Chapter Twenty Seven: Ink

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          "NO!!" Harry screamed and ran to us.

          We never kissed and Tom angrily pulled away as Harry ran to us. He kneeled by Ginny and the Sorting Hat was beside him. Tom took my hand and pulled me behind him. I could tell he was almost revived and he said that the process was almost complete. The basilisk startled me and emerged from the water behind me. It roared and I turned to see that it was blinded. Harry drew a magnificent sword from the Sorting Hat and ran to the marble statue. I felt useless to my brother and watched him battle the serpent. Tom held my hand tightly and Harry stabbed the basilisk in its mouth and the sword was coming out at the top of its head.

          I cried out in pain as if my right forearm was impaled. Tom pulled me into him, concerned and looked at my arm. It was throbbing and I felt like there were snakes crawling under my skin and spread from my forearm to the rest of my body. The basilisk cried out and fell beside us as it died. Harry weakly made his way to us and dropped the sword by Ginny. She was seconds from death but because Tom was so concerned with me in pain, he didn't notice Harry taking the diary from her arm. I saw Harry pull out the basilisk fang from his right forearm and Tom noticed too late. Harry stabbed the open book with the fang and ink bled from it. 

          I felt as if my chest was going to break. Tom cried out and his chest was deteriorating. Harry stabbed the next page and Tom's back began to fall apart. I was crying from the pain in my back. Harry closed the book and delivered the final blow. He stabbed the cover and ink spurted from the book. Tom's hands went to his face and his form was destroyed. I felt as if my body was reborn. I fell to my knees across from my brother.

          "H-Harry. I'm sorry. I-I don't know what happened to me," I cried.

          "Ivy. It's ok. Really. It must've been what happened to Ginny, too," he said weakly.

          Ginny woke up and confessed. She said it was her the whole time. Her eyes found his wound and Harry told us to get out of the chamber. I refused and Fawkes flew back to Harry. Harry thanked Fawkes for blinding the serpent and he apologized for being so slow. Fawkes began to cry and healed Harry's injury. Of course! Phoenix tears have healing properties. We reunited with Ron and Professor Lockhart. Fawkes's feet held the professor's shoulders. I held onto Ron as Ron held on one of the professor's legs and Harry held Ginny and took hold of the professor's other leg. Fawkes was able to carry heavy loads and flew us out of the chamber. 

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