Chapter Fifteen: Office

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          As the school was alerted by my scream, Peeves alerting everyone, and seeing Justin and Sir Nicholas petrified, the school was split between who the heir of Slytherin was. One half thinks that I chose Justin from dueling practice and Harry opened the chamber, and the other thinks that Harry is framing me. Either way, nearly the whole school thinks that we're the heir of Slytherin. For the first time, Harry and I were sent to Professor Dumbledore's office. He and I stood beside a Stairwell Gargoyle and Professor McGonagall cast the password, 'Sherbert lemon', and the stairwell began to ascend to his office door.

          Harry knocked but the door opened to allow us in. Harry and I held hands and walked to the front of his desk. We saw a very old red bird staring at us. It was making sweet chirping noises and watched us approach it. It was much larger than an owl, even Draco's owl. I smiled at it and we jumped back as it burst into flames. I was horrified at the pile of ashes it left behind on its stand. Panic filled me and Professor Dumbledore startled us from his upper office.

          "Sir. Y-Your bird. It caught fire. There was nothing we could do," Harry was just as panicked as I was.

          "Ah, and about time, too," Professor Dumbledore said relievedly.

          Harry and I both narrowed our eyebrows together in confusion and were at a loss for words. Professor Dumbledore said his bird was looking dreadful. He told us the bird was also a phoenix named Fawkes and that they burst into flames to be reborn from their ashes. A cute crying baby bird emerged from the flames and he explained to us the properties of phoenixes. He also told us that he does not believe that we are not responsible for petrifying Justin or the other victims. However, when he did ask if there was anything we should tell him, we chose not to reveal that we could talk to snakes. Hagrid burst in saying that we're innocent and he was holding some dead roosters. 

          Professor Dumbledore said that we were free to leave and Harry and I ran into Professor McGonagall with the list to sign that we would be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas break. To my surprise, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were also going to be remaining behind. Harry told me that they were going to use the polyjuice potion to turn into Crabbe and Goyle.

          "Harry, I already talked to Draco about the heir of Slytherin," I argued.

          "I know, but what if he isn't telling you everything?" Harry said.

          "He can't lie to me," I scoffed.

          "I know, but, what if he's purposely not telling you everything? It's not lying. I could tell you that I like treacle tarts, but you know I also like pumpkin pasties, like you," he pointed out.

          "Fair enough. What about Hermione?" I asked.

          "She's going to turn into Millicent," he answered.

          "When?" I asked.

          "Christmas," he said.

          "I assume you need me to take you to Draco in the common room then?" I asked finally.

          "Yes. Ivy, I'm sorry we don't include you more often. We try to but it's hard when you're in another house. You can always talk to me though," he comforted me.

          I smiled, "Thanks, Harry."

          We hugged and I went to my common room. Draco was asleep on the couch and Salem was on his chest. I laughed softly and stroked his hair. It looked nice when it wasn't styled back. There was room on the couch so I went to my dorm and changed before I came down with a blanket. I gently sat on the other end of the couch and threw the blanket over our legs. Blushing, I leaned over and kissed his cheek. Tired, I leaned against the armrest and fell asleep with Draco.

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now