Chapter Five: Car

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           When we got to the station, I couldn't find Harry or Ron. The twins were quite tall and stood out and I saw Ginny among the first years with Hagrid. Now that I was a second year, we took carriages to the castle. Draco stayed by my side and we were looking forward to the feast in the Great Hall. September first was also Blaise's birthday and I had a box of chocolate covered honeycombs. Draco and I walked together to the Great Hall and Blaise sat on the other side of me. Across from Draco, Blaise, and I were Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy.

          "You look awfully scrawny, Potter," Pansy said to me.

          "Nice to see you, too," I snorted back.

          "Bugger off, Parkinson," Draco growled.

          I gave Blaise his box and he wrapped his arm around my waist for a side hug. When he pulled back, Draco pulled me into him. I laughed and Blaise's Ashera cat, Regium, approached us. She had a Daily Prophet newspaper in her mouth. Blaise took it from her and huffed.

          "My mother subscribed me to the Daily Prophet but I don't read this rubbish. Regium is the best gift she's ever gotten me. Thank you, Regium," Blaise explained and gave his cat a sausage.

          "May I read it, please?" I asked.

          "Since you have good manners, you can have it. I was going to toss it," he said and petted me with one hand while giving me the paper with the other.

          Draco smacked his hand from my head and I looked at the front page. I gasped and realized that it was Mr. Weasley's car. Whoever was flying it was seen by multiple muggles!

          "Draco, I need to talk to the twins. It's an emergency," I whispered to him.

          He nodded and let me go to the Gryffindor table. Lee and Angelina greeted me when I approached them. I saw Hermione alone without Ron and Harry. I sat in between the twins and showed them the newspaper.

          "Please tell me they aren't our brothers," I pleaded.

          "Bloody hell," they muttered.

          Professor Snape snuck up behind us and confiscated the paper. He told me to sit with my house and I did. When I returned to my seat between Draco and Blaise, I noticed a small blonde boy that was sorted into Gryffindor talking to the twins. They turned around and pointed me out. The boy waved to me and I shyly waved back. Draco and I shrugged, not knowing what that was about. Despite not knowing where my brother and Ron were, we were excused and sent to bed. 

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now