Chapter Three: Manor

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          Mrs. Malfoy was most excited to see me when I returned to the manor. She was most surprised at my height. In my room, I confided in her that I had hit puberty and she gave me 'the talk' despite my young age at twelve. I showed her all that I had learned over the past year. She reviewed my homework for summer and was impressed with how well I was doing. However, she was not so keen on my interest in Quidditch as it was a brutal sport. Draco was spending more time with his father and I saw very little of Dobby. A few days before we were to return to school, I sat in the garden against the tree Draco and I would climb.

          "Child, you havvve returned," said a familiar voice above me.

          "Lilithhh?" I asked.

          "Yesss, child. You are dessstined for greatnessss," she said and slithered around my neck.

          "I am?" I asked.

          "Trussst in me," she said and slithered away.

          What does she mean? Destined for greatness? I went through my letters from Salem. Terence was going to be attending one of the matches to see me and Cedric was having difficulties training with the twins. Inside, I was trying on some clothes with Mrs. Malfoy and my clothes were getting too short or too small for me with my growth. She was rather enthusiastic about taking me shopping for better fitting clothes and looked forward to seeing further growth over the years. When she went through my photo album, she still teased me about wanting to marry Draco.

          Throughout the remaining month of August, Draco and I began training on our new brooms. It was incredibly faster than Harry's. Draco finally confessed that he was the one that told Marcus how I would make a great keeper. He was boastful when I told him that I told Marcus how he would make an excellent seeker. Even on the same broom, Draco was still faster than I was. On the last day of summer break, I brought Draco to the tree.

          "Draco, I have a secret but please don't tell your parents," I said softly.

          "Ivy, what is it?" he asked.

          Draco was quiet for a while, "Really, Ivy?"

          "I won't be mad if you don't believe me," I replied.

          "Of course I believe you, Ive. I just didn't know you could do that. That's parseltongue," he explained.

          "I know. I read about it in the library. Please don't tell your parents. The snake here is really nice to me," I pleaded.

          "I won't tell them. I'll keep your secret," he assured me.

          I smiled and we both went back to the manor. Mrs. Malfoy said that this was the last time I could ever spend the night with Draco. We fell asleep with the faint glow of fairy lights around us. 

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now