Chapter Thirteen: Bludger

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          In the morning, I put on my Quidditch uniform and left behind my watch and hair clip. I went to breakfast alone and early so that Susan could french braid my hair. While she was braiding, Cedric came over to me and threw me a green apple for good luck. He said he would be cheering for me in the Slytherin stands. I happily ate my apple until Susan was finished. Before my team came in, I wished the Gryffindors good luck and they wished me good luck and safety for my first game.

          I sat at the table for my team and everyone soon joined me. Draco looked good in uniform. He sat next to me and our captain sat in front of us. I could hardly sit still during breakfast.

          "Nervous, Ive?" Marcus asked.

          "It's Ivy. I'm not nervous, I'm confident," I said proudly.

           "That's a good attitude to have, Ivy, and I must thank you for your advice on the whistling for communication," he teased.

          "Don't thank me just yet. Let's see how the game goes," I said.

          Draco nudged me and I knew he was excited too. After we all ate, we went to get our brooms and Terence was waiting for us.

          "Surprise! Surprise!" he yelled.

          He received many handshakes and hugs. When he got to me, he was surprised. He looked me up and down.

          "Look at you! Keeper, I see. You're certainly growing. My eyes will be on you and Draco today. Nice brooms, I'm quite jealous. Good luck to you all!" he said and gave me a hug before leaving.

          We stood at the entrance to the lawn and I forgot that Lee didn't know about me just yet.

          "Welcome to today's Quidditch match! Today we have Slytherin versus Gryffindor! Gryffindors have already taken their positions and Captain Marcus Flint of Slytherin has not one, not two, but three surprises for us today. Watch their brooms and watch for their two new players! We have Draco Malfoy playing seeker and.. Ivy Potter playing keeper?!" Lee announced.

          There was massive cheering in the stadium and it fired me up. I was so ready to play. The team mounted our brooms and we flew out to the center and circled the ring before taking positions. I took my position at the rings and saw Oliver looking serious at his position. I knew better than to be distracted by any other players and focused all my attention on the quaffle and bludgers. Once the match began, I had already stopped the quaffle from Angelina. Marcus whistled and I threw it to him after faking a throw to Adrian, the other chaser. The twins were busy with the bludgers by Oliver and I saw their other chaser, Katie, coming at me. She whipped the quaffle at the lowest goal and I whistled to Adrian while I kicked it to him.

          "Two saves by Ivy Potter! What a keeper!" Lee announced loudly.

          I was distracted for a second and saw the twins flying towards me with Angelina in front of them. Oh bugger. Angelina threw the quaffle at the highest goal and I caught it. Despite Marcus whistling for me, I put up my hand and held up two fingers before I closed my fist and flicked my wrist as if I was a beater. He knew my signal and whistled for our beaters. The twins both swung their bats to hit both bludgers at the other two goals I wasn't blocking below me. George hit his first at an upwards angle to the lowest goal and Fred hit his after going straight to the middle goal. I threw the quaffle hard at George's bludger and knocked it out of the direction of the goal and to our beater. The quaffle then ricocheted to Fred's bludger, knocking it to our team's second beater. Marcus caught the quaffle after it bounced off Fred's bludger and weaved past Kaite. The crowd was going wild.

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