Chapter Nineteen: Valentine's Day

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          The next morning, I put on a red sweater and a black skirt. Blushing, I thought about what Cedric said last night and I put my hair into two braids . Looking in the mirror, I noticed my face was slightly maturing and I smiled. Aunt Cissy gave me some makeup and I put on some red lipstick. It looked nice so I put on my black buckle shoes after I put on some short white socks. I made sure to put on my watch and hair clip before going to the common room. Draco was waiting for me and he was wearing a white long sleeve collar shirt with a red tie and black slacks. He looked cute with his hair styled back and he smiled when he saw me. 

          "You look cute, Ivy," he said shyly.

          I blushed, "You look good too, Draco. Ready for breakfast?"

          He took my hand, "I am if my girl is."

          I nodded and we went to the Great Hall together. It was disgustingly over-decorated for Valentine's Day. There were intensely colorful massive flowers in the Great Hall and the ceiling was raining heart shaped confetti. We saw dwarves dressed as cupids delivering valentines to students through songs. I overheard that Harry received one from Ginny and tried to distract Draco from noticing. Salem was very unhappy at the table and she had many valentines for me. Ibis even delivered a good number to Draco. Pansy sent a dwarf to Draco and Draco excused himself from the table to run from it since he knew he would be embarrassed in front of me. I chuckled and felt someone pulling my braid.

          "Well. You look cute, Ive," Marcus greeted.

          "It's Ivy but thank you, Marcus. I, um, have a box for you," I said sheepishly and gave him a box.

          This year, I made everyone strawberry fudge. He laughed and gave me a small box. I opened it and it was chocolate chip fudge.

          "Marcus, thank you. How did you know I like sweets?" I asked.

          He rubbed the back of his neck and didn't make eye contact, "I just pay attention. See you later, Ivy."

          Since Draco still wasn't back, I went to deliver the boxes to my friends. I gave a box to Blaise and he gave me some strawberry lollipops. Suddenly, I noticed a shy Cedric slowly making his way to his table. He looked like he was hiding from someone and I went to sit at his table to wait. By the time he got to me, I had already read the last of my valentines. Cedric sat next to me and gave me a box of brownies.

          "Do I want to know why you were coming in so sneakily?" I teased.

          "You're one to talk. I like your hair by the way," he said as he accepted my box.

          "Thank you. I was waiting for you. Happy Valentine's Day," I said and shyly kissed his cheek quickly.

          "Thank you, Ive. Happy Valentine's Day," he said and gave me a real kiss on the cheek.

          I turned red and excused myself to give the rest of my Hufflepuff friends their boxes. Harry seemed free and I sat across from him and Ron and Hermione joined us.

          "Happy Valentine's Day, you three," I said and gave them their boxes.

          "Aw, thank you, Ivy. This is for you," Hermione said and gave me some heart shaped sugar cookies.

          "Happy Valentine's Day, Ivy!" Ron exclaimed and tossed me some chocolate chip cookies.

          "Thanks, sis. Here you go," Harry said and gave me a box of pumpkin pasties.

          "Thank you all!" I said excitedly.

          I gave boxes to Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Ginny. Dean gave me some chocolate covered almonds and Seamus gave me a bag of strawberry flavored hard candies. Ginny gave me a box of chocolates and Neville gave me some chocolate frogs. They had a hard time accepting that I was a Slytherin student.

          "Ivy, happy Valentine's Day," the twins said in my ears.

          I jumped and blushed. They laughed at me and they gave me some candy bars. I gave them their boxes and they thanked me by kissing my cheeks. I shooed them away and went to the Gryffindor's Quidditch team and Lee to give them their boxes. Lee and Oliver both gave me sweets and I thanked them. Draco was finally coming back and he waved to me to come to him. I skipped to him and we both went for a walk. We saw Professor Lockhart in bright pink robes and he had many valentines from his students. Draco laughed when I rolled my eyes but I gave all my professors and Hagrid a box of fudge anyway. Harry was coming our way while avoiding another dwarf and he fell over, dropping his bag that spilled out its contents, including the diary.

          Draco tried to steal it but I told him not to because Percy was coming our way. Harry spilled ink over all of his things and I led Draco away. We spent the day together and I enjoyed his company. Sometimes, he can be mean and hurtful but he's actually gentle and very clever. Even though he can act spoiled and entitled, there's something charming about him. Dinner was noisy so we ate quickly.

          "Draco?" I asked after dinner.

          "Yes, Ivy?" he replied and held my hand on the way back to the common room.

          "Do you like when I have my hair tied back?" I asked.

          "I do. You have a pretty face, Ive," he complimented.

          "Thank you, Draco," I said shyly.

          "You're my girl," he said proudly.

          "You'll always be my Draco, too," I said with a big smile.

          We kissed each other's cheeks and went to bed. I went through my valentines again. I received many from Terence, Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Malfoy, and some from first and second year students I have never met. I did send Terence a card with a box of strawberry fudge and I gave the Weasleys and Malfoys assorted chocolates as well. That night, I fell asleep after sending cards to Colin and Justin in the infirmary. I hope they'll recover soon.

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