Chapter Nine: October

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          People soon got used to seeing Draco and I in our Quidditch uniform whenever we had practice and it was a nice change sitting with the team during some meals in the Great Hall. One day, I went to sit with the twins. We haven't spoken since the mudblood incident. They were happy that I wanted to sit with them.

          "Are you both upset that I'm on the Quidditch team?" I asked softly.

          "Not at all, Ivy!" they said together.

          "What about being raised by the Malfoys?" I asked softer.

          "It makes sense why you and Draco are so close," George said.

          "It's encouraging," Fred said.

         "Encouraging?" I asked.

          "We hope to be that close to you now that you'll be living with us, Ivy," they said.

          "Well, I like you both so it should be fine," I blurted out and quickly covered my mouth.

          "You hear that, Georgie? Ivy likes us!" Fred teased and put his arm over my shoulders.

          "I heard, Freddie! She likes us!" George said and put his arm over my shoulders too.

          "Oh, shut up," I muttered.

          I was glad to be friends with them and I had a good time getting along with everyone in Gryffindor. Ginny and I were also spending time together. Susan would always french braid my hair before I had practices and I made a mental note to give her good gifts on special occasions. While Susan would do my hair, I would make conversation with Cedric and met some other students named Justin, Ernie, Hannah, and Zacharias. Cedric was very impressed that I was the keeper and he walked with me to the courtyard.

           "The course of true love never did run smooth," I said shyly to him.

          "I understand you took longer to read since you've been practicing for the match next month. You nervous about it?" he asked.

          I shook my head, "I got it."

         He laughed, "Are you really a second year?"

          I laughed and nodded, "Is that surprising?"

          He shook his head and we returned each other's play, "It's amazing. I look forward to playing against you."

          I hugged him and went to my common room. Pansy was especially vicious since Draco and Blaise were hiding and she didn't realize they were there.

          "Look at you. Always the center of attention. You're such a phony fake. You pretend to be smart in class and now you probably bribed your way into the team just because you're Potter's sister. If it wasn't for Draco, you would probably chase for the seeker too!" she snarled at me. 

          "You have me all figured out," I said sarcastically.

          Draco and Blaise started laughing and startled Pansy.

          "If anyone is fake, it's you, Pansy," Blaise said.

          She ran out of the common room and Draco approached me.

          "I'm sorry she's so nasty to you, Ive. Are you alright?" he asked and tugged the strand of hair that led to the front of my ear.

          It pulled me closer to him, "I'm ok, Draco. I know who I am and I know you know me, too. I have nothing to worry about. She's probably just jealous."

          "You can say that again. You're brilliant," Blaise complimented.

          "You're brilliant, too. You both are," I said sheepishly.

          Draco hugged me goodnight and I was looking forward to Halloween tomorrow. Peeves invited me and Moaning Myrtle to Sir Nicolas's Deathday Party. I was happy to go and I knew that it would be rather disturbing for any normal person. Luckily for me, I was beyond extra ordinary, I was extraordinary. Also odd. Nevertheless, I had a wonderful dress for tomorrow and I was looking forward to my favorite holiday out of the whole year. 

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now