-Nine

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I wonder...what was one of the dumbest things u had smn tell u. For me, it was when 3 Americans in a discord once asked me: how my country can be a majority Muslim country,while being in Europe💀 also was asked how I am not ashamed that my people culturally appropriated Turkey...Fuckers never heard of the Ottoman Empire and basic history I fear...

Kakucho watched the girl's sleeping face for a moment, then proceeded to tuck her into her bed.
He then wrote something down on a piece of paper and took the dirty dishes out of the room.
'I need to head to Izana's place as soon as possible. He won't like this one bit...'
Kakucho sighed and washed the dishes before heading out of place. He looked back at it for a few seconds before walking off, trying to find a solution to how he will keep Toman away during the times he was away in Yokohama.
'(Y/n)...this madness they put her through would have just gotten more intense if she hadn't left. And where was Takemichi during this whole time? I thought she would be safe with him but now... What is he even doing?'
Kakucho glared down at his shoes and walked out of the brothel. Fishing out his phone, Kakucho dialed Izana's number, waiting for a few seconds till he heard the light haired boy's voice from the other side.
''Kakucho? Where were you this whole time?''
''I was at (Y/n)'s, like I said I would be till she wakes up. She just ate and fell asleep again, tho I did let her know I will be going back to Yokohama now.''
''She was awake? Did she tell you anything about Toman?''
The younger boy took a deep sigh, knowing that the news he had will make Izana act even more violently than he already was.
''Yeah she did...I will tell you everything once I am back, since I don't trust you alone right now.'' ''Hmm? Is it that bad?''
Izana asked as his voice dropped a few octaves, already imagining how he will make Mikey's and eveyone else's deaths in the gang 10x more painful.
Kakucho looked nervously at the ground, knowing full well what the older was thinking.
''There is a lot...just wait for me and I will tell you everything. I need to end the call now.''
With that, the call ended and Kakucho put his phone down, wondering how he should best approach the talk with Izana, and when the rest of Tenjiku hear what happened, there will be a blood bath.
'Whatever, Takemichi is mine to take care of. How the hell do you ignore a friend who is trying to confide with you about something?'

Nerima ward, Tokyo...
Inupi was lazily watching his black haired companion as he drank his coffee, neither really bothering to say a word as people kept walking past them in the cafe.
''What do you think of Toman so far? Do you think everyone will get used to each other? Now that one of our commanders is gone, it will be hard to keep everyone at bay.''
The blonde finally spoke up, watching as Kokonoi shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes.
''I don't know, nor do I really care. It's not like I will stay for long enough to see how you all will get along or not.''
Kokonoi's answer made the blonde pause any further movements, and he looked at the boy.
''What do you mean? Are you planning on leaving the gang scene or something?''
Inui asked, earning a chuckle from the black haired boy.
''No, but I do plan on leaving the Black Dragons. I already warned Takemichi about my leave, so that nobody can say it was a surprise.'' Inui's eyes widened at the answer and he looked at his friend in disbelief.
As long as he knew Kokonoi, they always did everything together, so hearing his plans on leaving without discussing it with him was out of character.
''And why?'' Kokonoi looked at the blonde for a moment, and then outside through the window.
''I heard Tenjiku is looking for new members, plus the pay seems a lot better than what I earn right now. Toman is a kindergarten compared to them.''
''Tenjiku? The same ones who attacked the other day? Why them?'' ''As I said, the pay seems better-'' ''That's bullshit. We both know that money is the last thing on your mind. What is it?''
Kokonoi kept his mouth shut after that. Inui observed his figure grow stiff and a his cheeks turn slightly red.
''Don't tell's because (Y/n) left Toman for Tenjiku. She didn't even join the gang, just ran off to that boyfriend of hers. Will you stop acting like a fool and chase a girl that obviously has no interest in you? You are acting ridiculous! Even with that stupid scarf she got you, if I didn't know any better, I would think you wear it at home too.''
Inui grew agitated as Kokonoi glared at the blonde, gripping onto the said item.
''Just because you don't give a damn about her, doesn't mean I don't. Besides, I only agreed to joining Toman if (Y/n) was one of the commanders, which she isn't anymore. So what is the point of me staying there? Also, your irrational anger towards her is getting annoying.'' Kokonoi commented as Inui sent him a hard glare.
''I am annoying? Says the guy who is playing a losing game here. She picked who she wants to be with, just let it go. And I have every right to be angry at a girl who is clearly using you and your money.''
''What are you talking about? It's not using if I spend it willingly and she didn't ask for it.''
Kokonoi argued back, sighing as he tried to calm his anger down. ''Besides, I don't care if she picks me or not, as long as she wants me in her life, even as a friend, I am fine with it. (Y/n) is one of the very few people who make me feel alive again, I am not letting anything happen to her, as long as I can protect her.''
Inui watched in disbelief as Kokonoi got up and fished out an envelope, puting it in front of the blonde.
''I am off now. That's the money you gave (Y/n) after that outburst of yours, I forgot to give it back to you. By the way, she insisted I give it back.''
With that, Kokonoi was off as the blonde grabbed onto the envelope and opened it, seeing that all the money was still there, she really didn't touch any of it.
The blonde gulped and put the item into his pocket, she was the first one to pass his test!
'That's a first...usually girls would take either everything or a little bit of money I leave. So why didn't she? Especially since she is the poorest girl Kokonoi showed interested in, why wouldn't she just take it?'
Inui rubbed his temples and got up as well to pay for his drink, shirtly after leaving the building.
'I need to find out more stuff about her. Hmmm...'
Inui thought as he walked off to his apartment, thoughts about the younger girl flooding his brain.

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