Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The hallway of the hospital was silent for the most part except for the occasional sounds of sobbing from Chifuyu and Takemichi, nobody dared to say a word.
The two, along with the remaining Toman founders have been waiting for (Y/n)'s surgery to end, and for the doctor to come out, but it seemed to them the more time passed the less hope they had.
As much as Takemichi was worried about (Y/n) at the moment, he couldn't help the shivers that ran down his spine when he threw a glance at the founders.
It was eery, the way they were showing no emotion, just blank stares at either the wall or floor. ''Mitsuya-san-'' Takemichi started speaking, but cut himself off when the older threw a glare at him.
Deciding not to provoke anything, he just looked down on his feet. ''Chifuyu, stop acting like a whimp and get it together.''
Baji told the boy, the coldness in his voice caused both Chifuyu and Takemichi to jump up.
''It's your fault she's in this situation to begin with...''
Chifuyu muttered as he glared at the ground, causing the long haired boy to glare at him.
''What did you just say?! Repeat that to my face!'' He was about to walk over to him, but got stopped by Mitsuya and Draken holding him back.
''Calm down, Baji.''
''Yeah, you will cause us problems.'' Draken and Mitsuya said, but who really caused him to stop was Mikey. ''Shut up, all of you.''
''Mikey?'' Draken turned to the boy, who was glaring at the floor since he arrived there.
''I won't repeat myself.'' After that everyone was silent.
Takemichi went out a few times to call Himari and tell her that (Y/n) will be hanging out at his place tonight and to get something to drink.
After another hour or so, the doctor walked out of the O.R.
The group stood up from their seats and waited for the older doctor to start speaking.
''Are you here for (L/n)-san?''
''Yes, how is she?'' Mitsuya asked as the man looked over at him.
''Well, the surgery was complicated since it did hit a vital part of her body, but she should recover in the following week. Just don't stress her out while visiting and everything will be alright.''
The words caused them all to let out sighs of relief, Takemichi ended up collapsing on the ground while crying.
''Thank God...''
''Do you know when she will wake up?'' Draken asked as the doctor nodded his head.
''Yes, in about two days she should wake up, maybe even sooner. But two days is my safest bet. You can go and see her if you want, but don't stay for too long.'' The doctor told them and walked away to do his check ups, leaving the boys in silence again.
''I will go first.'' Mikey announced as he walked away from the group, heart heavy and beating fast.

Once inside the room, Mikey looked blankly at the girl's sleeping figure and walked over to her. Letting out a sigh, Mikey took a chair out and sat next to the (Y/n), patting her head and letting the tears he held back the whole time slide down his face. ''Please wake up soon... I don't want to lose you again...''

January 2002...
A 11 years old (Y/n) was walking down the snow covered streets. Himari had sent the girl to go and play outside for the day, but she sadly had nobody to play with, Takemichi was visiting some family members in Osaka and Takuya was grounded, so it left her alone.
Well, at least she thought so.
''Oi (Y/n)! Wait up!'' The girl slowly turned around and watched as two familiar figures approached her. ''s those two again...What are their names?' (Y/n) thought as she watched the boys stop in front of her, panting a little.
''There you are...we were wondering if you want to come and play with us. We found a good place to make snowmen and have snowball fights! What do you say?!''
The black haired boy grinned excitedly while the blonde nodded along.
''Uhmm I was actually going home now so-''
''Ahh come on! You never stay behind to play with us after our classes with grandpa. We really want to play with you.'' The other boy added as he pouted.
''Uhmm...'' was (Y/n)'s only response as she backed away a little, not liking the loud voices much.
'I don't even know your names!' She thought, but kept a passive face as the black haired boy started talking again. ''Mikey is right! Pleaseee?'' The black haired boy said as the blonde, who (Y/n) now figured out was Mikey looked at her intensely.
''Fine...But just for an hour-'' She got cut off by Mikey taking her hand and running off in the direction they came from, the black haired boy following after them.
''Hey you two, wait!'' The other yelled in annoyance.
''Hurry up then, Baji!'' The blonde smirked as Baji glared at him.
'I wish Takemichi was here...'
(Y/n) sighed, feeling like this will be the longest hour of her life. And while it wasn't as fun to (Y/n) as it would have been with Takemichi and Takuya, the two boys made the afternoon still exciting for her. They played around in the snow a lot, made a snowman and had a snowball fight. Which led to Mikey and Baji arguing in the current moment.
''No I hit you way more than you did me! I won!''
''Stop lying Baji! I won fair and square!''
''No you did not! Right (Y/n)?!'' The (e/c) girl jumped up at the mention of her name and looked between the boys for a few moments, then shrugged her shoulders. '
'It was a tie I think... It isn't really important who won, the game was fun. It's all that really matters.'' (Y/n) said with a small smile, causing the two boys to blush and nod along with her statement.
''Y-you are right.''
Nodding her head, happy that the little conflict was resolved, (Y/n) got up from the snow covered ground and looked up at the darkening sky. ''Well I have to go now, my mom probably wonders where I am. Thanks for the fun time!''She gave the two boys one last smile and ran off to the direction of her home, leaving the two boys stunned.
''Did you see the smile she sent me?'' Baji smirked, earning a slap on his head from Mikey.
''The smile was clearly for me.''
''You can dream, I guess...''
''What?!'' A few months later...

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