Chapter Twenty Eight: Services

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          We made it to the bathroom and I took the liberty of closing the chamber, hopefully forever.

          "Close," I hissed.

          The chamber was closing and I thought of Tom. He was able to help me control my parseltongue somehow and it came much more naturally to me. I forced out thoughts of him for now because of my own disappointment. Shame and guilt filled my body and I linked arms with Harry and we brought Professor Lockhart, Ron, and Ginny to Professor McGonagall's office. To our surprise, she, Professor Dumbledore, Mrs. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley were there. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley jumped to their feet and ran to us children. They were weeping and hugged us all so tightly.

          "Mum! Dad!" Ginny cried.

          "Explain yourselves," Professor McGonagall said.

          Leaving out some parts, Harry explained most of what happened through his side of the adventure. Ginny tried to explain that she was writing in the diary all year and she said she found it in the books they bought over summer. Harry and I glanced at each other thinking about Mr. Malfoy. Professor Dumbledore had Professor McGonagall alert the kitchen to prepare for the end-of-term feast tomorrow and had Mr. and Mrs. Weasley take Ginny to the infirmary. When he realized Professor Lockhart had lost his memory, he told Ron to take him to the infirmary too. Harry gave the sword, Sorting Hat, and the diary to Professor Dumbledore. Fawkes perched himself on the headmaster's shoulder.

          "Harry, may I speak to Professor Dumbledore alone?" I asked.

          "Of course, I wanted to speak to him privately as well. I'll just be outside," he answered.

          "Professor Dumbledore, I haven't told you my experience," I said softly.

          "Miss Potter, I have noticed your hesitance. What is it you wish to tell me?" Professor Dumbledore said calmly.

          "Sir. Forgive me. I wasn't the one to defend you. Tom, he, he was different," I said, becoming ashamed.

          "Different?" he asked.

          "He, I think he took a liking to me, sir. He held me, embraced me, held my hands and.." my voice trailed on.

           "Please Miss Potter. It is ok to tell me," he said calmly.

          I took a deep breath, "He was going to kiss me. Tom told me that we shared the same powers. He told me to join him because it was destined to be. I don't know how but he was able to help me control my parseltongue and I was the one who opened the statue of Slytherin to unleash the basilisk on my brother. On top of that, he told me that only a true Slytherin could do that."

          The headmaster was quiet for a time and looked lost in thought. The growing silence also grew the anxiety and guilt inside of me.

          "You were drawn to him, weren't you?" he asked softly.

         "Yes, sir. There was some type of connection and he felt it, too," I confessed.

          "It was not a trance like Ginerva, however, it would be best to keep it between the two of us. Do you think you are a dark witch for being in Slytherin?" he asked.

          "No, sir. But he was in Slytherin too. He said that he found me worthy to complete his work," I explained.

          "Miss Potter, what were you feeling when you saw your brother attacked by the basilisk?" he asked me gently.

          "Helpless. Useless. I wanted to do more but I didn't know what I could do. There was nothing that I could do. I wanted to help," I pleaded.

          "Do you think you would feel that way if you were worthy of joining Voldemort?" he asked finally.

          "N-No. No. Thank you, sir. Thank you," I said weakly and began to weep.

          He dismissed me and awarded me 200 house points for Slytherin for my bravery and loyalty in the chamber. I was also to be awarded a Special Award for Services to the School. Outside, I told Harry he could go in and I went to the baths. From the chamber, I accumulated filth and sweat from the adventure. Myrtle joined me and I was growing exhausted from the whole day. Once I got to the common room, Draco startled me when he engulfed me in a hug.

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