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Evangeline's POV

Sam, Dean and I materialize back in the motel room, where Eileen and Rowena shoot up from the bed. I'm glad they stayed where I left them.
I get loose of the two men and feel myself falling to the ground. Before my head hits the floor, I feel an arm catching me and my body is lifted. I see Dean's face blurry in front of my eyes. I feel I get laid down to something soft.
"Hey, hey..." Dean's voice rings in my ears," stay awake."
"What happened back there?" and now I recognize Rowena's face hovering over me.
"I'm not sure." is Dean's answer.
"Dean, tell me what you saw," Rowena demands.
"It was... a hound..." my voice trembles.
"A hellhound? That's not possible. I do control them all."
"No," I breathe weakly," it is a...a mix..."
"Oh no." Rowena interrupts me.
"What? What now?" Dean asks aggressively.
"When I understood her right, Jesse created a new form of a hound. That's not good." Rowena sits down beside me on the bed.
"Oh, no joke!" Dean yells out. "What did this thing do to her?"
But he doesn't get an answer from the others, so I grab his wrist, making him look at me. When his eyes land on my face, his features soften. He kneels beside the bed, holding my hand in his.
"I just need rest. He weakened me, that's all. We are all safe now, that's most important."
"Ok," he answers, calmer than before. He gets up and I close my eyes for a second. I hear how Dean demands the others to sleep and rest and to Rowena that he will get in touch with her again. I listen to Sam and Eileen saying good night, and the door opens and closes.
Dean's heavy footsteps come closer again and he sits down on the edge of the bed.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
I try to smile, but I'm not sure if it's very successful: "I'm just tired, exhausted."
"Ok, can I ask one thing before you sleep?"
"What did this hound do? I...I saw how trapped you were and..." but he breaks his speech.
"Can I..." I hesitate," can I talk about it later? I need to sleep so badly."
"Yes, sleep." and he kisses the back of my hand and wants to get away, but I hold his hand. He looks down and seems to understand what I need. He settles beside me, and as it is the most common thing, he pulls me close to him and I rest my head on his shoulder.
Dean's thumb strokes over my skin, and then he asks:" Do you want to get out of the dress? It doesn't seem very comfortable."
"Yes, but I'm not sure if I can manage. My  eyes are really heavy."
Dean gets up again, and in no time, he brings me a shirt.
Tired, I get up in a sitting position and try to get the dress over my head. In the corner of my eye, I see Dean chuckling before he turns around so that I can change. I smile seeing him do that for me and when I toss down the shirt, I say: "Done."
Dean spins again, getting rid of his shoes and jeans and crawls beside me again. He lays down on his back, opening his arms, offering me to cuddle up with him.
When I lay in his arm, the last thing I notice is a kiss on top of my head and I drift into sleep, ridden with nightmares.

In the middle of the night, I get excruciated by nightmares. The night hound hovers over me again and his two pairs of eyes capture me: one red, one blue. With a scream, I wake up, wet with sweat.
I shoot up in a sitting position, breathing rough. My eyes roam through the room, making sure the night hound was just in my dream.
I feel Dean moving behind me and slowly, he gets up, his palm stroking over my back.
"You are completely wet," he says quietly, "come here." and he slowly drags me back under the blanket.
Cuddled up against each other, his hand cups the back of my head.
"Talk to me," Dean whispers.
I back away an inch to look at him.
"It...I...," I can't find the right words for a second," well, yesterday, the hound... He, he had two pairs of eyes. There were four eyes and...." I feel tears floating in my vision and I wipe them away.
"Is that why you couldn't look away from him?" Dean asks.
I nod: "Yes, he somehow trapped me, and he was able to stare into the deepest part of me," I need to take a deep breath and now I feel the tears running down my skin," this thing, it wanted to kill me by the use of my deepest fear against me." and by the memory, I start sobbing even I don't want to.
Dean's arms around me clutch me more tightly towards him. The embrace is so strong, and it's like he wants to make sure I feel saved.
"Shh," he mumbles," it's ok. You are safe here."
I bring my arms around him, too, holding him close.
I shuffle, saying: "Sorry for waking you up. The  dream was just so real, and it was like I'm back there again."
He shoves me backward a stretch, his eyes searching for my gaze. When our eyes meet, he says: "I shouldn't have let you walk in there first hand. I knew it was a bad idea. This will not happen again."
I clutch his face gently: "It will happen again, you know it and I know it."
Dean opens his mouth to say something, but I shake my head: "Dean, we know what Jesse is searching for."
Now he shoots up, almost yelling: "What?"
I sit up beside him and answer: "Eileen read from the lips. Jesse wants the Ark of the Covenant."
His eyes blink rapidly: "What did you just say?"
"Jesse wants the Ark...."
But Dean interrupts me:" I heard you. I just can't believe it."
"Me neither."
"Do you know where the Ark is?"
I shake my head:" No, no one knows. In heaven, we thought the Ark was destroyed, but maybe we were all wrong."
Dean rubs his face with his hands before one of his hands reaches for mine. He intertwines our fingers, glancing at me.
"Ok, we will worry about that tomorrow. You think you can sleep again?"
"Can we watch something? To distract me?" I ask carefully.
"Sure." Dean turns and switches on the TV. He searches for a movie and we nestle back into the sheets. I lay down on his chest and his arm holds me close.
A while later, I hear Dean's voice: "Eve?"
"Mmh?" I mumble.
But he doesn't answer right away. I can feel his chest getting up and down firmly before he asks quietly: "What is an Angle's greatest fear?"
I remain still. His question caught me off guard.
"Eve?" he whispers my name once more.
I lift, facing him:" It's...I...." I hesitate.
"You know what, never mind. Tell me when you think you can."
I just nod, glad he won't drag me further. I can't talk about it now, it's way too early.
I want to lay down again, but Dean stops me by putting his palms on my shoulders. I'm not sure what he wants, but his hands travel down to my hips and he lifts me, making me sit on his lap.
His fingers caress the skin of my upper thigh, fixing me. Bit by bit, his grip travels up till his fingers can clutch my neck. Our eyes are locked, and even in the half-dark room, I recognize the way he watches me. There is nothing but sincerity and tenderness.
I lean down, as far as our noses touch slightly. My fingertips are placed on his chest and I nestle on the fabric of his shirt.
We still hold eye contact and a playful smile appears around Dean's lips.
"Kiss me already," he mumbles and chuckling, I lean down to let our lips collide.
The kiss is so passionate, and Dean makes me forget about my nightmare and my greatest fear. It's just us, right here, right now.

