Chapter Eighteen: February

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          Harry, Ron, and I were heading to the bathroom to talk about the chamber when we noticed that the hallway was flooded again. I told Harry and Ron to wait outside when we heard Myrtle crying.

          "Myrtle, it's me, Ivy. What's wrong?" I asked when I saw her circling the room.

          "Someone dumped a book on me," she wailed.

          "Who would do such a thing?" I asked.

          "I don't know but I don't care," she said and began sobbing again.

          I walked down to her stall and saw a diary on the ground. I picked it up and it had the name T. M. Riddle on the back of it. It looked familiar but it also was rather attractive as a diary. The book was still wet but I went to show it to Ron and Harry. 

          Ron recognized the name and that night, Hermione was released from the infirmary. Over dinner, Ron said that Tom Riddle won an award 50 years ago for doing a special service for the school. Based on the information Harry learned from Dobby, Hermione concludes that Tom must have turned in the culprit that opened the chamber 50 years ago. We said goodnight and I went back to my common room until Cedric picked me up and ran away with me.

          "C-Cedric?! Again?!" I cried out.

          "Forgive me, Ivy! Please trust me!" he said.

          I looked up and saw some younger girls chasing after him. They were very angry seeing him with me now. He ran a far distance while carrying me and we finally took refuge in the clock tower courtyard.

          "I'm sorry you had to carry me, I must've been heavy," I said sheepishly while Cedric was catching his breath.

          "Not at all, Ive. I should be apologizing. I'm sorry for handling you so roughly. It was a last minute decision," he explained.

          "Why were so many girls chasing you?" I asked.

          "Valentine's Day is tomorrow. You don't mind me calling you Ive?" he asked.

          I blushed, "I don't mind. Figured we're close enough now."

          He laughed, "Fair point. So tell me, I heard that Draco calls you his girl."

          I felt my whole face getting red and started to walk away, "Well, I guess I haven't told you yet. You see, the reason why Draco and I are so close is because I was raised with him."

          Cedric began to follow me, "Really? You weren't raised with Harry?"

          I leaned against a stone pillar in the dark walkway, "Really. It's a complicated story but I wasn't named Ivy Potter. Everyone, including me, thought that I was from another family related to the Malfoys. They raised me but when it was discovered that I'm Harry's twin, I was moved to another family."

          He stood next to me and leaned back on the same pillar, "Well, that makes sense."

          We suddenly heard the group of girls coming out to the courtyard and Cedric stood in front of me and pressed himself against me. Since he startled me with his sudden movement, my hands went up and were on his chest. His hands were above my shoulders and his forehead was against mine. We were trying to be quiet but it felt like my heart was pounding in my ears. While my hands were on his chest, it synced our breathing and I never noticed that Cedric smelled like cinnamon. The girls were about to turn the corner until one of them called them back at the door. Cedric and I sighed in relief but he remained where he was when they were leaving.

          "Cedric?" I whispered.

          "They're almost gone. I'm sorry, Ive. Trust me, I'm just as embarrassed but I don't want you to get into trouble. Girls are vicious," he whispered.

          I nodded but I forgot our foreheads were still touching. It brushed hair into my face and he laughed. Luckily, the girls left and Cedric let me go. He laughed seeing my red face but I was laughing at his. Cedric brushed the hair from my face and I fixed his hair.

          "You know, I like it when your hair is tied back. I could see your face much better when Susan braids it back," he confessed as we walked back to the castle.

          "Really?" I asked and couldn't stop blushing.

          "Really. Go get some sleep, Ive," he teased.

          "Good night, Cedric," I said.

          "Good night, Ive," he replied.

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now