Chapter Seventy-Five

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Uhmmmmm what is going on?? Mikey pls get that colour back into those eyes.

Uhmmmmm what is going on?? Mikey pls get that colour back into those eyes

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Tokyo 2001...
''Grandpa, who is that kid over there?''
Shinchiro asked as he walked into the dojo, confused when he saw a (h/c) girl sitting alone as all the kids have already left.
He even saw Baji and Mikey run off to God knows where.
The old man looked at his oldest grandson, and then at (Y/n).
''Oh that's one of my students, (L/n) (Y/n). A very good and hardworking student, hope she can one day catch up with Mikey, would be fun to see them clash.'' The elder said, laughing at thought of Mikey's explosive and (Y/n)'s quiet personality clashing. Shinchiro slowly nodded his head, then looked back at (Y/n), noting the somewhat gloomy expression on her face.
''Hmm...I am still confused, shouldn't she be home already? Classes ended an hour ago.''
''They did, but she is still waiting for someone to pick her up. Her mom called and said she will try to be here as soon as possible.''
The old man answered again as he went into a different room to finish some cleaning. Shinchiro looked back at (Y/n) again, feeling pity for her, by the looks alone she wanted to be home.
'She reminds me a lot of Izana...' Shinchiro smiled a little as he approached the girl, who was busy watching the rain fall down.

'Mom didn't abandon me, right? She is only late, right? Yeah I am sure something just happened but... It's already been an hour and she didn't come yet...Maybe she grew sick and tired of me like my old mom and dad and left me?'
(Y/n) felt like crying by now, trying not to let the thoughts of her biological mother leaving her take over.
But...the more time passed, the less she believed she will she Himari again.

''Hey there! Are you alright?'' Jumping up a little, (Y/n) turned to look at Shinchiro gently smiling down at her.
The girl blinked a few times, never having seen the boy, so naturally she was more intimidated. Noting her discomfort, Shinchiro moved away a little, hoping the closeness didn't scare her.
'' seemed lonely, want me to keep you company 'till your mom picks you up?''
(Y/n) didn't speak for a moment, not even giving off the feeling that she registered his words, but she eventually nodded and pointed at the seat besides her. Nodding his head, Shinchiro walked over and sat down, opting to keep quiet for now, waiting for her to speak up first. 'Maybe she won't speak at all...but it's better to keep her company than leave her all alone.'
'Should I say anything? It would be rude to keep quiet but also..I really don't have a lot to talk about. Is he one of the senior students at the dojo? I never saw him in the classes I took.'
(Y/n) eyed Shinchiro with a nervous expression, while the older had a relaxed and calm expression as he watched the rain.

Gulping, (Y/n) nodded to herself and finally spoke up.
''A...are you a senior student? I never saw you in the class I am in.'' Shinchiro looked at the girl and shook his head, chuckling a little. ''No, I am the grandson of your sensei, Sano Shinchiro is my name. And you are?''
''(L/n) (Y/n)... I didn't know the old man had grandkids.''
She added, the last part causing Shinchiro to look at her in confusion.
''Don't you and Manjiro share the class tho? He is his grandson too, and my younger brother.''
(Y/n) rose an eyebrow, hearing that name for the first time. Seeing the confusion, the older quickly corrected his statement, thinking she probably knew him by his nickname.
''M-Mikey I mean! You know, the short blonde boy, with dark brown eyes.'' Shinchiro explained as (Y/n) recalled a boy like that going to the class, but she never expected him to be related to the old man Sano. 'That's the boy who ran around with a dead worm once!'
She cringed, nodding her head slowly.
''N-now I know, tho I didn't expect him to be related to Sano-sensei.''
Shinchiro chuckled a little, wondering what Mikey did to get this reaction out of her.
But before he could ask any further, Himari's voice rung through the room and (Y/n) quickly turned to look at the entrance, a big smile now replaced the frown as she ran to hug the older woman.
''Sorry for being late.'' Himari said softly as she hugged the little girl. Shortly after they both left, (Y/n) sending a small wave to Shinchiro.

(Continued)Yandere!Tokyo Revengers x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now