In the morning, we don't stay long. Right after sunrise, the four of us leave the town, driving back to the bunker. The drive is quiet, we all process what happened last night.
In the silence, I try to reach out to my father and I pray: "Father? Jack? It's me, Evangeline. I know you won't get involved anymore, but it's urgent. The Deomonkid Jesse wants to find the Ark of the Covenant. Please, if you could help us...." I wait for a few seconds because usually, Jack would answer right away, but he remains silent.
I huff and stop praying. It seems like there is no point in it.
"Are you good, Eve?" I hear Dean's voice and I look at him through the driving mirror.
"Yeah, I just tried... Tried to reach out to my father."
"It's still weird you referring to him as your father," Dean chuckles, " I mean, he basically is only four years old."
I shrug my shoulders.
"Did he answer?" Sam asks.
"No, he didn't."
"That's what I thought. Before he left, he said he would not get involved."
"But this is not about the earth. It's about heaven and hell. He should get involved." I answer, upset.
"That's the problem with gods, they barely do what you expect from them."
"Not in my experience," I grumble and cross my arms over my chest. I stare out of the window, angry about my father.
The others start talking about what to do next and how we find out where the Ark is.
All of a sudden, I feel weak, so weak, my body slides against Eileen's.
"Evangeline?" I hear her shouting my name, but it's like from far away.
"Dean, stop the car." Sam's voice rings like through a thick wall.
Behind my closed eyes, I see a cave, a dark cave. Someone lights up a torch, but all I can see are the stoned walls. The walls are wet like water is rinsing down constantly.
Out of the blue, my eyes shoot open and I see Dean hovering over me.
"She is waking up," he says, looking behind him.
I feel like lying on hard ground and realize I'm not in the car anymore.
"What happened?" I ask, getting up with Dean's help.
"You tell me. First, you got unconscious, then your body started to tremble." Dean answers, lying an arm around my waist.
"I don't know, the last thing I know is, I felt weak and it was like falling asleep."
My glance shoots between Dean, Sam and Eileen. Worry is plastered on their faces.
"I was in a cave." I go on.
"You mean, you dreamed?" Sam asks.
"No. No, I was there."
"That's not possible. You were here with us."
"Yes and no. I swear, it wasn't just a dream. I was in there. I could smell the dampness. And someone lit up a torch."
"Someone?" Dean asks.
"I couldn't see him or her. I just know I wasn't alone in there."
"Ok," Sam speaks up," we will figure it out later, first let's get off from the streets."
We all agree and continue our way.
It doesn't take long and we arrive back at the bunker.
So much happened in the last 24 hours. We all just enter our rooms to have a little rest.
I turn on the TV and lay down on my bed. While watching, my mind drifts back to the events when I remember something. Something Jesse said while he held us hostage. I shoot up and get out of my room, knocking rapidly on Dean's door. He rips the door open, first looking at me, then in the hallway behind me, before he asks: "Is everything alright?"
"" and I pass him, entering the room. I turn around to face him:" Do you remember what Jesse said?"
"What exactly?"
"About me? About something, I'm able to but don't know about yet?"
Dean crosses his arms:" Yes, I do."
"What..." I get closer to him," what if Jack gave me something, so we are able to be faster than Jesse? Finding the Ark?"

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