Chapter Ten: Halloween

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          October 31, 1992: It was Saturday morning and I got dressed in my costume for the day. It was rather cliche but I wore the hat from the witch last year. She gave me her hat before she and her lot took Norbert to Charlie. I wondered if Charlie would like me when I'm older if I was going to grow into a beauty. Blushing, I remembered that Draco said he would marry me after our seventh year at Hogwarts. I had boxes of chocolate covered raspberry jellies for everyone. 

          "Ivy? Is that your costume?" Draco asked.

          "Yes. I liked it a lot when I saw it at Diagon Alley. I'm sure it's silly since I'm already a witch," I said sheepishly.

          "Stop that, Ive. It isn't silly. You look great!" Draco insisted.

          "Thank you, Draco. This is for you," I said and gave him his box.

          "Thank you, Ivy. May I accompany you today?" he asked shyly.

          "Won't you be embarrassed being with me? In this outfit?" I asked.

          "Ivy, you're my girl," he said, looking into my eyes.

          I blushed and he was too. A smile grew on our faces and we were both very happy. He always would call me his Ivy and he was always my Draco. It made me happy to be his girl.

          "I would love that, Draco," I said happily.

          We spent the day handing out boxes to our teammates and fellow Slytherins in the Great Hall. He waited for me as I gave boxes to the other houses. Cedric didn't see me behind him and I put a box on his head.

          "Trick or treat," I greeted.

          He laughed and caught the box when he tilted his head forward, "Trick or treat, Ivy."

           He turned around and smiled at my dress, "That's a cute outfit. As luck would have it, I have a treat for you."

          From his pockets, he brought out an assortment of lollipops from Honeydukes. I thanked him and gave a box to Susan, Justin, Hannah, Ernie, and Zacharias. They gave me different candies and goodies and exchanged our thanks. When I got to the Gryffindor table, Colin surprised me with a flash of his camera.

          "Hi, Ivy! Happy Halloween!" he said adorably.

          I was a little blind but gave him a smile, "Happy Halloween, Colin."

          I gave him a box and he gave me a bag of pumpkin shaped sugar cookies. I saw the Gryffindor team and made a peace offering to them with their own boxes.

          "I'm sorry about what Draco said. I don't want you to think I agree with all the team does and says. I hope you can see me as an individual rather than how my team represents themselves," I said shyly.

          The twins laughed and both put their arms over my shoulders, "Oh, Ivy! We couldn't be mad at you! Besides, we know you made up with Hermione. Don't think we'll go easy on you in our match though, right guys?"

          The twins each gave me a larger pumpkin pasty. The team had nothing personal against me and thanked me for the boxes. They assured me that they had no ill feelings towards me and that we would have a fair match. Oliver tossed me a wrapped caramel apple and smiled at me. I blushed and went to the trio and our friends. I gave the trio, Ginny, Seamus, Dean, and Neville a box and they had treats for me too. The trio gave me chocolate frogs, cookies, and candy bars. The rest of our friends gave me different sweets and we all thanked each other. Harry told me that he was also invited to Sir Nicholas's Deathday Party tonight. I went back to sit with Draco and Pansy was there with Blaise.

          "You look stupid," Pansy greeted.

          "Did I ask for your opinion?" I greeted back.

          "I don't need your permission," she snarled.

          "I think she looks cute," Blaise defended.

          "No one asked you," Pansy snapped.

         "No one asked you either," I defended.

          "Shut up, Potter," Pansy growled.

          "Telling my girl to shut up?" Draco asked and put his arm over my shoulders.

          "Y-Your girl?!" she screeched.

          "That's right. Now, if I were you, I'd leave," he said proudly.

          I blushed and smiled looking at him. Pansy nearly screamed as she ran out of the Great Hall. Draco knew that I had to attend a Deathday party tonight and said that he would save a seat for me at the feast. He said he wasn't going to actively show us off but he was making it clear that I was his girl. On the way to the Deathday party, I was joined by Peeves and Myrtle. When we arrived in the dungeon, Sir Nicholas greeted me.

          "Why, Miss Ivy, thank you for being a guest of honor with your brother. Your two friends have spoken highly about you. Even the Baron has kind words about you, an honor for any Slytherin," he greeted.

          "Sir Nicholas, it is an honor to attend such an event. If you don't mind me asking, what would this year make in honor of your death?" I said politely.

          "It is my 500th death date," he said proudly.

          "Congratulations, sir. It is an honor to attend," I said.

          Inside the dungeon, the food was beyond rancid but I ignored the smell to be polite. Ghosts could almost taste the foul food and it was served on handsome silverware. The black candles casted eerie blue lights across the room and the ghostly orchestra played on the musical saw. I was introduced to many ghosts and the Baron and I made conversation about the history of Slytherin. Myrtle wanted me to talk to someone very important, the Gray Lady.

          "Hello, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you again. My name is Ivy Potter. You met me last year," I introduced myself.

          "I am Helena Ravenclaw. Was. No longer," she said solemnly.

          "Forgive me if I offended you, ma'am," I said and lowered my eyes to the floor.

          Her ghostly hand waved up and I lifted my chin for her, "You are uncommonly kind. However, your eyes tell me of sorrow. Who is your mother?"

          Tears began to stream, "I-I don't know. I thought I did, and was raised by another. When it was found out that my true mother was dead, I was taken in by yet another family."

          "Four mothers? You poor soul. I almost envy you," she said kindly.

          "I.." I whimpered.

          She suddenly leaned into me, "The living should not envy the dead."

          I flinched and she floated away. I saw Harry and he brought Hermione and Ron. Myrtle was apologizing but I told her I was ok. Quickly, I wiped my face and made my way to the trio. Sir Nicholas introduced my brother and I to the Headless Hunt party. He was quite enthusiastic about our presence and after some time, he allowed us to leave. We said goodbye to everyone and made our way to the Great Hall. 

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now