Chapter Eight: Mudblood

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          On Saturday morning, I put on my Slytherin Quidditch uniform and left behind my hair clip and watch in my trunk. Susan was willing to french braid my hair for me at breakfast and Cedric gave me a whistle.

          "Already on the team, are you?" he teased.

          I blushed, "Maybe."

          We laughed and I went to my table where Draco was waiting for me. He gave me a green apple and we made our way to the field. I had it in my mouth when we were getting our brooms. Marcus was having a hard time thinking of ways to get the team to communicate better. I shyly put up my hand.

           "I was watching Oliver play keeper. He was able to block and throw the ball to any player but sometimes they didn't even notice it. What if you all whistled to me when I got a ball? It can also call my attention. Draco and I have a whistle we use," I explained.

          Draco and I whistled five times in quick succession with different notes. Marcus liked that idea and we started practice. Miles and I were both keepers so the team could use the whole stadium. Whenever I got a hold of a quaffle, my teammates would whistle to me and I would throw it to whoever whistled first. It was a great tactic and I had Cedric and Oliver to thank for that. Draco was busy chasing the snitch and since we all had a Nimbus 2001 broom, we were all significantly faster. Since I was busy figuring out how to handle a bludger that the beaters sent to me, I didn't see the Gryffindor team on the lawn.

          I heard my whistle loudly and saw Marcus on the lawn talking to Oliver with the rest of the Gryffindor team. I sat ladylike and smirked as I stayed hovering next to Marcus. The rest of my team flew down behind us. Ron and Hermione were with the Gryffindor team. Oliver was holding the parchment from Professor Snape allowing our team to train the new seeker and keeper.

          "So, Ivy is your new seeker?" Oliver asked.

          He looked somewhat impressed but also concerned. Fred and George winked at me and laughed when I turned red. Harry was rather surprised with Ron and Hermione.

          "Actually, Ivy here," Marcus said and offered a hand for me to dismount my broom, "will be playing keeper. Would you like to get our seeker?"

          I took his hand and rested my broom against me when I was standing. I let go of his hand and whistled loudly five times for Draco. He quickly flew to me and stood beside me.

          "Malfoy?" Harry asked.

          "That's right and that's not all that's new this year," Draco said and pulled me into him with my broom. 

          The twins stopped smiling and the whole Gryffindor team realized that our team all had Nimbus 2001 broomsticks.

          "Those are Nimbus 2001s! How did you get those?" Ron asked in disbelief.

          "A gift from Draco's father," Marcus said simply.

          "You see, Weasley, unlike some families, my father can afford the best," Draco boasted.

          "Two new players without tryouts? I thought you needed talent to play," Hermione scoffed.

          "Talent?" I was angry, "Correct me if I'm wrong, weren't you the last one to summon your broom up last year? When it comes to flying, what do you know of talent?"

           The Slytherin team was impressed and had some sweet sounds coming from them.

          "At least no one of the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent," Hermione mocked us.

          I was about to step in but Draco stood in front of me, "No one asked your opinion. You filthy little mudblood."

          We all were taken aback and Hermione inhaled sharply. I knew what he said was too far. Ron snapped. The Gryffindors were ready to fight the Slytherins.

          "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy! Eat slugs!" Ron said as he waved his wand at Draco.

          The spell backfired because his wand was still damaged and Ron was sent back instead. He started to throw up slugs and Hermione and Harry carried Ron away to Hagrid's hut. Oliver led the angry team away and I couldn't look at them. Draco was laughing at Ron and I managed a weak smile.

          "You're definitely a Slytherin, Ivy. I didn't think you had it in you," Marcus complimented.

          We resumed practice and I finally managed a way to counter bludgers. Rather than attempt to hit them directly away from me, absorbing the shock, I had to hit it at an angle that wasn't the direct opposite of the force. If it was coming straight to me, I could hit it from above or below to change the direction. However, I could also throw the Quaffle at it and it would work just as easily. The team was rather impressed with my strategy and we felt confident together as a team. After practice, I went to Hagrid's hut. I knocked on the door and Hagrid let me in. Ron was still throwing up slugs and I apologized to Hermione.

          "Hermione, I'm sorry for what Draco called you. It was too far and I never thought of you like that. I was wrong for insulting you as well. I felt defensive because it felt like you were attacking me as well," I said.

          She hugged me, "It's ok. I was wrong to attack you. I'm sorry, too."

          I hugged her back, "It's ok."

          When Ron was finally feeling better, we went to the Great Hall together and Colin wanted a picture of Harry and I since we were both in our Quidditch uniforms. Professor McGonagall gave Ron and Harry detention for what happened with the Whomping Willow. Throughout October, Ron has to clean the trophies on campus and Harry has to serve detention with Professor Lockhart. 

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