Chapter Four: Platform

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          The Malfoys wanted to get to the Platform early the next day. Mrs. Malfoy walked with me as I pushed my trolley. Mr. Malfoy walked with Draco. She and I went through the entrance together and Mr. Malfoy and Draco followed after. They had to return back before the train left so we said our goodbyes and Draco and I looked for our friends at the Platform. Marcus saw us and waved to us to come over.

          "We're going to have practice on Saturday. I expect both of you to be there," he said.

          "Practice? What about tryouts?" I asked.

          The whole team laughed and Marcus explained, "After this summer? No. Prove to me that you're both worth it. I want to keep this a secret for now. I want to see the look on the other team's faces."

          I saw Cedric and was going to him when Marcus tugged my hair, "Keep it a secret, Ive."

          I pulled my hair back, "Yeah, yeah. But my name is Ivy to you."

          The team laughed at Marcus and I jumped on Cedric's back. I was holding myself up in a piggy back while he laughed.

           He grabbed my legs, "Well, hello, spider monkey."

          "Cedric! How did you know it was me?" I asked.

          "I can't think of anyone else who would be this, well, close?" he said.

          "I can get off, if you like, Cedric," I said sheepishly.

          "This is fine. Anyways, did something happen over summer with the twins? After you left, they seemed a little off," he brought up.

          "I'll have to tell you privately. It's a bit personal," I said softly.

          "Cedric? Is that Ivy?" Oliver was coming up to us.

          "Perhaps. Why?" he joked.

          Oliver laughed, "Did you train with the twins over summer?"

          "Yes, and with Harry as well. Don't worry. They joke but they take Quidditch seriously," he said.

          "That's a relief. We're going to train smarter, harder, and longer. I can't rely on Harry and it was my responsibility as captain. The defeat from Ravenclaw last year was an embarrassment," he said seriously.

          "You're too hard on yourself, Oliver," I piped up.

          "Thank you, Ivy. You ought to return to Draco though, he seems a bit upset," Oliver teased.

          I turned around and Draco was, in fact, upset. Cedric put me down and I returned to Draco's side. I apologized and he forgave me as long as I stayed with him for now. Draco found Crabbe and Goyle so we boarded the train and found a cabin for us. Crabbe and Goyle also noticed my height difference. On the way to Hogwarts, I got myself pumpkin pasties. 

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now