Chapter Fourteen: November

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          The next morning, Draco walked with me to breakfast. On the way, we found out that Colin Creevey was petrified last night. I was shocked because I was enjoying his enthusiastic energy. Draco told me not to worry and that he was just another mudblood. I bit my tongue and nodded. Since it was the weekend, we had no plans today. Suddenly, Myrtle appeared, which was very rare. She motioned to me that there was something she had to tell me. I told Draco I had to go and that I was sorry. He knew that I wouldn't leave unless it was important and he hugged me. Before I left, he tugged my hair.

           "Be safe, Ive. I don't want my girl getting hurt," he said shyly.

          I blushed, "I'll be safe."

          I ran out to see Myrtle going to her bathroom. The trio was inside and they were surprised to see me. Hermione was sitting in front of a cauldron brewing a potion.

          "Why are you here?" she asked.

          "Why are you?" I asked back.

          "Why are any of us here in the middle of the day? It's the girls' lavatory," Ron said.

          He was leaning against one of the stalls. Harry hugged me.

         "Bloody good game, Ivy!" he said.

          "You too! Nice catch, seeker," I said.

          "Ron, no one comes here because of Moaning Myrtle," Hermione explained.

          Myrtle appeared next to Ron at the mention of her name.

           "She prefers Myrtle, if you don't mind. She's my friend," I said.

          "Who's Moaning Myrtle?" Ron asked.

          Myrtle scared him by showing herself to him. She said that everyone makes fun of her and does cruel things to her even as a ghost. Losing her temper, she started to cry and fly around the bathroom. Being sensitive, she flew into her own personal cubicle and flew into the toilet, making the water splash in the stall.

          "What are you brewing?" I asked.

          "Polyjuice potion. You heard about Colin?" Harry answered.

          "It's horrible. I liked him. Polyjuice takes a month to brew. You three planned this without me," I pouted.

          "Ivy. It's not personal. I'm sorry. I told her to wait. We just have different houses," Ron explained.

          Hermione avoided making eye contact but I had questions, "You have all the ingredients? Polyjuice is advanced."

          "Actually, we could use your help. We need to steal ingredients from Professor Snape in Potions and we need a distraction," Harry said.

          Hermione was about to object but I already agreed, "Consider it taken care of."

          Harry stopped me and told me about his visitor last night. He finally revealed to me that the house elf was Dobby but Dobby was sworn to secrecy against the family he serves. I bit my tongue knowing it was the Malfoys. Harry told me everything Dobby told him and that the chamber was opened. I left the bathroom and looked for the twins. Luckily, they had set off some fireworks and were running my way. George saw me and I lifted my arms. He laughed and picked me up over his shoulders. They were running from Mr. Filch and Peeves was interfering with the chase for us to escape. They brought me to the courtyard with the fountain in front of the clock tower.

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now