Chapter Seventeen: Results

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          The next morning, I was wearing the sweater from Terence with one of the black skirts from Mrs. Malfoy. I put on my hair clip and watch after pressing the mistletoe and put it in my photo album. On my way to the Great Hall, I had a gift for Peeves. I left him some snapdragon flowers that would nip you if you get too close. Hearing him cry out made me laugh and I ran away knowing that he was behind me. In the Great Hall, I sat with Ron and Harry.

          "Where's Hermione?" I asked.

          "She, well, she's in the infirmary. See, she thought she had Millicent's hair but it was cat hair," Harry said. 

          "What's with you and Draco?" Ron asked bluntly.

          I nearly choked on my breakfast, "I'm, well, his girl."

          "I beg your pardon?" they both said.

          "Ok. Ok. We aren't making it public but he just calls me his girl. He just wants to look out for me," I said defensively.

          "His girl?" Harry asked.

          "Look, just focus on this problem first, please?" I pleaded.

          Reluctantly, they knew that these attacks were more important. I sighed in relief and we discussed what to do next. They told me that Draco stole someone else's present and that he admitted that he wasn't the heir to Slytherin. When they asked if I could be the heir, he was incredibly defensive of me and said that it couldn't be me. It made me happy knowing that he believed me. Unfortunately, he believes his father regarding that Professor Dumbledore and my brother were the worst things to ever happen at Hogwarts. Even more so, he said that 50 years ago, the chamber was opened and a mudblood died. Draco admitted that he wanted the next death to be Hermione. My face fell and I lost my appetite. Ron and Harry noticed and tried to cheer me up.

          "His girl or not, we know that you don't feel that way," Harry said.

          "Thanks, Harry," I said softly.

          Hermione's recovery would take about a month or two to recover from and I focused my time with school, quidditch, and Draco. The school slowly stopped talking about my brother and I as the heir of Slytherin, however, there haven't been any more attacks either. I'm sure that once another attack happens, my brother and I will be blamed for it. Draco always stayed by my side and we enjoyed the dueling club together. January came and went and I was looking forward to February. 

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now