Chapter Thirty: Revival

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          Draco saved a seat for me and welcomed me at the table. I was so hungry and Draco was amazed that I earned 200 house points for Slytherin. While eating, Blaise joined us with Crabbe and Goyle. Even with my house points, we lost to Gryffindor that took first place again. I excused myself when I saw Colin and ran to him. For once he didn't have his camera and I hugged him tightly.

          "Oh, Colin! I'm so happy that you recovered!" I exclaimed.

          He giggled cutely and hugged me, "Gosh! Hi, Ivy! Here, I want you to write to me over summer."

          I let him go and messed his hair after he gave me his contact information. The twins came up behind me and kissed my cheeks. They thanked me for going to rescue Ginny and saving her. I was embarrassed and shooed them away. Justin waved to me from his table by the Hufflepuffs and I ran to him. He welcomed me with open arms and hugged me.

          "Ivy! I'm so happy to be your friend! I got your letters in the infirmary. I promise to write to you over summer," he said and gave me his contact.

          I nodded and Cedric hugged me from behind, "Ivy, you never cease to amaze me. Will you write to me over summer?"

          "Of course, Cedric!" I said bashfully. 

          He tugged my braid and I went back to sit with Draco. I saw Hermione come in and she ran to Ron and Harry for a hug. It was a touching reunion and I heard that the Ravenclaw prefect was also revived. We began to eat when Hagrid burst into the Great Hall. Apparently, Ron's old owl, Errol, got lost and confused when delivering his release forms. Hagrid received a standing ovation for his return and I was clapping my hands under the table since the Slytherins weren't quite the good sport.

          After the feast, Draco and I held hands to the common room to finish packing. At the station together, we were excited to be going to the Malfoy Manor together. We changed out into our formal clothes to please his parents. I had a dark green button down blouse and a black skirt. Draco had his hair styled back and was wearing a white short sleeved collared button down with a matching green tie like my blouse and black slacks. I hugged my brother tightly before boarding the train. Draco and I sat together across from Crabbe and Goyle in our cabin. He held my hand and our fingers intertwined. I blushed and smiled at him. He was blushing a little but it looked like he wanted to do this for a while now. I leaned my head on his shoulder and fell asleep on the way back to London. 

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now