Chapter Fifty-Three

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Calling myself out at the BEGINNING to say this chapter is ass. Read at ur own risk.
Also, behind the scenes of the Baji and Y/n wedding

Also, behind the scenes of the Baji and Y/n wedding

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''Merry Christmas.'' Mikey announced as he walked into the church, making sure that (Y/n) was behind him while they were approaching Taiju.
The group watched the duo dumbfounded, confused that Mikey was here and that (Y/n) wasn't in the hospital as Baji said he would bring her there.
''What are you guys doing here...on a day like this?'' Mikey asked, looking around the church in boredom. Nobody spoke for a moment, guilt or shock still clouding their minds. (Y/n) on the other hand looked at her friends in relief, happy to see they were alive, but pretty much beat up. ''I will go assist Yuzuha-san, she seems to need help the most right now.''
Mikey looked at the said girl for a moment and nodded his head, the returning his attention back to Taiju. Smiling softly, (Y/n) ran over to girl and kneeled down in fron of her. ''Thank God... I was worried we wouldn't make it on time. But I am grateful you are alright.''
Yuzuha blushed a little and nodded her head, looking down at the ground.
''Thank you for worrying..But what about you?''
''Just a few bruises and scratches I guess, it could be worse.''
(Y/n) answered, returning her attention back on Mikey as he called out for her.
''Keep Yuzuha and yourself away from this, go to the back.''
Nodding her head, she helped the hazel haired girl up and walked to stand behind the rest of Toman. ''Mikey, I am sorry. This is all my fault. I broke the peace agreement I had made, due to my own irresponsibility. We are fighting them now, as you can see.''
They turned their attention back to Mitsuya, who was bowing in front of Mikey. The blomde kept silent for a moment, his eyes traveling from Mitsuya's broken form, to those of the other Toman members.

Meanwhile, Kokonoi looked over at (Y/n)'s beat up figure, wondering how she was still standing.
''Hey (Y/n)...why are you not at the hospital? Baji-san said he would bring you there.''
Takemichi spoke up, walking closer to the girl as Mitsuya and Hakkai turned their attention to her.
The girl looked at the boy for a moment, unsure what to answer.
''I just felt like I should be here... I didn't want to leave you guys on your own, since I am partially at fault here too, for not speaking up on time. I am glad to see you all alive, I was worried what we might walk into.'' (Y/n) admitted as Takemichi nodded his head, happy to see the old (Y/n) again, and not the hostile one from a few hours ago. ''You are stupid.'' Inui announced as (Y/n) turned her attention to him, Chifuyu quickly standing in front of the girl, glaring daggers at him. ''Shut up.''
''So? I am not leaving my friends behind, they mean the world to me. And I guess it means doing stupid shit for them.''
The boys and Yuzuha blushed for a moment, but the moment turned sour for them as well, hearing the word 'friends' hurt more than they expected.
'Well, it's not like she will outright say she has a crush on me...' Takemichi thought nervously. 'Friend? Does she really not see me as more than that? I need to fix this somehow.. Chifuyu thought, hiding his disappointment as much as he could.
'Oh's not like she will magically like me back just because I confessed...I would be considered lucky if she is willing to look at me the same way,after she finds out I lied about everything.' Hakkai held back tears, realising how much he probably messed up his chances with her.
Yuzuha's grip on the girl's arm tightened as she glared on the ground.
'Well I do not plan on staying friendzoned forever.'
Inui let out a simple 'hmmm', surprised by the answer, but decided to keep his mout shut for the time being.
''Awww my kitten is too cute~ Risking it in order to see her friends again? I might wife you up at this point, my love~''
Kokonoi said as he picked (Y/n) out of Yuzuha's grip and hugged her tightly.
''The hell?! What do you mean 'wife up'?! All we did was argue and I hit you for the past few days!''(Y/n) asked as her heart beat picked up and her face feeling warm.
While she was embarrassed, the rest were red from the anger that was boiling up in them.
''And that was hot of you.'' Kokonoi said nonchalantly, as Inui facepalmed at his behaviour. 'Seriously? We are in the middle of a fight.' He thought, as Chifuyu walked over to the duo, trying to pull (Y/n) away, but Kokonoi wouldn't let go. ''The hell?! Let go of her before I drop kick you.''
Kokonoi looked at the blonde for a moment before smirking mockingly and shaking his head.
''Nahh. No thanks.'' Takemichi felt his fist twitch a few times, and it took everything in his power to not punch the black haired boy unconcious.
'Calm down Takemichi...(Y/n) likes you, not him. The letter she wrote was meant for you and nobody else.' ''You are weird...'' (Y/n) said as she sent a tired glare his way.
''Only for you~'' The black haired boy said, a light blush dusting his face.
''What even-''
'Wasn't he a cold hearted bastard the first time I met him?! The hell even happened?!' (Y/n) was about to ask him that, but a loud crash caught everyone's attention and they turned to watch in shock as Taiju stood over Mikey's unconcious body. The shorter boy being slammed face first into the ground by the taller.

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