Chapter Six: Howler

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           The next morning, I put on my uniform, robes, watch, and hairclip. Draco and I walked to breakfast but when I saw my brother, Draco said I could talk to him. I ran up to Harry and Ron. They looked miserable.

          "Bloody hell! Where were you two?" I asked.

          "Ivy, this house elf saw me on my birthday and tried to get me to stay home instead of coming to Hogwarts. Then, Ron and I were sealed off from the Platform, making us miss the train! We had no choice," Harry explained.

          "We drove the car into the Whomping Willow and the impact broke my wand. The car drove off into the Forbidden Forest," Ron said in a depressed voice.

          "Give me your wand, Ron. I'm glad it wasn't your neck," I said and held out my hand.

          "That's what I told him," Harry said.

          I pulled some Spellotape from my bag and attempted to bangade his broken wand. It was a temporary fix but needed professional mending. I gave it back to Ron and it cheered him up a little. Suddenly the blonde boy was running up to us with a camera. Once he put it up to his face, I posed with a big smile. He immediately flashed the camera.

          "H-Hi! I'm Colin Creevey! The first year in Gryffindor. I'm a big fan of you two!" Colin said excitedly.

          Harry was a bit blinded by the flash so I spoke, "Hello, Colin. You're a fan of me despite knowing I'm in Slytherin?"

          "Yes!" he said.

          I thought it was cute but then, the Weasley's owl, Errol, was flying in. Fred and George ducked because their owl was so ancient and blind. The poor bird flew into the bowl of fruits and flipped onto his back. I could hear Draco laughing at the pathetic pet.

          "Bloody bird's a menace," Ron said while taking the mail out of the owl's beak.

          Ron froze when he saw the envelope. Errol flipped back up and flew out of the Great Hall. Seamus noticed what Ron had and started to laugh.

           "Look, everyone! Weasley's got himself a howler!" he laughed.

          Neville encouraged Ron to open it because ignoring it causes it to insult and curse you before exploding into flames. Ron opened it and Mrs. Weasley's voice filled the whole hall. She was offended how Ron would dare to steal the car, threaten Mr. Weasley's job, and told him she would bring him home if he put another toe out of line. Ginny was congratulated on being sorted into Gryffindor before the Howler shredded itself into pieces. Ron was terrified and I tried to cheer him up. Then, I went back to Draco and we made our way to classes together. 

Ivy Potter, Year Two | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now