Chapter Twenty Nine: Dobby

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          "Ivy! Where the bloody hell have you been?!" Draco demanded.

          His hands held my face and he looked worried and upset. I began to cry and he pulled me into him. He brought me to the couch and held me while I cried. I told him about the chamber and that I met the memory of Voldemort. He was patient and listened while I told him parts of the story. It started with Aragog in the forest, which is how I got cobwebs in my hair, then with learning about the basilisk and how Myrtle was the muggle-born that died 50 years ago. I told him that I was with Ron and Harry when we found out that Ginny was kidnapped by Voldemort in the chamber and we went to rescue her. I didn't have the heart to tell him about being drawn to Tom and told him that Harry fought the serpent instead. He was a little amused learning about Professor Lockhart losing his memory.

          "Oh, Ivy. You worried me so much when you didn't come back to the common room. I'm sorry. How did you find out about the basilisk?" he asked.

          "A torn page. Why?" I asked and wiped my face.

          "No reason. I'm happy you were smart enough to figure it out, Ive. I have news, too. At the start of summer, you'll be coming home with me. I'll tell you more tomorrow but right now, you need to sleep," he said softly and leaned back while still holding me.

          "D-Draco? Sleep? Like this?" I asked bashfully.

          He was on his back and I was on my side, my head on his shoulder.

          "Is that ok, Ivy?" he asked softly.

          "Of course, Draco. Thank you. I think I needed this," I whispered and cuddled against him.

          "I'll always be yours, Ive. I need you around. When you were missing, it made me realize how much you mean to me," he confessed softly and stroked my hair.

          "I'm happy with you, Draco. I'll always be your girl," I said sleepily.

          He gently closed my eyes and stroked my hair. I heard and felt him humming our favorite lullaby song. It drifted me off to sleep and I felt him kiss my forehead. In the morning, we woke up to a very upset Pansy screeching. Marcus threatened her to leave us alone and he pulled me up off of Draco. Draco went up to the dorm to change and Marcus hugged me.

          "Ivy, a lot of us were worried when you didn't come to the common room. I'm sure something happened but I'm just relieved to see that you're back," he said shyly.

          Blaise hugged me too, "Go get dressed. Let's go to breakfast together."

          "I can only stay for a short time here. Professor Dumbledore wants me to meet with him before the feast. I'll sit with you all at breakfast, I promise," I said.

          They nodded and I went upstairs to get dressed. I put on my uniform and robes before I braided my hair. The hair clip was on my right side and I put on the watch from Mr. Malfoy. I quickly made my way to the gargoyle where Ron and Harry were waiting for me. They told me that the petrified should recover by tonight. We went to the headmaster's office together and were greeted by Professor Dumbledore and Fawkes. He gave Ron the task to send a letter to Azkaban to free Hagrid and then talked to Harry and I personally.

          He told us that we were both very brave in the chamber. The sword was a relic from Godric Gryffindor and that Harry was a true Gryffindor to pull it from the Sorting Hat. They sensed my shame but told me that it was necessary for me to release the basilisk as a true Slytherin. We were like yin and yang and Harry took my hand as reassurance. Professor Dumbledore restored some faith within me but suddenly, someone barged in the office. It was Mr. Malfoy. Behind him was Dobby, wrapped in bandages.

          "Dobby? So this is the family you serve! The Malfoys!" Harry exclaimed.

          Mr. Malfoy looked at me with a pleased look but it turned to disgust when he looked at a whimpering Dobby.

          "I'll deal with you later," he threatened the hurt house elf.

          He confronted the headmaster on his reinstatement. The headmaster was calm and simply kept a small smile on his face. Professor Dumbledore explained that the culprit was caught and taken care of. When asked who it was, he said it was Voldemort. While the two adults talked, Dobby pulled on my robes. I squeezed Harry's hand and we looked at Dobby. Dobby made a motion about the book and tilted his head to Mr. Malfoy before punishing himself. Harry squeezed my hand in confirmation and I nodded to him. As Mr. Malfoy was leaving, I began to take off my sock when his back was to me. Harry asked for the book from the headmaster and I gave my sock to Harry.

          "Harry, trust me. Take off your sock and hide it in the book. Give it to Mr. Malfoy and make sure Dobby opens the book," I pleaded and nearly shoved Harry out of the office.

          Professor Dumbledore told me that Harry thought he should be in Slytherin but he asked not to be. He told me that it is our choices, rather than our abilities, that reveal who we truly are and that my choices should be reflected upon with a grain of salt. It is his theory that Tom was drawn to me because of my place in Slytherin and that a part of him lives in me. I was dismissed and went downstairs to see Mr. Malfoy walking away and around the corner without Dobby.

          "Mistress Potter has given Dobby her sock to free me!" Dobby said as he ran to me.

          "Mistress?" Harry asked.

          "Harry, I'm sorry. I knew who Dobby was. I've known Dobby since I was a baby when I was raised with Draco. When you said that Dobby was sworn to secrecy, I couldn't expose him. Look at how they treated him," I explained.

          Harry hugged me, "You're such a caring person, Ivy. I'm not mad. It makes perfect sense."

          I hugged Dobby and he returned our socks to us, as well as the book, "Thank you, Harry and Ivy Potter!"

          "We're your friends now, Dobby. I'm so happy that you're free now. Please live happily," I told him.

          He thanked us again after Harry made him promise to never try and save his life again and disappeared. Harry went upstairs to return the book and I put on my sock and shoe. Together, we went to the end-of-term feast. 

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