Chapter Seven: Classes

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           For the first day, we had Herbology with Professor Sprout. We were going to be transplanting mandrake seedlings. She asked who knew the properties of the mandrake root and Hermione and I raised our hands. Professor Sprout chose me to answer.

          "Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who had been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it," I answered.

          Professor Sprout complimented that my answer was excellent and awarded Slytherin 10 house points. Draco nudged me with a smirk. We were going to be working with seedlings and their cries could knock you out for several hours. There were earmuffs provided for us and I was making faces to Seamus and Dean. All we had to do was pull out the angry plant and put them in the empty pot. Then we had to add more soil to muffle them. When Professor Sprout showed us what to do, Neville passed out. I was surprised how low Seamus's voice had gotten and how I didn't notice it in the Great Hall. 

          Now that it was our turn, we pulled out our plants. They were quite ugly to look at and Draco got his finger stuck in his mandrake's mouth. I giggled at him and he angrily stuffed it into the pot. Ron had a big fat one and Harry and I burst out laughing at him. Herbology was fun and I enjoyed being in the greenhouse. The next class we had was Transfiguration and I sat next to Draco for that class too. 

          Professor McGonagall wanted us to turn an animal into a water goblet. The spell was 'Vera Verto' and we had to tap our animal three times before casting it. I sat behind Ron and Draco sat behind Harry. She had Ron attempt it on a rat and the goblet was furry with a rat tail when he tried. His wand needed to be repaired. I volunteered to go next and was able to do it on the first try. She was very impressed and the class was left to attempt the spell. Draco and I were working together so he could do it at the end of class. The last class that day was Defense Against the Dark Arts. The new professor was Gilderoy Lockhart.

          In class, Draco insisted on sitting with me again and I enjoyed his company. I was worried he would get bored of me and when Professor Lockhart came out, most of the girls swooned. I snored and rolled my eyes, making Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise snicker. The professor had a covered cage and asked us not to scream as it would provoke them. Them being cornish pixies. Seamus mocked and laughed that they weren't dangerous. In retaliation, the professor unleashed them all in class. They went for Susan's hair and I hit them off of her with my textbook. Neville was picked up by his ears by the pixies and was left hanging from the chandelier. Draco and his friends ran out with the rest of class except the trio, myself, and the professor. The pixies stole the professor's wand and caused a hanging dragon skeleton to crash onto the floor. While Harry was helping Hermione with the pixies pulling her hair, Ron was hitting some with his textbook and I drew my wand.

          "Immobulus!" I yelled and froze all the pixies in the room.

          "Why is it always me?" Neville asked from the chandelier.

          We helped him down. The five of us collected the pixies and put them back in their cage. I stayed behind to collect everyone's textbooks. Draco left his behind so I packed it in my bag. Professor Lockhart came out of his office and was rather impressed with my skill and dedication to my classmates. He insisted on making me a true celebrity like him since my twin and I were somewhat famous already. I politely refused and excused myself so I could go to my common room. On the way out, Cedric was running towards me and picked me up over his shoulder.

          "C-Cedric?! What! Are! You! Doing?!" my syllables broke with every step he took.

          "Borrowing you!" he replied.

          "Do! I! Look! Like! A! Book?!" I yelled.

          He laughed, "Not at all! Just trust me!"

          I sighed and laughed with him. He brought me to the courtyard and was a little out of breath. Before I forgot, I got his gift from my bag. I had made him some sugar cookies for his birthday.

          "Happy birthday, Cedric," I said shyly.

          "You remembered?" he asked and accepted his gift.

          "Of course. Now, why did you need to borrow me?" I asked.

          He started to eat his cookies, "I was wondering if I could borrow Romeo and Juliet. There's this girl in Ravenclaw that was talking about Shakespeare with me. In exchange, I have some plays you could read."

          "What would you like to trade?" I asked.

          "A Midsummer's Night Dream," he answered.

          "Sounds wonderful," I said.

          "Though she be but little, she is fierce," he said.

          I blushed, "I'll give you the play tomorrow then."

          He took my hand and kissed it, "Love looks with not the eye, but with the mind."

          I went to the Great Hall with my heart racing. What on Earth was that about? He's probably quoting the play. Draco was in the Great Hall and I returned his textbook to him. He apologized for leaving me behind but I told him it was ok. We enjoyed our classes together and were nervous for Quidditch practice this weekend. The next day, Cedric and I exchanged plays. I couldn't read as much as I wanted to with practices coming up.

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